Obama the Arrogant...."Im the 4th best president"

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I just get tired of the dummies on the Right tossing around racial terms instead of criticizing Obama on the issues, which they can't seem to do without the racial rhetoric.

I get tired of the Idiots on the Left tossing out the race card instead of dealing with the issues, which they cant seem to do without using the race card.


Engorged Member
I get tired of the Idiots on the Left tossing out the race card instead of dealing with the issues, which they cant seem to do without using the race card.

You have to wait until tomorrow at 1200 Eastern, when Rush will dictate the issues of the day. He will undoubtedly make some sort of racial reference to rile all of you into a lather.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You have to wait until tomorrow at 1200 Eastern, when Rush will dictate the issues of the day. He will undoubtedly make some sort of racial reference to rile all of you into a lather.

I would not know or care since i dont watch his show...but im sure you will fill us in.

Hey wak,

I am a huge fan of Cenk and watch them everyday on current tv. I too have beed critical of Obama, but believe that he is trying to do something good for the PEOPLE and not the corporations who have put this country into a nose dive ( by thier own admission) and are hoping for a collapse of our nation.

The corporations have said clearly, and all the C9 and supporters have said the same on this board. "Corporations are not hiring and holding on to their money". This idea means that they are holding the country and its people hostage as leverage to gain political influence in washington and WONT help the very country whos people buy their products, yet those like the C9 favor this kind of negotiating and hate unions when they negoitiate the same way.

It makes no sense, but what right wing nut does?


Yea, corporations have clearly said they are not investing their money right now. The rest of that paragraph is just you opinion formed from the loony left talking points. The reasons the corporation state for NOT investing their money is the uncertainty of what is going to happen with the economy. I don't know why that is so hard to understand. Would you invest your money on a less than possible return?

How bout the loony left putting the corporations under a barrel of regulations that forces them to make less to no profit or not operate at all in our own country and the DS 4 0r 5 support this type of pressure ? How about the loony left that forces an unpopular and money hogging of a healthcare law that doesn't solve the industries problem but creates even more and the DS 4 or 5 applaud the lunacy.

The right wing nuts make at least as much sense as the loony left.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yea, corporations have clearly said they are not investing their money right now. The rest of that paragraph is just you opinion formed from the loony left talking points. The reasons the corporation state for NOT investing their money is the uncertainty of what is going to happen with the economy. I don't know why that is so hard to understand. Would you invest your money on a less than possible return?

How bout the loony left putting the corporations under a barrel of regulations that forces them to make less to no profit or not operate at all in our own country and the DS 4 0r 5 support this type of pressure ? How about the loony left that forces an unpopular and money hogging of a healthcare law that doesn't solve the industries problem but creates even more and the DS 4 or 5 applaud the lunacy.

The right wing nuts make at least as much sense as the loony left.

The misunderstanding is on your part. The corporations KNOW exactly what the consequences are by not investing in america. To say, they are just holding on to their money as if "they" have no idea its killing the american economy is the only "loony" part of any argument.

Collectively, americas largest corporations have no intention on helping the american economy because that would insure they dont get the tax breaks the republicans want to give them. Instead, they hold ALL OF US hostage by running the economy into the ground while the republicans in office support them and YOU sheeple vote for them to do so.

Prior to reagan, our manufacturing sector represented close to 43% of our GDP and after REAGAN, BUSH, BUSH, it sits at roughly 9% of GDP. What happened to the theory of helping corporations and they would help americans??? NONE of you understand this. You ALL are sooo jammed full of rhetoric and nonsense, you dont have the first clue on what corporations can do to a country.

You all cheered as american union jobs were sent overseas, but what you all didnt count on was NON UNION jobs being sent overseas and thats what REAGAN brought to your beloved party and today the whole country suffers for it.

We cant turn back the clock on those policies that created our current situation, but we can insure no further damage happens to whatever remaining manufacturing is left in this country.

