I know all about moochers too, brown army, and that may be why I am so cynical. Your experiences make you who you are.
But I would rather have a rich guy running my country, than a guy who I feel in my heart does not love his country. He has never once said he is for the working people. he has had more than one 50k a plate dinner, for his fund raisers. And that is all fine, thats how it has always worked, and as wkmac says, in that respect they are all the same.
I think my first dislike of him, was hearing about how electricity would necessarily sky rocket, and how he would bankrupt coal with his cap and trade. then it wa the cop thing when he said the cop acted stupidly. I know where I deliver if a cop sees a guy crawling in a window, they are on it, no matter the color of his/her skin. The highest officer in our land should not have made that comment prematurely.
when he said he would not want his daughters punished by an unwanted baby, well hell, Im not a pro or con abortionist person, but if I had , been blessed with a daughter, I would not have talked about a future grandchild that way. I had a baby very young, actually the yr 1973 when abortion became legal in many states, and my parents supported my decision, not my bad judgement, and Thank the Lord as I have a wonderful successful 38 yr old son, who had an idiot for a mother at that time. That statement frosted me. While some may say Romney does not either, he has so much more than this guy ever had going for him, but I think Obama will win, and we will all pay for it.
I dont think he has the experience to run this country, I dont think he has the heartbeat of America in his plans.
The Big O just never grew on me, I dislike so much about him, and none of it is because of his color.
Ya, you go with that explanation. I would welcome a little more honesty though, and just hear you say cause he's black.