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Your post is exactly why the Iraq war is going so wrong. You dont even have the first clue of who the enemy is or why they are fighting.
You are stuck on FOX Noise information and better yet, you believe that IRAN is the biggest problem in Iraq.
Lets start with this:
First, why the need to place labels on a debate over facts?
(liberal,warped belief)
The question was to YOU, and your personal interpretation of who, what, why where, how are the terrorists.
Yes, your right, IEDs, snipers, car bombs, suicide bombers etc etc are out of control in iraq. But why? Why do you lend yourself to thinking about Iran, when the Saudi Sunni's are providing more money, weapons and fighters than iran could possibly send? According to the latest US military figures, SUNNI attacks on american forces make up 80% of the casualties..
Doesnt that show you that your attention on Iran is misdirected??
Of course you will say no, FOX NOISE doesnt want you to think that way and neither does Rush, Jason Lewis, Ann Coulture,Hannity or the republican party.
Why if Saudi Arabia is providing funds for the Sunni insurgents in the millions, weapons including explosives, SMG's and sniper rifles (and by the way ---> american made) why are you not outraged by this fact as I am???
You say the terrorists are the ones who kidnap and behead people? Funny, Saudi Arabia beheads it citizens, it chops off hands of thieves, it lashes its women citizens after they have been raped, they lash women for being out after dark with a male who is NOT a blood relative, they chop off heads of women who cheat on their husbands,it doesnt allow women to work or drive cars or be in the front seat, women cant see a male doctor and if there are no female doctors around, a Saudi Women must suffer whatever illness she may have.
Would you consider this; acts of terrorism??
Now, combined your own argument with these facts and ask yourself this question:
"if the Saudi Arabian goverment is sending weapons and money that is responsible for 80% of the attacks on the US military and at home they behead and mistreat their citizens and hold them in a barbaric society, wouldnt that make them TERRORISTS?"
This is where rhetoric meets hypocrisy.
Is this Right or Wrong in your mind considering Saudi Arabia is suppose to be our allie??
The real facts are that many countries and ILLEGAL gun dealers (including americans) are making millions of dollars from arms sales in Iraq.
C4 and various plastic explosives along with the latest sniper rifles made in the USA are showing up in insurgents hands.
But who are the terrorists?
They are Iraqi nationalists. They are citizens fighting back an occupation.
Gen. Patraeus himself said before congress that foriegn fighters only make up less than 1 % of the insurgency and Al-Qaeda only has between 1500 and 2000 men in Iraq.
Why then your focus on Iran and Al-Qaeda?? Could it be the repeticious rhetoric you hear daily on Rush limpbaughs slanted radio show, or the vast number of special guests on FOX noise telling you to focus on those things?
Like I said before, there are enormous issues in Iraq, a parliment that is not working, deaths in the hundreds each and everyday, no water, no electicity, no food, no medicine and overflowing morgues that cannot hold the number of dead civilians. Religious differences that cannot be resolved thru negotiations and hatred towards the United States action.
Many countries have profited on the war. Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan all have arms dealers selling to Iraqi nationals.
The rhetoric sez "we are going to win in iraq"...but win what?
Define win??
Are we prepared to kill everyone in Iraq cause the number of iraqi insurgents double each year. There are more iraqis looking to kill americans in every province.
Moqtada al sadr controls over 2 million shia thru various militias and just today (sunday) warned of an all out declaration of war against the iraq goverment.
Does this sound like victory or better yet, sound like things are getting better??
Yesterday, the Iranian president declared that oil prices are not high enough and OPEC then followed by saying that they would NOT INCREASE production or adjust production to stem the rising cost of oil prices.
We fight the average man and women in iraq yet the real terror exist in countries that we favor.
The OPEC nations in the middle east are in a proxy war with this country and they know that by keeping oil prices high, the US will eventually fail.
The iranian president is having the laugh right now, he sees how keeping the US in Iraq for years will only lead to the destruction of the US infrastructure.
Dubai, Qutar, Kuwait, United Arab Emerates are funelling money into the Iraq theatre and yet we still support there oil at whatever prices.
The real terrorists are the oil profiteers who keep the fighting alive in Iraq.
The ones who will pay that price are the civilians and the members of our armed forces in Iraq.
Rhetoric confuses people into believing things that are not facts. Our media, right and left has distorted the realities of this conflict and our citizens cant discern a difference.
Today, the debate for us all is how to effectively end this war and put a stop to the occupation of a country we should have never invaded.
Your post is exactly why the Iraq war is going so wrong. You dont even have the first clue of who the enemy is or why they are fighting.
You are stuck on FOX Noise information and better yet, you believe that IRAN is the biggest problem in Iraq.
