Obama Endorses Biden


Well-Known Member
So much butthurt about racism. Get over it.
I'm a black guy, don't attempt to use my color for you politics.
Is that understood? This is a not as strong old black man telling you to cut your sht.
I am not a tool you can use, is it understood?
Given the opportunity this broken down black man will snap you like a pencil.

For understanding, no black person with any self respect needs a pasty white whatever you choose to define as to pull our weight.

Is that understood?
You and your racist cover has gotten on my last nerve.

Is there a meeting of the minds?


Well-Known Member
I hear much more from the right crying about how everyone calls them racist than I do actual calls of racism. When proud boys fly Nazi banners, it shouldn’t upset you that they’re called racist. Stop saying and doing racist things and you won’t get called racist. It’s pretty simple.
Anyone flying a Nazi banner should be called a racist. But you paint with a broad brush. Anything we say or do is ultimately called racist by your side. Gets really old. And if that's your go to for every argument then you have no room to be saying that Republicans have no argument, can't justify their policies. The only thing I hear from Democrats in this political cycle is we must spend, spend, spend and anyone who's opposed to that is a racist.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
I'm a black guy, don't attempt to use my color for you politics.
Is that understood? This is a not as strong old black man telling you to cut your sht.
I am not a tool you can use, is it understood?
Given the opportunity this broken down black man will snap you like a pencil.

For understanding, no black person with any self respect needs a pasty white whatever you choose to define as to pull our weight.

Is that understood?
You and your racist cover has gotten on my last nerve.

Is there a meeting of the minds?
My friend, I don't care what color you are. You are a human being. In fact, that's what I put on forms that ask for my "race". Why should it matter what "color" we are? We have the power to take this Country back. We meaning all of us.


Well-Known Member
My friend, I don't care what color you are. You are a human being. In fact, that's what I put on forms that ask for my "race". Why should it matter what "color" we are? We have the power to take this Country back. We meaning all of us.
Take it back from whom, and return it to what seem to be the questions.

Eat Sleep Fish

Jig Master
Take it back from whom, and return it to what seem to be the questions.
Take it back from the politicians that run the show. From those who still see things as black or white. In today's society, why does color matter? Unfortunately there will always be racists out there. And there are black racists too. It goes both ways.


Well-Known Member
Take it back from whom, and return it to what seem to be the questions.
I told you, you specifically Tex, that this country was lost, probably two years ago. Trump is the last hope and he only partially takes us back to what our founders gave us. I stand by this, let the leftist jackals appear. Every leftist has put me on ignore, they absolutely cannot answer a direct question.

Method Mensch

Well-Known Member
Trump's not exactly a squeaky clean choir boy, talking about what a great piece of ass his daughter is. That's not mentioning the notorious pee tapes, the "grab 'em by the " audio, and telling Howard Stern and other talk show hosts what a great piece of ass his daughter is.


Well-Known Member