Just a little sign in a Blue town,
View attachment 7462
yes I was impressed also, that they are finally smart enough to not vote for Obama. After all that is what he is hoping for to throw him over the top. The uneducated. Thanks TOS, could not have said it better myself.Gee, a sign in mayberry RFD, average education grade 7.... Im impressed.
Just a little sign in a Blue town,
View attachment 7462
Well thats the joy of living in a little hick area. no zoning.Pretty sure that sign is illegally posted.
What I enjoy most about threads like these is it reveals the true colors of your rabid moonbat liberal. You see, they claim to be for the little guy, for the poor and downtrodden and generally those that cannot help themselves. Then you get into a subject like coal and you realize the truth. Nevermind that millions of people feed their families through employment in the coal industry, or that millions more enjoy an endless supply of affordable electricity from coal fired power plants. The moonbat left aim to end those jobs and the affordable power many of us enjoy today. Something like half of the electricity produced here in the U.S. comes from coal, and that cannot be replaced overnight. The looney left want us to believe we can simply replace coal with solar and wind technology ignoring the fact that these sources of energy are neither cheap nor dependable. If they get their way our way of life will be changed forever as simply turning on a light switch in your house, if it comes on at all, will become a significant hit in your wallet. How does that help the poor who the left want us to believe are starving in the streets? How does this improve the middle class by skyrocketing their cost of living? Who really benefits from ending coal derived electricity from our national power grid? The answers to these questions will force you to see the one and only option this November for President. Mitt Romney 2012!
Yeah, the outrage is fake !!This is another one of those things that looks sort of bad on the surface. People are losing jobs, and some of those lost jobs are due to the gov't, and some are due to better methods, sort of like at UPS. What I found, when I decided to dig deeper, was a perhaps not so startling fact. In Ohio the jobs in the industry started going down in 2000, rather sharply. They leveled off a bit for 2004-5, but still down. In 2006 they dropped sharply again, through 2008. By 2009-10 they have leveled off again.
The outrage seems to be feigned, when the loses were far worse under the previous administration and have improved over the last two years.
Propaganda from both sides has a tendency to overwhelm. The sooner everyone realizes that they are both politicians, and will do anything to get elected, the easier it would be to choose the less evil, and maybe even come up with something better in a few years.
You can't present the facts to someone who says it's fake
Not only is the outrage feigned, it seems to be the work of a provocateur.
You do know that those coal workers in Romney's ad not only had to attend that photo op, but actually lost pay because of it.
I hate to repeat it, but Bush lost more coal mining jobs in Ohio than Obama. Obama has stopped the hemorrhaging of jobs. Romney should make those workers whole.
Propaganda works, it would seem. Look at facts, not ads.
Yes we make it allllll up. In his own words, and yet we still make it up. And he still gets elected, because those that vote, some of those 47% dont need to worry about silly things as these, because they get HEAp, and other assistance. They never feel the crunch because more of our money goes to subsidize them.
But, but, but...
Tooner, when Romney talks about the '47%' of American citizens who don't pay income taxes, that includes senior citizens, active military, the working-poor, families with children/mortgages etc. etc, who take advantage of tax incentives put in place by members of both parties.
Many of these people are Republicans and would likely vote for Romney.
When he equates the '47%' of non-income tax paying citizens to the exact same locked-in 47% who are going to vote for Obama, it's just not correct.
I know he was talking about his election-strategy to a bunch of $50,000-a-plate donors, but his math doesn't add up.
I think Republicans are a little nervous, because they're real 'hard' on the non-income tax portion of the US populace, but in many cases it's Republicans who worked in these tax 'credits' for the bottom of the financial populace:
These are the same Republicans that championed the Earned Income credit (Reagan), mortgage deductions for the 'middle-class', child-tax-deductions, etc.
(It's a win-win for Republicans, because they can say that they didn't raise taxes, but in reality they raised overall-taxes for everyone by championing these deductions into the tax code...you can't have it both ways!...i.e. don't slam the people that are benefiting from tax-policies that you endorsed, and then slam whatever President happens to be in office about the tax-code).
For Romney to talk about the '47%', he's talking about a significant portion of people who will likely vote for him, and he's alienating them by calling them 'victims'.
I agree with Menotyou: I hate 'moochers' (my idiot brother is one), but the '47%' Romney is talking about who don't pay taxes, they largely don't pay taxes due to bi-partisan support of tax-credits to the bottom rung of the economic ladder.
So, who's fibbing?
I know all about moochers too, brown army, and that may be why I am so cynical. Your experiences make you who you are.But, but, but...
Tooner, when Romney talks about the '47%' of American citizens who don't pay income taxes, that includes senior citizens, active military, the working-poor, families with children/mortgages etc. etc, who take advantage of tax incentives put in place by members of both parties.
Many of these people are Republicans and would likely vote for Romney.
When he equates the '47%' of non-income tax paying citizens to the exact same locked-in 47% who are going to vote for Obama, it's just not correct.
I know he was talking about his election-strategy to a bunch of $50,000-a-plate donors, but his math doesn't add up.
I think Republicans are a little nervous, because they're real 'hard' on the non-income tax portion of the US populace, but in many cases it's Republicans who worked in these tax 'credits' for the bottom of the financial populace:
These are the same Republicans that championed the Earned Income credit (Reagan), mortgage deductions for the 'middle-class', child-tax-deductions, etc.
(It's a win-win for Republicans, because they can say that they didn't raise taxes, but in reality they raised overall-taxes for everyone by championing these deductions into the tax code...you can't have it both ways!...i.e. don't slam the people that are benefiting from tax-policies that you endorsed, and then slam whatever President happens to be in office about the tax-code).
For Romney to talk about the '47%', he's talking about a significant portion of people who will likely vote for him, and he's alienating them by calling them 'victims'.
I agree with Menotyou: I hate 'moochers' (my idiot brother is one), but the '47%' Romney is talking about who don't pay taxes, they largely don't pay taxes due to bi-partisan support of tax-credits to the bottom rung of the economic ladder.
So, who's fibbing?