Didn't expect you to answer a direct question. Might need to change that approach with the requirements members will put on a candidate for union office.
If only there was a fast forward button, i could satisfy your impatience.
There is a "deal" brokered behind the scenes in this contract and those in charge of the west are all involved.
In 396, Ron H, Jay P and ALL their business agents are already in our yards BADMOUTHING HOFFA and HALL. They are ALL saying "HOFFA is done".... "WE WONT RUN WITH HIM ANYMORE"... blah blah blah...
I hear the same from the members in local 63, but I would rather "they" speak for themselves.
The business agents in our yards are blithering on about HOFFA being "done" because of this contract, but "WE" know, this is only to give them distance from the contract. TOO LATE for that, this contract is firmly hanging around the necks of our principle officers.
They can bash HOFFA/HALL all they want, it doesnt matter. We are going to hold our principle officers responsible for selling us out in the first place.
As far as running for office,
I posted something on this board about that, and the moderators felt it wasnt necessary to post it.
I have told BOTH principle officers to their "FACES" where they stood with the members. They didnt like what they heard, and instead of communicating with the members as to why they turned down the contract, they went to UPS HR to file baseless charges against me.
The members are laughing at the both of them for that. The "tough guys" of local 396 running to UPS HR for protection.
We know who is weak.
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