Hey Hardknocks. I love people like you. You are so against Obama because he is so bad for our country. How about the fast checkout lines in the supermarket. They take jobs away form hundreds of Americans. What you think they are there to save us time and money. No my friend they take away jobs. So the next time you go shopping make sure NOT to go to any supermarket that uses fast checkout lines because all you will be doing is supporting a company that is taking away jobs from Americans. Oh let's not forget the next time you buy a car, cellphone, TV etc..... Make sure they all say made in the USA. Those big companies that moved their factories overseas are the ones that caused unemployment. My grandfather only graduated the 3rd grade. Had 5 kids 2 cars and a house . Even and uneducated black man from the south had it good before companies decided to say
Americans. Back they of you wanted to work hard their were opportunities. I'm not sure but I don't think Obama owns any of these companies. Every time you call customer support for a product make sure you asked to be connected with and American to service you. I will stop listing examples because the people complaining about the president and why he is so bad probably only graduated high school with 2.0. Please educate yourself before you try to out think a many with multiple Master degrees. I'm not taking about me I am taking about your POTUS. If you really want change spend more time with your children make sure they are educated and go to the best colleges. Surround them with the right people and maybe one day your child can become president. The only problem with that last theory is that UPS doesn't allow it's employees enough time to properly raise a family. Good luck being a loyal American.