golden ticket member
To Democrats: We're gonna win!![]()
Yeah, like Charlie Sheen!!
To Democrats: We're gonna win!![]()
That law was supposed to reduce health care costs. It did not. Even you seem to reluctantly admit it failure there. There have been multiple studies that show a direct relationship between increases in regulation and increases in costs to consumers. I posted some on one of the other health care threads.
How so? Why are the costs going up everywhere else without said regulation? I'm not even reluctant about it. Costs go up. Doing nothing fails to keep costs from going up as well. Where is the direct relationship if the cost goes up with or without the regulation?
When you tell an insurance company they HAVE to insure a person for certain items it increases the costs for that insurer to insure each person for those increased number of circumstances. Those cost increases are generally pushed onto the consumers of health insurance increasing costs. You are right that costs have been going up, but the rate of increase has gone up since the legislation has been put into place.
Explain the rises for the past 2 years.....
The claims I made, are not my claims, but the claims of the current govenor of Mass.
“For five years now, universal coverage has been working in Massachusetts,’’ he said. “And I am proud that we are the model for the affordable care act that the president signed into law last year. But health care premiums continue to increase at an unsustainable rate. It’s not a challenge unique to Massachusetts and it has nothing to do with our health care reform.’’
Again moreluck, health premiums has risen for 20 straight years, YOU EXPLAIN IT.
Dude you just proved yourself incorrect.
The Obama administration approved 204 new waivers to Democrats' healthcare reform law over the past month, bringing the total to 1,372.
Hmm, the cost of premuims is rising because so many plans with all their millions of subscribers are dropping out, thus less money flows in making the few left pay more than their fair share.
I would strongly suggest if so many need to have waviers then the whole law must be flawed.
When you tell an insurance company they HAVE to insure a person for certain items it increases the costs for that insurer to insure each person for those increased number of circumstances. Those cost increases are generally pushed onto the consumers of health insurance increasing costs. You are right that costs have been going up, but the rate of increase has gone up since the legislation has been put into place.
Why not point out the actual "flaws' in his reasoning with facts instead of blaming a group of people who have no control over the laws or the insurance industry? This just points out the fact that you have nothing, nothing but hate for anything or anyone on the right. Argue the issue with facts and not the left wing agenda to demean the other side.Your reasoning is flawed. When are you going to learn that Tea-Baggers are useful pawns for the insurance industry to do with as they please?
I did in the post prior to yours and yet you answer him instead. Explain, please.Why not point out the actual "flaws' in his reasoning with facts instead of blaming a group of people who have no control over the laws or the insurance industry? This just points out the fact that you have nothing, nothing but hate for anything or anyone on the right. Argue the issue with facts and not the left wing agenda to demean the other side.
To Democrats: We're gonna win!![]()
Why not point out the actual "flaws' in his reasoning with facts instead of blaming a group of people who have no control over the laws or the insurance industry? This just points out the fact that you have nothing, nothing but hate for anything or anyone on the right. Argue the issue with facts and not the left wing agenda to demean the other side.