Well, Dave your original post made your point quite clear of what can happen if you don't report an accident. However 2 days latter you wrote about it again. Pretty sure people read your first post and a follow up wasn't needed. Then this obsession thread starts about you once again writing about not reporting accident. 3 times in 1 week same subject, same outcome.
Also UPS makes drivers sign paperwork saying report all accidents. If not disciplinary action will be taken up to and including termination. Everyone who drives has prior knowledge to this rule. At the end of day, it was her choice not to report it. You can't do anything about her choice.
center manager threatened to fire preloader on Friday for not having bulkhead door closed. In my center center manager, DM, LP threaten fire to everybody, if the rule is not followed. You work for UPS for 25 years, you should be immune to hearing about all the threats of firings by now. FYI in my center bulk head doors remain open while loading. Not all center have your center rules.