As for regulations, again, nothing but double speak with no meanings. You ALL throw the word out there in "general" but as I challenged the C9 to post some regulation other than Healthcare, NONE OF YOU could do it, not even the over achiever.

MORELUCK was like a deer in the headlights when she was asked several times to post JUST ONE regulation after SHE repeated the word over and over and over...

Is minimum wage a regulation? Is healthcare a regulation? Is a pension a regulation? Is overtime a regulation? Is job security a regulation? Is fica a regulation? Is social security a regulation? Is clean air a regulation? Is clean water a regulation? Are hazardous chemical handlings a regulation?

You bet your sweet ash they are, and all of them are at the top of the list of regulations the republicans want to END and you all support them.

VOTING against your own best interests, but then again, its what you are sold on FOXED SPEWS, RUSH, LEVIN, STEIN and every other talking head on radio or MURDOCH television.

You complain about the healthcare system, but support returning to a system that screwed americans for three decades. A system that operates on a 400% profit margin and YOU ALL believe that is the right thing to do to americans.

The day you are in a hospital and you are denied coverage for your cancer or other issue will be the day of reckoning for you all. It will also be the day "we" get the last laugh.



golden ticket member
The misunderstanding is on your part. The corporations KNOW exactly what the consequences are by not investing in america. To say, they are just holding on to their money as if "they" have no idea its killing the american economy is the only "loony" part of any argument.

Collectively, americas largest corporations have no intention on helping the american economy because that would insure they dont get the tax breaks the republicans want to give them. Instead, they hold ALL OF US hostage by running the economy into the ground while the republicans in office support them and YOU sheeple vote for them to do so.

Prior to reagan, our manufacturing sector represented close to 43% of our GDP and after REAGAN, BUSH, BUSH, it sits at roughly 9% of GDP. What happened to the theory of helping corporations and they would help americans??? NONE of you understand this. You ALL are sooo jammed full of rhetoric and nonsense, you dont have the first clue on what corporations can do to a country.

You all cheered as american union jobs were sent overseas, but what you all didnt count on was NON UNION jobs being sent overseas and thats what REAGAN brought to your beloved party and today the whole country suffers for it.

We cant turn back the clock on those policies that created our current situation, but we can insure no further damage happens to whatever remaining manufacturing is left in this country.

As for regulations, again, nothing but double speak with no meanings. You ALL throw the word out there in "general" but as I challenged the C9 to post some regulation other than Healthcare, NONE OF YOU could do it, not even the over achiever.

MORELUCK was like a deer in the headlights when she was asked several times to post JUST ONE regulation after SHE repeated the word over and over and over...

Is minimum wage a regulation? Is healthcare a regulation? Is a pension a regulation? Is overtime a regulation? Is job security a regulation? Is fica a regulation? Is social security a regulation? Is clean air a regulation? Is clean water a regulation? Are hazardous chemical handlings a regulation?

You bet your sweet ash they are, and all of them are at the top of the list of regulations the republicans want to END and you all support them.

VOTING against your own best interests, but then again, its what you are sold on FOXED SPEWS, RUSH, LEVIN, STEIN and every other talking head on radio or MURDOCH television.

You complain about the healthcare system, but support returning to a system that screwed americans for three decades. A system that operates on a 400% profit margin and YOU ALL believe that is the right thing to do to americans.

The day you are in a hospital and you are denied coverage for your cancer or other issue will be the day of reckoning for you all. It will also be the day "we" get the last laugh.


Again, you start with .....you don't understand., there's a misunderstanding...............don't you know any other beginning. Apparently YOU are the only one who understands anything.....along with being Superior Steward of the century...........quite a queer title. Oh, that's your word, like it?

I posted several sites where it was written that over 4,000 regulations came from Buck in just the month of August. If you don't know how to click on a site and read for yourself, I'm not gonna spoon feed the genius.. Find your own damn info. and do your own damn searching.


golden ticket member
Again, you start with .....you don't understand., there's a misunderstanding...............don't you know any other beginning. Apparently YOU are the only one who understands anything.....along with being Superior Steward of the century...........quite a queer title. Oh, that's your word, like it?

