Obama in 08'


Well-Known Member
Why not take a chance and write in "None of the Above" and see what happens from there. Can it really be any worse than what we have for choices now and the message sent to both parties or for that fact all parties might just be the best medicine for them and this country we could ever give!



Active Member
Al Gore... will be our next president. He will let Hillary, Obama, Edwards et al fight it out for the next 6 months or so and then he'll get in the race late this year. He'll win the nomination and then beat the pathetic GOP candidate in the general election. Rudy? Mitt??? They don't have a chance. America has had it with the Republican party and how they've screwed everything up.

Gore won in 2000, he can do it again in 2008.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Al Gore can't even win his own state. Obama doesn't have a chance in hell of becomming president. And why would any American with a functioning brain want to elect another Clinton as president???


Al Gore DID NOT WIN in 2000!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
"Bet the perch and walleye in Lake Erie would be healthier if Gore was President"

Please leave my perch and walleye alone, they are just fine, abundant and healthy.
Lake Erie is as clean as I can ever remember it being since I was a child. It has recovered well, basically healed itself, as nature seems to. IMO Im not afraid to eat anything out of the lake. I eat it 3xs aweek. And where I fish is about 70 mi E of the Perry nuclear plant and I havent pulled up a 3 headed fish yet.

"There are more problems with the Fair Tax than I care to get into. Read both sides and make up your own mind. "

Well good thing there arent any problems with the tax codes that we use now. Its so very perfect and fair. In fairness I havent read both sides, but I cannot find anything so far I do not like in what I have read. I do think its time for a change, and I like what it offers. The tax system as it is, too cumbersome, How Long is the US Tax Code? too scary for most to tackle on their own, and it elimates people having their hands in your private affairs. If it doesnt work, we could always go back, since the IRS has access to every private piece of your identity anyway.

As for the rest, 2008 will be here soon, we will see how it all comes out. I think the country is ready for a minority, if they are the best candidate, I do not think these two are. It is my hope people will vote for that person, not based on gender or race.


Well-Known Member

The fish in Lake Erie are not as abundant as they were 20 years ago, and though they are healthier than they were in the late 70’s, they are by no means considered ‘healthy’. In fact the recommended serving of Lake Erie perch or walleye is one serving per month. This information is from the State of Ohio.

I never said that the present tax code was fair, or even good. I did say that there are problems with the so called ‘Fair Tax’. Linking to some strange weightlifter’s site didn’t convince me otherwise. The wealthy will circumvent the ‘Fair Tax’ easier than they circumvent the tax code we have now, and good luck repealing the 16th amendment.


Did you read or listen to Webb’s response or are you taking Ms. Parkers word for what he said? He addressed the economy in five paragraphs:

When one looks at the health of our economy, it's almost as if we are living in two different countries. Some say that things have never been better. The stock market is at an all-time high, and so are corporate profits. But these benefits are not being fairly shared. When I graduated from college, the average corporate CEO made 20 times what the average worker did; today, it's nearly 400 times. In other words, it takes the average worker more than a year to make the money that his or her boss makes in one day.

Wages and salaries for our workers are at all-time lows as a percentage of national wealth, even though the productivity of American workers is the highest in the world. Medical costs have skyrocketed. College tuition rates are off the charts. Our manufacturing base is being dismantled and sent overseas. Good American jobs are being sent along with them.

In short, the middle class of this country, our historic backbone and our best hope for a strong society in the future, is losing its place at the table. Our workers know this, through painful experience. Our white-collar professionals are beginning to understand it, as their jobs start disappearing also. And they expect, rightly, that in this age of globalization, their government has a duty to insist that their concerns be dealt with fairly in the international marketplace
In the early days of our republic, President Andrew Jackson established an important principle of American-style democracy ­ that we should measure the health of our society not at its apex, but at its base. Not with the numbers that come out of Wall Street, but with the living conditions that exist on Main Street. We must recapture that spirit today.

And under the leadership of the new Democratic Congress, we are on our way to doing so. The House just passed a minimum wage increase, the first in ten years, and the Senate will soon follow. We've introduced a broad legislative package designed to regain the trust of the American people. We've established a tone of cooperation and consensus that extends beyond party lines. We're working to get the right things done, for the right people and for the right reasons.

Where do you find fault in those words? Do you think Wall Street compensation is typical for the American worker? I’ll be glad to debate his points with you, but I doubt you’ll take up my offer.


Gore most certainly did win in 2000. Much has been written on this. History will show the current Junta to be illegitimate.

