Got the T-Shirt
That's the way my BA (who sat on the UPS Master Negotiating Committee) explained it in our local's contract presentation meeting. It's possible that he's wrong.
The 22.4 jobs do count toward the 5000 jobs created under Article 22.
The 2000 runs coming off the rail and will be sleeper team jobs and do not count
towards the 5000 they are required to make under Article 22.
Maybe your BA explained it wrong or it was misinterpreted ?
There is the rub. Who keeps up with where the jobs go?
That's be grieved numerous times before.
The company is supposed to keep track and report to the IBT.
Ups is not required to create any jobs. There is no penalty if they don't
UPS lost that issue (from the jobs required in the 97 contract) in arbitration in 2001.
We had members awarded a full-time seniority date and job, and backpay checks of $20,000 +.
If I accept a 22.4 Job can I bid for a 22.3 job if it opens up? Also can 22.4 jobs bid For feeder openings after one year?
If the 22.3 job is a newly created job, it goes to the part-timers first.
If it's an existing 22.3 job, it's bid within the classification first and then open to all full-time.
And yes.... you can bid into feeders, in seniority order.