I see someone was hurt by my post enough to DELETE it from this thread.
Cowardly I say.
I have been a member of this board for some time now, and I have never known any moderator to randomly delete a post that did not deserve to be deleted. Cheryl owns and operates this website with a high degree of respect for others opinions, and would not allow anyone to moderate her web forum if they were prone to randomly deleting posts they politically disagree with. Either you are lying about making a post that has been deleted, or you are lying about the content of the deleted post(if it existed), or your own computer malfunctioned somehow when you went to post it and the post never made it to the forum in the first place.
You are not the first person to post far left rhetoric here, and you won't be the last.
It is always the case of anyone defending GW Bush's record by saying that they CANT or WONT list any accomplishments in 8 years.
Of the list posted by AV8,
i dont think these measure up to the standard of a successful presidency.
Lower taxes? Higher spending and larger federal budget deficits to be paid by americas future workforce down the road. The TAX increases for this wreckless act of a president and it republican house and senate will be burdened upon americas youth long after Bush leaves office.
Same fate that President Reagan left Bush 1. Remember , "read my lips, no new taxes".....
It matters not who takes office, raising taxes to pay for the abuse of power by the republicans in the first 4 years will be imminent.
This war by all accounts, including Bush's own counsel say it will cost taxpayers 3 trillion dollars when its done.
Not one dime has been spent paying for this war so far, and each day millions of dollars get added to an already skyrocketing open tab for a military blunder of the worst kind.
You are right that the republicans failed us when it came to fiscal responsibility, and we will have to account for this sometime in the future. Its the main reason the republicans lost control of Congress in 06, but the cost of this war is a drop in the bucket when compared to the social entitlement program promises made by prior administrations.
Social Security and medicare have a whopping $53 trillion in future promised benefits over the next 40 years. We can eliminate all government waste and the military and we will still not have enough resources to pay off this huge sum of money. I am 25 years old and I will never benefit from these programs, but I will be stuck with paying the bill.
No child left behind act?? This has already by all accounts been proven to be a failed policy as cuts in funding for it are already in action.
This I am in agreement with you. We need to abolish the NEA, all teachers unions, and school districts. Education works better when the free market can work its magic. The federal government needs to keep its ugly head out of education and let people send their kids to where ever they can get the best education. Our country hosts the best colleges in the world, yet our public school system is a miserable failure mainly because the government holds a virtual monopoly on all pre-college education.
Free trade? This has done in our manufacturing and industrial sectors. 71% of everything america now makes, is made in a foriegn country.
Free trade allows us to produce goods and services that we are most efficient at. We can grow bananas in Alaska, but it would not be efficient to do so. We will endure some short term pain (manufacturing job losses) for long term prosperity. People who held those manufacturing jobs will be compelled to learn new skills that will keep us competitive for the long haul.
Patients bill of rights, vs the loss of citizens bill of rights.
Our health care system does have its problems, but people like Obama will only magnify them and create new problems with their federally mandated universal health care programs. The free market can work for health care too if the federal government allows it. Don't forget what I said about social entitlement programs earlier. We can't afford the ones we have.
Evesdropping, unlawful searches and laws that allow a goverment to spy on political opponents.
Can you provide me proof of such activity? I'm assuming you have an issue with the patriot act, and while I am not too happy with it I see it as a necessary evil. Besides, I don't know anyone who has lost their liberty to this piece of legislation, do you?
Fair and accurate credit transaction act? Are you serious? have you seen the latest foreclosure numbers and those numbers projected to foreclise in the second quarter (1 million to go into foreclosure) This has been the biggest failure of the Bush administration in domestic policy.
Actually I put partial blame on Alan Greenspan, but even then he plays a small part in this foreclosure issue. The real problem comes down to people who were renters were purchasing houses they couldn't afford. They are simply being forced back into renting where they should have been in the first place.
The banks are guilty of some wrong doing as well, but they are paying the price in the form of huge losses or even becoming insolvent due to their greed. I am willing to bet they won't make these same mistakes again as we are seeing it is harder to get a mortgage today than it was even one year ago. Its the invisible hand of the free market dealing out some serious discipline to greedy bankers, and the market reacting by limiting their loan activities.
I am asking for the real deal, what successes have separated this president from Jimmy Carter and the rest?
Not some meaningless junk that amounts to a wasted presidency.
Show something of substance, dont be afraid of your beloved presidents record....
Demonstrate it for all to see, maybe you can swing a few votes with the enlightenment.
Can you tell me, since 09/11/01 how many successful terrorist attacks have been successfully carried out on our soil? I'll give you a hint, the number resembles a goose egg. Bush's legacy has been, and will be making this country safer for us here and abroad. The damage done by Jimmy Carter has not been fully realized as he was the president who allowed Iran to become the theocracy it is today. Clinton could have had Osama bin Laden handed to him on a silver platter yet he chose not to act. Inaction has consequences all its own, and 9/11/01 stands testament to that.
Ill say it first, none of you can, wont and will only try and
argue without fact.
I did with facts and all.
This election is about change and the american people will speak their minds on election day.
More of the same, or an ousting of a corrupt political party gone wrong on the road to fascism.
You are right, this election is about change, this is America's opportunity to show the far left that they don't believe in an all powerful federal government. Every election cycle since 2000 the democrats have put up a more socialist candidate than the one prior, only now they have a smooth speaking black supremacist , and a shrill sounding woman who only wants us to vote for her because of her genitalia. This is why the 2000 Vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman supports McCain, and not the party he once represented. This bloody primary battle between the democrats will leave a bad taste throughout the party once its all said and done. I do not see this as an easy win for either party.