So appropriate that the liberal intellectuals get a taste of their own medicine.Harvard professors are up in arms after learning they will have to pay more towards their healthcare costs under Obamacare which many of them have championed, The New York Times reports.
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the center of the venerable institution, has voted overwhelmingly to fight changes that would force them, along with thousands of other Harvard employees, to pay more for their health benefits.
“Harvard is a microcosm of what’s happening in healthcare in the country,” said David Cutler, a health economist at the university who was an adviser during President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign.
That is, Harvard employees will be getting less for more thanks to ObamaCare, just like the rest of us.
Then they, like others should be upset with their employers who don't have to forward on that added expense but have chosen to do so.So appropriate that the liberal intellectuals get a taste of their own medicine.
You choose to drive a car, you accept whatever requirements that come with that. Having to buy health insurance just because you were born, is not fair in my book.You drive a car, you have to have insurance.
You use the emergency room, you should have insurance. Otherwise we all have to pay for your medical costs.
Why shouldn't they choose to pass on the cost? Mandatory health insurance is a loss of a freedom. We lose too many more freedoms and we will soon be living in Stalin's Russia. Always afraid that big brother is watching and will catch us doing something Stalin disapproves of.Then they, like others should be upset with their employers who don't have to forward on that added expense but have chosen to do so.
So why does my car insurance policy have this coverage ; Bodily Injury Caused by an Uninsured Auto & under Compulsory & Optional Insurance ?You drive a car, you have to have insurance.
OBAMAS FAULT..So why does my car insurance policy have this coverage ; Bodily Injury Caused by an Uninsured Auto & under Compulsory & Optional Insurance ?
Haven't checked into it fully, my mom has been re-married and is currently on his insurance plan, I'm unsure if I could join her husbands insurance plan without being a biological child of his.Are you able to be covered under your parents' or guardian's plan?