Ok, I get it, now your resorting to pure repetition to reinforce your claims that I am a liar.
You have been owned or Pzwnt.
Your claim that marines have been falsely charged is the lie.
All were C H A R G E D with murder. Whatever comes out of the article 32 is called jurisprudence and that I cannot deny, however, as i stated, being CHARGED with murder and then subsequently being convicted of lessers crimes because of the case facts that come to light doesnt "CLEAR" a marine.
Being convicted for planting evidence on a dead person who was shot "under" orders to bait and shoot is still a crime.
The whole concept of baiting and waiting is NOT the American way. This is the way of rogue elements of our military.
Get the point here BOOT.
We are there to bring stability and democracy to a people victimized by a war that should have never been waged for 5 years now.
There is a pattern of marines and soldiers who have been CHARGED with murdering innocent iraqis as I posted. NOTHING can be said to the contrary.
Saying this doesnt condemn the whole military. Systemic problems exist in Iraq that are causing these killings.
This is the point.
You responded to something I said like this:
It makes good people do bad things.
Another lie from BS. You cannot make a good person do a bad thing.
I can only assume by your position here that you then believe that the marines who have been charged of murdering innocent iraqis were bad people to start with.
At the end of the day, no matter what came of the charges, convictions for crimes are NOT WHAT the american people sent our troops to iraq to get involved in. NO american wants to see our troops spending 1, 10 or 100 years in prison for a crime they would have never committed had they never entered Iraq.
Understanding basic jurisprudence tells you that a prosecutor will adjust his case in order to maximise the odds of a conviction. In Haditha, those involved were
CHARGED with murder. As the case developed, some of the marines were not
"CLEARED" of murder as you stated, but negotiated thru their attorneys to testify against the other marines and thru this process,
IMMUNITY was granted. With
IMMUNITY, the marines could no longer be CHARGED with murder.
This is not falsely accusing a marine. The IMMUNITY itself sez they are guilty, but the prosecutor knows the level of guilt is lesser than that of the squad leader who gave the orders.
The squad leaders
murder charges have been reduced to
Here is the definition of manslaughter:
Manslaughter is a legal term for the killing of a human in a manner considered by law as less culpable than
The law generally differentiates between levels of criminal culpability based on the
mens rea, or state of mind. This is particularly true within the law of
homicide, where
murder requires either the
intent to kill, a state of mind called
malice or
malice aforethought, which may involve an unintentional killing but with a
willful disregard for life.
This hardly
"CLEARS" him of
murder as you state. If anyone is a liar its yourself.
You are a splitter of hairs.
I have yet to hear you condemn any soldier or marine for crimes that have resulted in a conviction.
I have yet to hear you demonstrate one ounce of remorse for those innocent people killed in iraq by elements of our military who took those lives unlawfully.
I have yet to hear you say that you dont condone killing any person in iraq that is innocent and theoretically protected by our forces.
I have yet to hear you condemn any soldier or marine convicted for raping and/or killing any iraqi female we are suppose to protect.
Our military is not in a foriegn country to blur the lines of humanity. They are suppose to be mindful and respectful of the job they are there to do.
As I posted in another post, there were 69 cases of military personnel charged with murdering innocent Iraqis, and so far 31 convictions have been sustained.
i understand you will defend your comrades because that is the oath you took. But that only works in the military and not in civilian life.
You must learn to distinguish between right and wrong as a person (civilian) and not the robotic mindset the military would have you believe.
Crimes are crimes, there is no defense for it.
It is a shameful part of our occupation of Iraq that these cases exist. History will tell how large a part these crimes will play in the eventual outcome.
You are wrong when you responded that good people cant be made to do bad things, YES they can.
Its called life my friend. Life has its breaking points, and marines and soldiers are reaching theirs.
This is when good people do bad things.