Repainting planes has nothing to do about image. Your "psuedo-mechanics" would also tell you that the paint has to be stripped anyways as heavy maintence checks, performed every five years, involve stripping all of the paint off and checking the surface for any cracks or fatigue. For $100 000 000 for a used 727 (a 'small' UPS aircraft), $120 000 apart of heavy maintence is a bargain. Safe aircraft make UPS money, not dry hands.We always know when a plane has to be painted, We run outta towels and other supplies. Overhead lights? Out for weeks til the plane gets painted. You know what it costs to paint a plane? In talking to pseudo-mechanics in Louisville (by their own admission, cuz all they are allowed to do is kick the tires and check the oil, the heavy work is out-sourced), it costs about $120,000 to re-brand a small plane. Why? It has to be stripped, etched, primed and painted, no decals. So, if yer outta towels or TP, just be thankful that a nice, clean, newly painted plane is flying within full view of thousands of consumers...IF THEY HAPPEN TO BE VIEWING FROM 35,000 FEET!!!!!
Repainting planes has nothing to do about image. Your "psuedo-mechanics" would also tell you that the paint has to be stripped anyways as heavy maintence checks, performed every five years, involve stripping all of the paint off and checking the surface for any cracks or fatigue. For $100 000 000 for a used 727 (a 'small' UPS aircraft), $120 000 apart of heavy maintence is a bargain. Safe aircraft make UPS money, not dry hands.
Wow, we are out of paper towels too. I wonder if Mike's office has paper towels in it?
Maybe we will see same sex benefits being given to upsers!You mean his secretary, Thomas??
Blue towels are window towels, like you might find at a gas station.dutchwhat are blue towels?
Our center has been out of paper towels for almost 2 months, and on friday, we were down to one pack(not case), of paper. A feeder driver said a lot of centers are out of supplies, and they arent going to buy anything they dont have to til after the end of the quarter. Apparently this is to help ensure that the company hits its earning mark to satisfy the stock holders. Just wondered if any other facilities were experiencing this. Personally, I just go up and wipe my hands on the business managers chair. I feel revolt in the air, if we run out of toilet paper, but on the bright side, just think of what I'd get to wipe on his chair then
Our center seems to be out of copy paper too.. for the past week and a 1/2 all my forcast sheets are coming in on "christmas paper" red, green and yellow.
Its very nice of UPS to offer Christmas in July.
Oh yeah,I want to thank Mngmt.for instructing and illustrating how to wash my hands with those restroom mirror decals from the C.D.C. Center for Disease a stockholder,I hope we didn't pay for them.