Always the democrats solution to everything, throw money at it and hope it goes away.
People want to say Obama took this debt into his election. When Bush called for reform of franny and mac 14 times over his 8 years. Of course Obama was the biggest taker of funds of kick backs. Bush saw this coming hunderd's if not thousands of miles away.
Any ways, I like the people in colleges who support Obama... just look...!
Obama event goers on Benghazi: What?!? - YouTube
These are your people, and educated as well. Sad, people gave Bush so much crap over not leaving that classroom or freaking out like a mad man because the country was under attack. Yet, BAMA gets a pass for everything and all, the media leads you way too far from truth people. The last 60-50 years of media has taught you to think this way, and its sad. I dont care how you think it were to be, but I feel sorry for you.
During the Roman times, a republic was born. They were given titles of republican's, servants to the republic which in latin would be of/ to the people. Then others came along with views away from this idea, the idea of rome. These people where given the name democrats, which was slang for