No paper towels??


Staff member
"Go down and use something in the center manager's office to dry your hands."

I assume you mean his tie.... The "go down" part had me worried...

(Oops, did "go down" offend anyone? It wasn't my intention. Hope my post isn't deleted)


Well-Known Member
:lol:paper towels at center.the next thing you would want is a spa.:tongue_smour center we are lucky the restroom is in working order. like going into an outhouse.:laugh::laugh::laugh:


Well-Known Member
Geez, you guys will bitch about anything. Yippee!!:laugh:

In our building it's the lazy porter who's to blame because he keeps making excuses about forgetting to fill the paper towel dispenser. I think management ought to write him up because I get sick and tired of having to hike over to the other more responsible porter's area just to dry my hands.

How about if I start a thread about how there's never any shoe polish...
You know we gotta look sharp.:lol:


Staff member
We have shoe polish, but.......

.......I've always thought we should have a shoe shine boy. Why should I have to polish my own shoes? Don't I have enough to do in the morning? (Get EDD, drink my iced coffee, shoot the bull, etc)

I have EMailed this post to Brother Hoffa in hopes it will be included in the next contract.


Our center has been out of paper towels for almost 2 months, and on friday, we were down to one pack(not case), of paper. A feeder driver said a lot of centers are out of supplies, and they arent going to buy anything they dont have to til after the end of the quarter. Apparently this is to help ensure that the company hits its earning mark to satisfy the stock holders. Just wondered if any other facilities were experiencing this. Personally, I just go up and wipe my hands on the business managers chair. I feel revolt in the air, if we run out of toilet paper, but on the bright side, just think of what I'd get to wipe on his chair then

I hope you don't run out of toilet paper. :blush:
Are you a sup?
You're directing your love and attention at the wrong person. Paper towels are bought by the plant engineering department who is generally responsible for all such related house cleaning activity.
In many cases we are replacing the paper towels with the hand dryers. I personally like the concept since it means we are killing less trees and generating less waste.
What we haven't done is a very good job of explaining why we do what we do.


Staff member
We got these new hand dryers several months ago. I've never seen them anywhere else. It's like putting your hands under a jet engine. It blows so hard, your skin ripples over your bones.

I've always hated blow dryers, but these new ones are awesome!


golden ticket member
Over....we saw those same dryers at an outlet mall in Hawaii. I kept holding my hands under there just to watch the G-force. It was amazing!!


Well-Known Member
:laugh:no paper nite they didn't blue towles.:lol:the center i retired out of was going to a outhouse.:tongue_smfor you younger people it's an outside toilet.:ohmy:i think they should have showers.:thumbup1:one thing brown inthe midwest they don't spend anything to improve there centers.:wink:they spend all there money on centers on west coast and east coast.:blush::biggrin:


Well-Known Member
You have got to be kidding about spending all their money on the West Coast centers. You should see some of these ramshackle places that we deliver out of. Kinda embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
:lol:what are paper towels?:tongue_smin peoria,il that center was built in dark ages,:laugh:the centers who get towels are on east coast or west coast.:ohmy:put that building in slum area it would blend in.:w00t:if you say it you wood hope they have rat poison.


Well-Known Member
:laugh:maybe the mgrs.are in the smoking room.(maybe they are having a joint session)if they can afford to paint planes they can do a better job of improving there centers.:ohmy:wash trucks thing of the past.:cool:the ceo of ups reminds me of amovie released to tv.:w00t:the name is jack ass.:tongue_sm