Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Well-Known Member
“Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
The immigration poem from the Statue of Liberty. I actually do not know what the answer is anymore. I am second generation born here and my wife is the first. Our people came here for the same reason people are trying to get in now, the promise of a better life. I believe it is important to assimilate while holding on to your heritage.
A poem. Added on some years later. Not the rule of law and absolute way. To most extent I agree with what you say. Assimilation is grand. And many different definitions of what that is today.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's really not that bizzarre. Illegally earned citizenship can be overturned. If you lie during your citizenship acqusition it can be overturned. In this case the citizenship is only a result of illegal activity by the parents. An immigrant child can gain citizenship automatically if the legally immigant parent becomes a citizen before the child is 14. So the natural extension of that law should require that the parent be a citizen in order to achieve the same result for the child.

Children belong to their parents, not the State. If the parents aren't citizens, then the child goes with them until such time as he can independently decide to come to the States. Or we could just separate them if that works for you.

I hate to break it to you guys but birthright citizenship is in the constitution.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

So even if you want to force some to be second class citizens, that’s just not how it works.


Well-Known Member
I hate to break it to you guys but birthright citizenship is in the constitution.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

So even if you want to force some to be second class citizens, that’s just not how it works.
The parents don't get a free ride because their children are citizens however. If they are deported the minor child will accompany them. He's more than welcome to come back on his own when he's old enough.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The parents don't get a free ride because their children are citizens however. If they are deported the minor child will accompany them. He's more than welcome to come back on his own when he's old enough.
It’s completely insane that you believe we should deport American citizens. I don’t care what knots you twist yourself into, that’s what your advocating, it’s bananas.


Well-Known Member
He wants to deport American citizens.
Little babies don't have a clue about anything except they want to be with their parents. If parents are here illegally that's on them. The child is more than welcome to come back when he/she is old enough. And please stop with the feigned outrage. The only thing you care about is getting millions in, turn them into citizens, and have most of them vote Democrat. If you truly cared about children you'd be anti-abortion. All you want is to make sure abortion and every other "progressive" idea becomes/stays the law of the land.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Little babies don't have a clue about anything except they want to be with their parents. If parents are here illegally that's on them. The child is more than welcome to come back when he/she is old enough. And please stop with the feigned outrage. The only thing you care about is getting millions in, turn them into citizens, and have most of them vote Democrat. If you truly cared about children you'd be anti-abortion. All you want is to make sure abortion and every other "progressive" idea becomes/stays the law of the land.
Good job, it took a few posts before you cried about abortion again, you’re getting better. Keep advocating deporting citizens, I’m sure that’s a winning argument.


Well-Known Member
It’s completely insane that you believe we should deport American citizens. I don’t care what knots you twist yourself into, that’s what your advocating, it’s bananas.

no one is suggesting deporting american citizens. they are suggesting we deport those who achieved citizenship as the result of their parents breaking the law and then dropping a baby on american soil as a result. the illegal act should negate any rights since that citizenship would not have happened without the illegal act that preceded it.

any adult who acquires citizenship as a result of an illegal act would lose said citizenship.
why should it be an different for a minor?


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