I posted several sites where it was written that over 4,000 regulations came from Buck in just the month of August. If you don't know how to click on a site and read for yourself, I'm not gonna spoon feed the genius.. Find your own damn info. and do your own damn searching.

As far as healthcare, even Mass. only addressed the ones without coverage....8% of the people. Buck Ofama wants to force his :censored2: down everybody's throat. Some people are OK with their coverage . Buck said we'd be able to keep our coverage..........lying a-hole.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
NONE of you will admit that you listen to Limpbaugh, but you ALL will use his material daily.
Keep drinking your liberal Obama Kool-aid...if it helps you sleep better then you keep thinking that everyone listens to Rush that disagrees with your Messiah. I love Rush...i think their best album was Signals.

Lying Hypocrite.

So are you ever going to back up your BS and let everyone know my other screen name? Run away Coward!!!


golden ticket member
NONE of you will admit that you listen to Limpbaugh, but you ALL will use his material daily.


I don't listen to radio.....at all...ever. In the car I play one CD only , and play it all the time and never have even turned the radio on since I bought the car in "05. There is not a radio in my entire home. So yeah, I lie about not hearing Rush on the radio.......give me a break. You sound like you are a regular listener though............how else would you know what he says?


golden ticket member
Originally Posted by The Other SideThe day you are in a hospital and you are denied coverage for your cancer or other issue will be the day of reckoning for you all. It will also be the day "we" get the last laugh.

That sounds just like Klein would write it !! Are you and Klein the same person?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

I'm defending More on this one as I completely believe her.

While I dont credit her with listening to anything of any importance, I will credit her with repeating whatever limited misinformation she can remember, at least, information she can cut and paste after the morning FOXED SPEWS broadcasts!

That one is too easy to point out.



golden ticket member
While I dont credit her with listening to anything of any importance, I will credit her with repeating whatever limited misinformation she can remember, at least, information she can cut and paste after the morning FOXED SPEWS broadcasts!

That one is too easy to point out.

So, if I say we have a president who can't make a decision....................You're saying I only say that because FOX says so?

I have my own opinion and Buck has a senate voting record of "present" for me to base my opinion on.

He also just put off deciding about the pipeline. That was told on all channels of news coverage......even your precious MSNBC & CNN.

It's very obvious, even to me, that if he made a decision on the pipeline, he would offend one part of his base no matter what decision he would make. The environmentalists or the unions.......someone's gonna be mad at him. So he decides to postpone a decision 'til after the elections. Anyone with a brain knows he doesn't want to lose a vote, so he keeps them all hanging. Stalling is not leading and being decisive.

You are self proclaimed knowledgeable about politics............how come you don't see it?? Nobody told me to think that way. It's my opinion and it makes logical sense. Spock would be proud of me.

Oh, and I never watched any Star Trek, but I have read about Leonard Nimoy's role as Spock.


Strength through joy
moreluck , it's not the votes that he will lose that worries him..........it all the cash both sides are throwing at him.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Moreluck: So, if I say we have a president who can't make a decision....................You're saying I only say that because FOX says so?"

YEAH THATS EXACTLY WHAT IM SAYING. What else do you have to base that thought on? What specific fact can you make this claim other than what you heard on FOXED SPEWS? Or some other online rag with opinion pieces that you call your "OWN" thoughts?

He cant make a decision? Seriously?

OBAMA has made many decisions, and continues to make tough decisions.

OBAMA doesnt run the house or senate, he doesnt tell them how to do their jobs. Thats why each house has a speaker and leader. IF congress is failing, its NOT obamas fault, but the leader in charge. In the house, thats JOHN BOEHNER.

BOEHNERs leadership has been a joke and the polls prove it. With only a 9% approval rate, americans dont blame OBAMA for the house woes, but YOU DO.

How did you get into the 9%?

Cutting and pasting others thoughts dont show "your" thoughts. You should try having one.
