New Training Designed To Oppress


Nine Lives
Monkey butt I assure you I do just fine making good money outside of UPS. LoL. If you are a old timer with UPS, that means you were once an hourly employee. So when you go into management do they baptize you in a special water that makes you think because you went into management you're smarter? I was begged to go into management my 1st year of driving, and I said Absolutely not. Not because I wasn't smart enough to do the job, I was smart enough not too. I have morals, and believe one day we will all be judged by the same standards we treated others by. I can't treat others like crap, and justify it by" it was my job." LoL I've seen the dirty things management has done to try good people all in the name of numbers. I would choose driving over management again if I had to start over.
Well good for you ... Bless your heart!


Nine Lives
Monkey butt
If you are a old timer with UPS, that means you were once an hourly employee. So when you go into management do they baptize you in a special water that makes you think because you went into management you're smarter?
I was already a :censored3:ing genius before I went into management.


Well-Known Member
Would love to see hourlies run the company for a day. Show us all how it is done.

No worries that we could actually turn a bigger profit?
On the flip side, I would love to OJS on cars and fricken knit pick every single thing we get from them; would love to see sups run the same dispatches we get for YEARS! Anybody can do a route for a day.
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Sheep DAWG

Well-Known Member
Keep drinking that brown Kool -aid. It won't hurt you. Hey Listen, the federal government has given billions of dollars in grant money to colleges to do studies on the best way to do any job.....guess what? They all came up with the same answer....ask the person doing it how it can better be done...just throw that free advice and money out the window. guys know how to do're management. ..those stupid colleges.


Well-Known Member
Another case in point:
UPS spent what, a billion dollars on a program that I have been doing in my head for free for 30 years. Brilliant, because no way I can be trusted to make those kind of decisions!

Sheep DAWG

Well-Known Member
Those who can, get on their browns and deliver packages and make great money and pension and insurance (for them and there whole family ) and can leave at 30 years with full pension at any 50. Those who CAN'T go into management, pay for part of their insurances spouse has to get their own, work til atleast 57 and no pension for managers hired after 08. No Brainer. LoL.
That's intelligence at its best.


Nine Lives
Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back
You can't break a virtual arm ... in fact my virtual arm looks like Popeye's!


Sheep DAWG

Well-Known Member
That's right. They think Orion saved miles. Orion did nothing. All UPS had to do is tell the drivers that SERVICE is no longer key, and just deliver Buisneses any time you want, even while picking them up and we could have saved miles years ago. I run more miles now than I ever did. Could have saved the company a billion .