No more hedging by banks


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you have said that before. I'm not buying that for a minute. Us Liberals are all terroist lovers. Give me a break, are you running out of ideas to slam Obama?
The only thing I can say is, we shall see how far Obama goes to the middle and how far the Republicans want to stick to there Obama's a terrorist agenda.


Staff member
No my friend you don't get it. the economy sucks and obama keeps creating bogeymen too distract us.

the sad thing is you liberals are quicker to come to the defense of a terrorist then you are an american banker.
The economy sucks and just once Tie, only just this one time, with no reservations and caveats come out with the truth and admit that the economy is better now than it was on January 20, 2009. With all the doom and gloom scenarios the right has spread that have not come to fruition set off to the side, allow yourself a simple brush with the truth. Or is the truth too hard to fathom. That the Democrats and a Left-wing community organizer are actually cleaning up Wall Streets excesses and foolishness and the economy is starting an upswing. Is all that so far beyond your sphere of reality that it simply can't be? Does that simple fact have to be rolled up in a big fat Sean Hannity turd so you can swallow it with a disgusted contortion of your entire being? That the Democrats are succeeding where the Republicans stood idly by as if nothing was amiss brings no accolades but only dispersion from your ilk? Consider this an invitation to civility of the simplest form. Are we better off now than on January 20, 2009?


You don't get it and I really don't expect you to get it but this is about corporate fat cats out of control. Nothing more, nothing less. This is being turned into a Republican spin that Obama is attacking the banking business. Bull, He is attacking Executive pay and mismanagement that costs this country billions.

here is the problem. You want me to join this war to fight the fat cat bankers so I can pay more money to the bankers in bank fees. maybe you are that stupid but I'm not.


Well-Known Member
Your stupid. Nobody is buying your stupid argument that the banks will just pass the cost of these greedy CEO's on to us. Its not working, try something else.


I think that's the plan not that we haven't fallen for just as dumb of ideas before!

If it works once it might work again.

Im kind of surprised at your response in support of socialistic revenge policies. It appears to violate your libertarian principles.


Active Member
The economy sucks and just once Tie, only just this one time, with no reservations and caveats come out with the truth and admit that the economy is better now than it was on January 20, 2009. With all the doom and gloom scenarios the right has spread that have not come to fruition set off to the side, allow yourself a simple brush with the truth. Or is the truth too hard to fathom. That the Democrats and a Left-wing community organizer are actually cleaning up Wall Streets excesses and foolishness and the economy is starting an upswing. Is all that so far beyond your sphere of reality that it simply can't be? Does that simple fact have to be rolled up in a big fat Sean Hannity turd so you can swallow it with a disgusted contortion of your entire being? That the Democrats are succeeding where the Republicans stood idly by as if nothing was amiss brings no accolades but only dispersion from your ilk? Consider this an invitation to civility of the simplest form. Are we better off now than on January 20, 2009?

Finally some sanity from someone!


Well-Known Member
Part of the money trouble was gov't caused.....remember Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae ??????????

Obama didn't mention that ! Selective memory on his part. IDIOT !!

Clinton signed the bills into law but it was a Republican Senate and a Republican Congress that wrote the bills in the first place. They convinced everyone that we needed to lower the standards for getting a mortgage. In theory homeownership does inspire people to aspire to make more for themselves and work harder save more etc etc. The banking/mortgage/real estate industry and their lobbyist pushed and paid their way to get this passed.

It unfortunately did not work out as they had hoped.

The same group=Clinton/Republican led Senate and Congress also gutted the Glass-Steagal Act that had protected our economy since 1929. Despite these crazy regulations our country grew decade after decade.

But when the firewalls were knocked down instead of one segment of the economy going bad the whole city burned to the ground instead of one block.

Nice going guys. Next we should get rid of regulations from the DOT. You know speed limits, hours behind the wheel, weight limits, physical exams, age limits, drivers licenses, hazardous materials protections, etc etc etc

You think the accidents in Nascar are cool. I will build grandstands along I-95 and sell popcorn and beer. Retired inside of a month.
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golden ticket member
And it was Barney Frank & Maxine Waters who both said with straight (pun not intended) faces that the FM & FM were in fine shape, no problems !! Lying Dogs !!


Your sttupid. Nobody is buying your stupid argument that the banks will just pass the cost of these greedy CEO's on to us. Its not working, try something else.

the real idiot here would be the ones who try to sell the argument that banks will be good sports and eat the extra taxes in their profits. I can't believe you're making such a lame argument.ROFLMAO.

Another liberal fairy tale.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
And it was Barney Frank & Maxine Waters who both said with straight (pun not intended) faces that the FM & FM were in fine shape, no problems !! Lying Dogs !!

So true, if they would have looked into the obvious fraud, many other skeletons would have appeared.


Well-Known Member
So true, if they would have looked into the obvious fraud, many other skeletons would have appeared.
Did you ever here Bush say the buck stops here? No, because he was to busy holding hands with the Saudi prince. Bush was our leader during this rampant securities fraud and nobody else.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever here Bush say the buck stops here? No, because he was to busy holding hands with the Saudi prince. Bush was our leader during this rampant securities fraud and nobody else.

And another branch of our government wanted to check it out, but many dems said it was a witch hunt. You do realize that we don't have a king, or dictatorship don't you?


Well-Known Member
And another branch of our government wanted to check it out, but many dems said it was a witch hunt. You do realize that we don't have a king, or dictatorship don't you?
I admit that the ball was dropped by Frank, but I think is intentions were good, to help poor people get loans. That is only part of the massive picture of securities fraud that was rampant all through the Bush administration. A friend of mine use to put pamphlets in the doorways of apartment buildings, which is illegal, and he would get calls from people and take them into new developments to look at new homes. He was making 30 grand a month because he would get 3000 for every person that bought one of those houses. These people couldn't buy a car let alone a house but they got the house no problem. Everybody was making money all the way to the top and nobody cared what would happen.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the people losing their jobs and homes are relieved to know franks intentions were good....:happy-very:
Again, you don't get it. He was trying to make it affordable for people of lower income to own a home. The bankers used that to create the monster SECURITIES and give loans to people that did not qualify and other peoples greed falsified what homes were worth and did not even check a persons income.


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by unionman
I admit that the ball was dropped by Frank, but I think is intentions were good, to help poor people get loans.."

The road to hell is paved with good intentions !!!



golden ticket member
Again, you don't get it. He was trying to make it affordable for people of lower income to own a home. The bankers used that to create the monster SECURITIES and give loans to people that did not qualify and other peoples greed falsified what homes were worth and did not even check a persons income.

No, YOU don't get it !!! Not everybody can afford a home !!! That's just the way it is. Not everybody can be homeowners.......some are just not responsible people.