Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It's called bait.

Hilarious that you waited till after you've been gutted before complaining the lure wasn't real.

No kiddin' ? I spun a movie title off of bait? Wow man!

I've been gutted? I was laughin' so hard I didn't even feel it!
No complaints here. Its great entertainment.
The lure? You over estimate yourself.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
This gets a bye?

THE MOVIE TITLE EXPLAINED: disease and lice I pulled from BC comments, leeches are what the majority of illegals become, liberals are who allowing it to happen.. The title does not have the word destroyed or destroying.

Whats your point?
Weak. Own your racist “joke” don’t try and dodge and blame some other comments that you were allegedly pulling from. Show me the republican legislation that’s passed to fix our immigration system. Show me how paying taxes while not being eligible for most assistance programs is a leech.


Well-Known Member
Weak. Own your racist “joke” don’t try and dodge and blame some other comments that you were allegedly pulling from. Show me the republican legislation that’s passed to fix our immigration system. Show me how paying taxes while not being eligible for most assistance programs is a leech.
Pretty obvious. They aren't collecting taxes from an illegal. They are collecting taxes from an employee who's papers are in order. Same phony papers that gets them a driver's license and public assistance. Puts their kids in school. Jose Martinez from Tijuana doesn't get a job, a car, food stamps. But when he becomes David Fernandez, born and raised in Fresno, he does.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Weak. Own your racist “joke” don’t try and dodge and blame some other comments that you were allegedly pulling from. Show me the republican legislation that’s passed to fix our immigration system. Show me how paying taxes while not being eligible for most assistance programs is a leech.
Can't help you. I'm a racist, dodger, blamer and puller, and a republican.
I've been totally exposed.

You're just a, you're a, you you you you are...oh its just awful what you are!
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Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
Show me how paying taxes while not being eligible for most assistance programs is a leech
A large portion of the welfare received by illegal immigrants is through their US born children that they had after they snuck in. They have the same welfare eligibility as any other US citizen.

The adults that come here from Mexico and Central America are overwhelmingly poor and uneducated. They also very often don’t speak English. As a result, the jobs they wind up getting are low skilled and low paying so they pay relatively little in taxes while using public services. They go to our schools, are treated in our hospitals, and are housed in our prisons if they commit crimes.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
A large portion of the welfare received by illegal immigrants is through their US born children that they had after they snuck in. They have the same welfare eligibility as any other US citizen.

The adults that come here from Mexico and Central America are overwhelmingly poor and uneducated. They also very often don’t speak English. As a result, the jobs they wind up getting are low skilled and low paying so they pay relatively little in taxes while using public services. They go to our schools, are treated in our hospitals, and are housed in our prisons if they commit crimes.
Lol. Your complaint is American citizens, children born in America, are receiving assistance. The horror!!

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
Lol. Your complaint is American citizens, children born in America, are receiving assistance. The horror!!
The only reason they were born here is because we don’t enforce our borders. Their parents snuck across the border and had kids so that they would be citizens. You see nothing wrong with this? It is a direct effect of illegal immigration.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The only reason they were born here is because we don’t enforce our borders. Their parents snuck across the border and had kids so that they would be citizens. You see nothing wrong with this? It is a direct effect of illegal immigration.
I see nothing wrong with public assistance for poor American citizens.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You think this is not related to illegal immigration? The only reason they do this is so they can receive benefits through their children that they do not pay for.
I see nothing wrong with public assistance for poor American citizens. I don’t blame children for the sins of their parents. Poor people don’t pay for their benefits, they’re poor, that’s why they get benefits.

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
I see nothing wrong with public assistance for poor American citizens. I don’t blame children for the sins of their parents. Poor people don’t pay for their benefits, they’re poor, that’s why they get benefits.
I’m not blaming the children, I’m blaming the parents and saying this is why we need to stop them from coming here illegally. They are taking advantage of the system.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Fake Bronx:
The hardscrabble biography of Democrat Congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been called into question after the revelation that she grew up mostly in wealthy Westchester County.

Though Ocasio-Cortez, 28, was born in and currently lives in the Bronx, county land records show her late father Sergio Cortez-Roman bought a quaint three-bedroom in Yorktown Heights, New York in 1991, when she was about two.

It is an apparent contradiction with the candidate's official biography, which states in part: 'The state of Bronx public schools in the late 80s and early 90s sent her parents on a search for a solution. She ended up attending public school 40 minutes north in Yorktown, and much of her life was defined by the 40 minute commute between school and her family in the Bronx.'


You think this is not related to illegal immigration? The only reason they do this is so they can receive benefits through their children that they do not pay for.
WIC is the only program I can think of that the parents would qualify for regardless of their children's status.

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
WIC is the only program I can think of that the parents would qualify for regardless of their children's status.
Their children that they have while here illegally receive the same welfare benefits as everyone else. The parents receive child and low income tax credits. They also use our public schools, hospitals, and have to be housed in jails if they break the law.

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
I am all for legal immigration done the right way. There are plenty of immigrants that would be a benefit to our society. I understand many people want to come here but we can’t take in the worlds population so we should be able to decide who gets to come to our country. We should take in educated and skilled people that are a net benefit to our society. We can not take in other country’s poorest, unskilled, and uneducated people.