So I don't really know what else to do or who else to try to ask but this has become more then frustrating. If anyone works Part Time in NJ and may be able to help I'd appreciate it. I'm close to pressing charges and I was told by the NJ DOL that they would like to look into it further but I need to submit the actual charge first. But anyway, I know with the sick time law they are only required to give us 40 hours of sick time a year. 20 of that now comes from the contract sick time which is required to be paid. I have been told several times by shop stewards and other employees (because I asked) that we have to use our company sick time first before using our state time. One problem with that, when I use my company time they also take state time and only pay for one. So by the time I'm done using my company sick time I have no state time because it takes both while only paying for one. I have worked here almost 7 years now and I have never seen my state time past 15 hours. In fact, by them doing this sometimes it goes into the negatives and makes it impossible for me to actually earn any time outside my company sick days. The law says its required to be paid. They take 8 hours of sick time (combination of company and state) but only pay for 4 hours. When I ask any shop steward (and I've asked about 5-6) they all say this is supposed to happen, yet the DOL wants me to press charges so they can investigate. Why is the union so positive that this is supposed to happen when the DOL is telling me its not and they want to investigate? A business agent told my friend that apparently after we are done using our company time that the state sick leave is supposed to stop accruing.. If that was true (and I don't believe it is) then I wouldn't be getting my legal 40 hours because by the time I'm done using my company time it dries up my state time. Does this make sense to anybody??? I feel like their just stealing my sick time and the union does not care enough to look further into it. I'm being thrown back and fourth here and I feel like people are just doubting my complaint as nothing. Why does the law and DOL both conflict with what the union is telling me?? This is both confusing and beyond frustrating. If anyone knows I'd appreciate the help, thanks.