I don't understand how you guys got the math of leaving money on the table by not taking lunch. If lunch is unpaid, how are you losing money by not taking it? Working
9:00 to
17:00 and skipping lunch gets you paid 8 hours straight time. Working
9:00 to
17:30 and taking lunch gets you paid 8 hours straight time. Am I missing something? Does overtime kick in after 8 hours of paid work? Or does it kick in 8 hours after you clock in? Similarly, I was under the impression that the unpaid lunch break didn't count towards 9.5. In my experience skipping your lunch does indeed get you off that much earlier. Management isn't going to give me less stops if I start taking lunch regularly; they're just going to say "save your resis for after you drop air," and we all know how much fun climbing over pickup volume is. I don't begrudge drivers who take lunch everyday. I prefer to not to take a lunch, but its not the hill I want to die on, (and obviously I'll take lunch if there's a sufficient gap before/between pick ups- I'm not going down for theft of time!) In our building "all drivers must take a lunch" is a flavor of the month, and is kind of a joke because some pure commercial routes as currently dispatched would impossible to complete if a lunch were to be taken, and since those drivers can't take a lunch, management can't discipline other drivers for not taking lunch. Thanks for the videos and any follow up.