"When ever any form of Government becomes destructive of these Rights, It is the right of the People to alter or abolish it and to institute new Government"
Just listening to both the Left and Right arguments makes me even more certain that we need a huge change in our Representative Government.
Obama only spoke of change --he did not make it happen. If you read his first book he spoke about the Private jets and all of the "perks" the politicians enjoy.
Money , power, position, living a life of not working, yet telling the people how much they "serve " us.
The debates and posturing have nothing to do with solving any of the pressing problems that we face today.
I love this country,knowing its faults and that it is not perfect. I would love to say that our best days are ahead of us but in my heart I truly believe we are in a severe decline.
The Current event forum is a microcosm of our political world. Who can spin the facts to fit their argument, Who can out smart or embarass the other poster, no matter what ,how can I WIN this argument.
Not concerned on how problems can be resolved by level headed solutions but only what is good for me.
Hate is powerful and destructive. I do not want to say I hate all politicians -but the more I listen to them through media -wheter it be MSNBC or FOX --I truly have passed the point of being disgusted.
Too many American's have no idea what is going on and the ones that do are so far divided Right and Left they cannot see the trees while standing in the forest.
I truly do not care who is running against Obama ---- Obama or Bush --What has changed ??? I have truly lost my Political "Faith"
Have I become wkmac ?????
"Bush is just an old drunk --Obama is just a Muslim non citizen" Sure makes alot of sense. I am drinking just coffee this morning--but I have truly depressed myself--almost tempted to delete this post ---Sorry for all the negativity !!!