Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Their children that they have while here illegally receive the same welfare benefits as everyone else. The parents receive child and low income tax credits. They also use our public schools, hospitals, and have to be housed in jails if they break the law.
Actually they don't. Like I said the only program parents qualify for WIC.


From your article.

But in addition to collecting taxes, the IRS has increasingly been making payments to low-income workers who pay no federal income tax but qualify for “refundable” credits. Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.

Yaba Daba Do

Donkey Punch Extraordinaire
From your article.

But in addition to collecting taxes, the IRS has increasingly been making payments to low-income workers who pay no federal income tax but qualify for “refundable” credits. Generally, illegal immigrants don’t qualify for Social Security, Medicare or other federal benefits, except for emergency medical treatment in hospitals. And since passage of the 1996 welfare reform law, they have been ineligible for the refundable portion of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well.
From the IG report link in the same article

Claims for the ACTC by ITIN filers have increased from $924 million in Processing
Year 2005 (the calendar year in which the tax return was processed) to $4.2 billion in Processing Year 2010.


Inordinately Right
Their children that they have while here illegally receive the same welfare benefits as everyone else. The parents receive child and low income tax credits. They also use our public schools, hospitals, and have to be housed in jails if they break the law.

No one should be getting welfare or tax credits for children, doesn't have anything to do with immigration imo. If anything they should be paying more in taxes not less.


Well-Known Member
I see nothing wrong with public assistance for poor American citizens. I don’t blame children for the sins of their parents. Poor people don’t pay for their benefits, they’re poor, that’s why they get benefits.
Since we can't separate them anymore we should send the parents back to their homeland, taking their American child with them. When the child is grown he can bring his birth certificate to the border.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Since we can't separate them anymore we should send the parents back to their homeland, taking their American child with them. When the child is grown he can bring his birth certificate to the border.
Novel solution, forcibly deport American citizens, I can’t imagine how that could go wrong. I also can’t imagine how that would be remotely constitutional, but who bothers with that these days.


Well-Known Member
Novel solution, forcibly deport American citizens, I can’t imagine how that could go wrong. I also can’t imagine how that would be remotely constitutional, but who bothers with that these days.
It's really not that bizzarre. Illegally earned citizenship can be overturned. If you lie during your citizenship acqusition it can be overturned. In this case the citizenship is only a result of illegal activity by the parents. An immigrant child can gain citizenship automatically if the legally immigant parent becomes a citizen before the child is 14. So the natural extension of that law should require that the parent be a citizen in order to achieve the same result for the child.


Well-Known Member
Novel solution, forcibly deport American citizens, I can’t imagine how that could go wrong. I also can’t imagine how that would be remotely constitutional, but who bothers with that these days.
Children belong to their parents, not the State. If the parents aren't citizens, then the child goes with them until such time as he can independently decide to come to the States. Or we could just separate them if that works for you.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
“Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
The immigration poem from the Statue of Liberty. I actually do not know what the answer is anymore. I am second generation born here and my wife is the first. Our people came here for the same reason people are trying to get in now, the promise of a better life. I believe it is important to assimilate while holding on to your heritage.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
“Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
The immigration poem from the Statue of Liberty. I actually do not know what the answer is anymore. I am second generation born here and my wife is the first. Our people came here for the same reason people are trying to get in now, the promise of a better life. I believe it is important to assimilate while holding on to your heritage.
I honestly don't know if its the same reason.
Again, it looks to be an organized invasion of the country.