NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?


Well-Known Member
Ahh here we go. So that's what you're worried about. Look at it this way, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid a program for which two thirds of it's budget goes to nursing homes to pay for the care of residents whose own money's have been exhausted are programs Democrats were able to pass into law despite heavy Republican opposition because they directly contradict the most basic Republican ideals. Now if it were to collapse you and the rest of the Reps will celebrate. So my question is......why are you worried about that prospect ? You should be smiling. After all Bush wanted to privatize S.S. despite being in a historic recession with banks failing all across the nation.
Oh I don't know, maybe it's the huge pile of debt that has me worried. And people like DIDO screaming "tax and spend" all the time.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
When did he cut it?
As soon as he took office, he repealed Carter's budget and block granted mental health coverage to the states. He was promptly shot by an untreated schizophrenic, not directly related but indicative of the problems related to poor mental health facilities. The legacy of his funding changes was a dramatic increase in the mentally ill homeless population.