Lets revisit #67 then since it seems to be why you have called me a "crazy political wack job"......
I don't see anything there that warrants your childish behavior or you calling me a jerk when you give me a negative rep. I will admit that when I read the posts above I had second thoughts for calling you a liberal but then two things happened. (1)I reminded myself that you are an Obama supporter so that alone leaves the accusation open for debate. But I will let that go. (2)I noticed that by you explaining that you arent a liberal you completely validated my accusations in post #67. So not only was accusing you of being selfish not deserving of being childishly attacked but also an accurate accusation as well. So, what I will do to now is rephrase my accusation again in a way thats more suitable and sensitive to your apparent self loathing of your own inability to accept the facts i have already shed light on concerning what drives you to chose our President.....
I, respectfully, have come to the conclusion, based on your own words on this forum, that you vote for a candidate based on your union membership and what you think that the candidate can offer you instead of whats better for the country as a whole. I ,also respectfully, think that is a selfish way to go about selecting who will be the leader of our country and hope that you can look more closely at other issues that affect us all instead of only yourself. Thanks for listening.