No more scholarships


Well-Known Member
We never got any Christmas bonus---you must be management. That was back when they would quit taking Social Security out of your checks about the middle of October. That extra 20-30 bucks was like a bonus.
Maybe just different supplements. When I first started (Atlantic Supp.) part timers got $500 and full timers got $1000. I was part time preload then. By the time I became a driver it was gone


Retired 23 years
Maybe just different supplements. When I first started (Atlantic Supp.) part timers got $500 and full timers got $1000
I forgot about those "bonuses". Those were just given at contract time (every 3 years for about 3 contracts) to buy votes---especially PT votes. Didn't stop us from going on strike though----that was back when men were men.


Retired 23 years
Maybe just different supplements. When I first started (Atlantic Supp.) part timers got $500 and full timers got $1000. I was part time preload then. By the time I became a driver it was gone
I remember the THOUSAND-dollar bonus ended up being only $665 bucks after taxes. Not worth selling out for.
I've told this before but one of my old Center Managers (a divorced female who I hated) had a daughter who won a FULL RIDE 4 year Casey scholarship. She went one year then married a black dude and quit school---later got divorced like her bitch mother
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