I agree that we don’t ever need another Clinton in the White house, but we sure don’t ever need another Bush either. One was enough in both cases.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
As for the advisory at odnr, I neither eat channel cat or sheephead, im not under fifteen, and I'm not of childbearing age. So I guess Im going to be OK. Thanks for the concern tho.
I also clean my own fish, and skin it, and remove all the fat, which if you are eating young fish there isnt much fat. The big old walleye, have been there awhile and are usually catch and release types, unless in a tournament setting. I eat young fish, enjoy it immensely, and if I die from pcbs, then thats my fault for not being informed. The only perch or walleye you can buy commercially are caught in Canada, so I guess that makes them OK. Same lake, same PCBS, no govt regulation.
So its better? Safer?
I also know many, many fisher people who feel as I do. We pay for licenses and a boat, and a harvest so much so I had to buy a freezer to keep it in, never needed a freezer before having a week to go perch fishing. You need to know how to keep it, how to clean it, and if it looks funny, you throw it back, the gobies will eat it. Dont eat bottom feeders, catfish, carp, sheephead, clean the fish yourself, as cleaning places do not remove the skin. And Im fine after yrs of eating it, so thats all I need. I feel better knowing where I got my fish than going for an auce (all you can eat) fish fry where I dont know where it came from. (Nothing worse than getting sick on seafood or fish) And how about your beef, do you feel better raising your own, or buying it from a store, what if it has mad cow? Or your chicken, what if it has h5, bird flu??
Its abundant, its free, its good for you, and it is sooooo tasty. I say catch all you can and eat it.
Just another govt warning I prefer to ignore. Kind of like the ones on Presque Isle PA. Dont swim here today, the level is too high. Well if you dont drink it, you will be Ok.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the figure of one serving of perch or walleye (not sheephead, silver bass & channel cats) per adult per month came from the EPA and had nothing to do being female. Being an adult human was the only pre-qualification.

You can ignore all the warnings you wish, but sometime in the near future we all may denied medical treatment based on our behavior. Cancer caused by mercury poisoning? We told you to limit your intake...

Personally I think Michigan has better fish than Ohio. Them there MI lake perch taste better than a bag of fresh Better Made potato chips and a six of ice cold Strohs.


I think Obama is a good choice also. I do not think it is a good idea of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. Too much.

Only time will time, but I will support Obama.


Industrial Slob
2008' could be one of the most interesting elections for this country in some time.

if by 'interesting', you mean 'sleazy', you're right on. already the smear campaigns are on, showing how emotional and incompetent clinton is.

obama, we don't know enough about. what he's going through right now reminds me of what condi rice went through in 2000: honeymoon. i just don't know if obama has the experience. of the two, clinton would be the better choice due to her experience, which doesn't say much.

i vote condi rice for president :thumbup1:


Industrial Slob
And under the leadership of the new Democratic Congress, we are on our way to doing so. The House just passed a minimum wage increase, the first in ten years, and the Senate will soon follow. We've introduced a broad legislative package designed to regain the trust of the American people. We've established a tone of cooperation and consensus that extends beyond party lines. We're working to get the right things done, for the right people and for the right reasons.
minimum wage increases are bad. any unbaised economist (meaning that union "economists" opinions don't count) can tell you that. one reason is that it drives up inflation.
you make $1/hr minimum wage. that can pay your $100/month rent.
congress passes a minimum wage hike to $10/hr. now everyone's wage goes up, lowering the value of $1, appreciating the CPI, and now rent is now up to $1000/month.

now everyone can feel good about making $10/hr, and knowing that raising minimum wage is economic stupidity, they can spin it off for their political gain, being that 90% of americans never cracked open an economics textbook..

although it doesn't do full justice to what minimum wage can do (price ceilings, unemployment, high school drop out rates), this article makes good points that i learned in econ201:


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
i vote condi rice for president :thumbup1:

Hoser, too bad she has too much intelligence and class to run, I'd vote for her over anybody who has announced so far. Obama is too inexperienced and liberal, Clinton is.........a Clinton, anything will come out of their mouths depending on who they are talking to at the moment. Biden is a joke, he just stuck his foot in his mouth about Obama. Nobody impresses me so far in this race, I will have to wait and see who comes forward in the future.


Well-Known Member
When wages are flat and costs rise, I don't need an ultra conservative economist to explain this graph to me:


You smell that?
The minimum wage increase would affect very few. I'd like to see exactly how many people in this country actually make minimum wage.

If it means my Happy Meal goes up .10 then I'm OK with that.