Nobody wants to drive in chicago!!


Well-Known Member
Same thing is occuring here in Indy. While trying to fill open package car positions here they were pulling in part-timers with 2 years company senority which until recently was unheard of. Even 2-3 years ago the wait was a good 8-12 years depending on when you started. The wait to go combo though is a minimum 6.5 years and thats if your really lucky. I should know because I am one of a handful of people in my hub to get a combo job with less than 8 years senority. Things just fell into place in my favor, and I was signing every list that went up fulling expecting to never get called.

What is interesting is 2 years ago they were posting bid sheets for part-timers to go into feeders, and for a couple years before that up until last year they were posting bid sheets for full-time inside and combo workers to go feeders. Now so many package car drivers are jumping ship into feeders its hard to say if they will ever go beyond package car for feeder drivers in the foreseeable future. Its funny how fast things change.


Well-Known Member
Members of the Western Conference can transfer within the western states. What I think would be cool is being able to work in two places. Say Wyoming for six months and Oregon for six months. It would make my double life work out


promoted to mediocrity
They'll play games with you here, too (at least with respect to inside hires, I have no reason to expect they'd play any nicer with an off-the-street or part-time management hire). A co-worker hired on just before last Peak season expressly to become full-time PC driver (he'd been a casual for USPS but prospects for full time were nil). They threw him in with us hubrats and really worked him hard. Yanked his chain for a long time before even letting him take the road test. They finally sent him to school, only to send him back to the hub with the excuse that there weren't any available training supes in any of our centers. And even if there were, THERE WERE ONLY 30 DAYS LEFT TO GET HIS 40 DAYS IN! I'd been trying to gently clue him in that he needed to check with our local and not just rely on what UPS was spoonfeeding him, when I spotted our B.A. and introduced the two of them. She confirmed what I suspected, that 9-10 mos. in the hub was nowhere near enough seniority on our building's list (we can apply for PC into any or all of 10 different buildings, some may have a list that short)(feeders in any or all of 5 buildings after 1 year PC). But last I heard he did go out on the road, maybe he figured boiling in a brown truck during the day would be a nice break from roasting in a gray trailer at night.
They worked him only 5 days out of the 30 available. He's back in the hub, and sending out resumes again. He liked the job (was on a sweet business route in downtown Evanston) and I have no doubt he would have been an excellent PC driver, er, service provider.
On another note, once again I've seen a PC returning to building @ 22:45.


Stronger, Faster, Browner
Unbelievable there seems to be a driver shortage in Chicago. Centers are hurting for new drivers, and the ranks dont want to fill them, they are waiting for combo jobs. :confused:1 This is unheard off, is this happening anywhere else in the country?

In cleveland, We have a 7 yr wait for full time even though no one likes the full time driven in cleveland. combo jobs are rare 2. They would dissolve combo all together if they could get away with it. As a combo reires they get ride of the position.

If I could I d be full time in a heart beat. I work 2 jobs during the week and a 3rd on the weekend to support my family.

I can't put my family threw a big move to chicago or I would. Besides I don't know any streets out there and can't see being up to pair with my deliveries when I can't plot my route not knowing the streets.


Retired 23 years
I once had a center manager tell me my job was so easy that "if they could teach a monkey to drive I would be out of a job". Last time I drove in Chicago I believe their monkey training project is going good.:)


Well-Known Member
Drivers get a $1 raise every year? So drivers who have been driving for 25 years make around $50 an hour? :w00t: Thats around $115,000 with overtime.