Obama the Arrogant...."Im the 4th best president"


golden ticket member
Have you ever been in a discussion with someone who
repeats something constantly? It's nerve wracking. Think of the valley girl with "like" every 6 th word. Or the Canadians portrayed with eh? after every sentence.

When somebody says, "UH" um, uh....96 times in a few minutes, they come off dumber than a stump.............and that has nothing to do with color!!!


Engorged Member
No. Without her hate of the president and democrats in general, imagine how empty her life would be.

You know, "arrogant" is code for "uppity". I guess Obama doesn't know his seat is at the back of the bus. Hard to believe the utter disrespect out there on The Right for our President.


golden ticket member
You know, "arrogant" is code for "uppity". I guess Obama doesn't know his seat is at the back of the bus. Hard to believe the utter disrespect out there on The Right for our President.
Hard to believe the accusations of racism when you all run out of positives about a president . Can't respond back, start to attack!!


golden ticket member
You don't even know that you're racist, and that's kind of scary.

I've listed scads of things this president has lied about, has promised and not delivered and how his policies show how clueless he is right down to his inexperience in the business world. All of it was totally devoid of color, just filled with ineptness.

I won't go through it all again. I will have to shut my eyes while he continues to throw my money at more solar crap and algae crap. Clueless.....white, black or half and half, he still is way over his head!!


golden ticket member


Staff member


Staff member
Double teaming seems to be your forte.......gee, on a senior citizen too. Aren't you so special?
Oh, now you're pulling the "senior citizen" card, are you? LOL. Tell me, is it getting a skosh to warm in the kitchen? A smidgen? A tad? LOL. Relax moreluck. I'm sure brett or island will soon ride to your emotional rescue.