Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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I'm sorry it bothered you that I discussed details of my life in earlier posts or that I came across. You've said that before so toned it down because I'm aware it probably comes across my abrasive than it is. But I'm also not the type that takes being told I have to prove this or that. Hell, I'm not the type that likes being told what I have to do or what I have to say to appease people. I'm far from that nature.

I don't view BC as social media. Facebook or instagram aren't anonymous. This is. I look at as a support group of sorts. That's it.

You take this way more serious than I do. You're always trying to "sniff out" or one up someone. And that's your gig. Nothing wrong with it at all. If it makes you happy and gives you a feeling of purpose, then more power to you.

I've actually agreed a lot in terms of discussion about ups etc with you as well. I don't think that was ever questioned.

But just like I would not ask you to justify your life in any category, don't expect me to bow to you and have to justify mine.



Resident Suit
Stop. Posting. Every. Aspect. Of. Your. Personal. Life.

We. Don't. Care!

(Unless you're jealous of Ron. Who probably has it better than you.)


Fight the power.
You must tell me what it's like to be a walking contradiction like you are.

You do far worse than I ever did. And you do it hiding behind a mod tag. I've said that before.

You can't get all high and mighty on your soap box when you turn around and do far worse
Your brazen bro. You talk all this ish about how rich you are , you got this, you got that,you go here and there. No pics. Ever. Unless a downloaded image from the internet. Then you call out one of the coolest guys ever to work for the big brown machine , who who was way more high up In the company than you could ever even dream about ,or lie about ....., he spoke with Jim Kelly like daily bro, do you even know who that is. He doesn't hide behind ish, he is way more down to earth than you will ever be. (And way richer) Get off your soap box Smh.


Resident Suit
Your brazen bro. You talk all this ish about how rich you are , you got this, you got that,you go here and there. No pics. Ever. Unless a downloaded image from the internet. Then you call out one of the coolest guys ever to work for the big brown machine , who who was way more high up In the company than you could ever even dream about ,or lie about ....., he spoke with Jim Kelly like daily bro, do you even know who that is. He doesn't hide behind ish, he is way more down to earth than you will ever be. (And way richer) Get off your soap box Smh.
Oh sure, Dave Abney and I snapchat each other all day and I don't get a shout out
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