Lets start with this:
I don't have an "interpretation" of what a terrorist. I'm not a liberal that needs to change or distort the meaning of something in order to justify a warped belief. My beliefs on terrorism stem from a sense of right and wrong. When an individual or group of people set up IEDs, car bombs, kidnappings and/or beheadings they are terrorists. Plus, these terrorists are not wearing uniforms which violates the Geneva Convention.
First, why the need to place labels on a debate over facts?
(liberal,warped belief)
The question was to YOU, and your personal interpretation of who, what, why where, how are the terrorists.
Yes, your right, IEDs, snipers, car bombs, suicide bombers etc etc are out of control in iraq. But why? Why do you lend yourself to thinking about Iran, when the Saudi Sunni's are providing more money, weapons and fighters than iran could possibly send? According to the latest US military figures, SUNNI attacks on american forces make up 80% of the casualties..
Doesnt that show you that your attention on Iran is misdirected??
Of course you will say no, FOX NOISE doesnt want you to think that way and neither does Rush, Jason Lewis, Ann Coulture,Hannity or the republican party.
Why if Saudi Arabia is providing funds for the Sunni insurgents in the millions, weapons including explosives, SMG's and sniper rifles (and by the way ---> american made) why are you not outraged by this fact as I am???
You say the terrorists are the ones who kidnap and behead people? Funny, Saudi Arabia beheads it citizens, it chops off hands of thieves, it lashes its women citizens after they have been raped, they lash women for being out after dark with a male who is NOT a blood relative, they chop off heads of women who cheat on their husbands,it doesnt allow women to work or drive cars or be in the front seat, women cant see a male doctor and if there are no female doctors around, a Saudi Women must suffer whatever illness she may have.
Would you consider this; acts of terrorism??
Now, combined your own argument with these facts and ask yourself this question:
"if the Saudi Arabian goverment is sending weapons and money that is responsible for 80% of the attacks on the US military and at home they behead and mistreat their citizens and hold them in a barbaric society, wouldnt that make them TERRORISTS?"
This is where rhetoric meets hypocrisy.
Is this Right or Wrong in your mind considering Saudi Arabia is suppose to be our allie??
The real facts are that many countries and ILLEGAL gun dealers (including americans) are making millions of dollars from arms sales in Iraq.
C4 and various plastic explosives along with the latest sniper rifles made in the USA are showing up in insurgents hands.
But who are the terrorists?
They are Iraqi nationalists. They are citizens fighting back an occupation.
Gen. Patraeus himself said before congress that foriegn fighters only make up less than 1 % of the insurgency and Al-Qaeda only has between 1500 and 2000 men in Iraq.
Why then your focus on Iran and Al-Qaeda?? Could it be the repeticious rhetoric you hear daily on Rush limpbaughs slanted radio show, or the vast number of special guests on FOX noise telling you to focus on those things?
Like I said before, there are enormous issues in Iraq, a parliment that is not working, deaths in the hundreds each and everyday, no water, no electicity, no food, no medicine and overflowing morgues that cannot hold the number of dead civilians. Religious differences that cannot be resolved thru negotiations and hatred towards the United States action.
Many countries have profited on the war. Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan all have arms dealers selling to Iraqi nationals.
The rhetoric sez "we are going to win in iraq"...but win what?
Define win??
Are we prepared to kill everyone in Iraq cause the number of iraqi insurgents double each year. There are more iraqis looking to kill americans in every province.
Moqtada al sadr controls over 2 million shia thru various militias and just today (sunday) warned of an all out declaration of war against the iraq goverment.
Does this sound like victory or better yet, sound like things are getting better??
Yesterday, the Iranian president declared that oil prices are not high enough and OPEC then followed by saying that they would NOT INCREASE production or adjust production to stem the rising cost of oil prices.
We fight the average man and women in iraq yet the real terror exist in countries that we favor.
The OPEC nations in the middle east are in a proxy war with this country and they know that by keeping oil prices high, the US will eventually fail.
The iranian president is having the laugh right now, he sees how keeping the US in Iraq for years will only lead to the destruction of the US infrastructure.
Dubai, Qutar, Kuwait, United Arab Emerates are funelling money into the Iraq theatre and yet we still support there oil at whatever prices.
The real terrorists are the oil profiteers who keep the fighting alive in Iraq.
The ones who will pay that price are the civilians and the members of our armed forces in Iraq.
Rhetoric confuses people into believing things that are not facts. Our media, right and left has distorted the realities of this conflict and our citizens cant discern a difference.
Today, the debate for us all is how to effectively end this war and put a stop to the occupation of a country we should have never invaded.