Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
CWA, SEIU ,UAW, Moveon.org, Transport Workers Union, United Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO are a few of the unions joining the Occupy Wall Street hang out.

I thought Moveon.org was suppose to be in the business of re-electing Obama, yet they are protesting the country that Obama governs (so to speak)

Move On is not a union. It advocates for progressive causes. Remember it was the Wall St lobbyists with the complicity of Republicans as well as Democrats in congress that caused this great recession by undoing our regulatory system in place since the Great Depression!! But these Wall St criminals escaped any accountablity for the excesses of their greed!! A matter of fact they got their lackeys in congress to bail them out while their victims were abandoned!!

Tell me what is wrong with the youth of today waking up and demanding that power and greed can no longer go unchecked!! We elected Obama to do it and he couldnt or wouldnt. We elected a Republican Congress to do it and they couldnt or wouldnt. When the entire government isnt responsive to the will of the people well then it is time to take to the streets brothers and sisters. As the Declaration of Independence states: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Govermment..."

working up a sweat

Well-Known Member
804brown. Your making a silly judgment about what I do because of my post. Typical debating tactic. I proudly work in an air hub. Loading trailers, air containers, aircraft and pulling cans on a roller floor. I wear a Teamster button on my hat at all times. I really "work up a sweat". I know a FT sup "management" in my hub that agrees with Occupy Wall Street.


Well-Known Member
I think the major point of the OWS movement is the obscene amount of wealth in the very few pockets and not many taxes being paid on it because the rich are supposed to be creating all these jobs. Hello, 11% unemployment out here. Where are the jobs that you can live on? Are our children who are not blessed with the wherewithall (?) to go to school and get a good paying job, supposed to adjust to permanently having both parents work two jobs to afford the basics?

I don't think the OWS movement is the bunch of looney tunes that are being highlighted here. Anymore than the very wacky element of the Tea Party are wholly typical of that movement. Let's agree that the Tea Party movement brought to the forefront our crushing national debt and that we must do something about it and the OWS is saying "Hello, 4% of the people earn more than 150,000,000 Americans! Poor getting poorer and rich getting very richer." A statistic online today said the CEO's in America are compensated 450:1 to average American wage earner. In Japan, it's 12:1. JMHO


Tell me what is wrong with the youth of today waking up and demanding that power and greed can no longer go unchecked!! We elected Obama to do it and he couldnt or wouldnt. We elected a Republican Congress to do it and they couldnt or wouldnt. When the entire government isnt responsive to the will of the people well then it is time to take to the streets brothers and sisters. As the Declaration of Independence states: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Govermment..."

The Youth of today aren't waking up till Noon. Then they roll out of bed in the Mom's basement scratch thier @!&^ and start playing video games. People the YOUTH of today are OUR future. GOD help us all.


Well-Known Member
Tooner, even the children with the wherewithall are having a hard time finding a job. Both my daughter and son-in-law have been unable to find work in their degree fields. They have jobs but are definitely underemployed.


Well-Known Member
Tooner, even the children with the wherewithall are having a hard time finding a job. Both my daughter and son-in-law have been unable to find work in their degree fields. They have jobs but are definitely underemployed.

Good point Upstate!

As to the demands of free college education, they may be taking place regardless of demands or actions by the State. Taking the information and knowledge of education into the open source world will accomplish that very thing and several colleges like MIT have put all their material online in the open source world so free education in many respects is already here.


Well-Known Member
You are making stuff up here. The only people that asked the government to take care of them was the capitalist Wall St banks!! We used to have free college in NYC. But wait we have "free" public schools k-12, oh dear not that.


It must be the kool aid. Do you own a home ?? Have you looked at property taxes ?? Education is free ??? Trillions of taxpayer money is poured into the public education system with no results. Sure the government runs everything for free.


golden ticket member
Get a job, work your way up until you are at a level worthy of your degree, but don't expect a living wage without working which is what the demonstrators want.


Well-Known Member

It must be the kool aid. Do you own a home ?? Have you looked at property taxes ?? Education is free ??? Trillions of taxpayer money is poured into the public education system with no results. Sure the government runs everything for free.

Funny whenever people start to rock the boat and disturb the status quo, the ol conservative reactionaries speak of "kool aid". We do pay taxes for a public education but you dont see any results?? Hmmm. Thats funny because he have become the "greatest" country thanks to our public education system. And our greatest minds drove to public libraries on public roads and bridges. Some of us using public transportation. Some might have been injured on the way and was taken to a public hospital by a public server (cop/firefighter). I could go on. Stop bashing the public sector !!


golden ticket member
Funny whenever people start to rock the boat and disturb the status quo, the ol conservative reactionaries speak of "kool aid". We do pay taxes for a public education but you dont see any results?? Hmmm. Thats funny because he have become the "greatest" country thanks to our public education system. And our greatest minds drove to public libraries on public roads and bridges. Some of us using public transportation. Some might have been injured on the way and was taken to a public hospital by a public server (cop/firefighter). I could go on. Stop bashing the public sector !!
Maybe the teachers should be held more accountable instead of worrying about getting tenure........how about getting paid for results?


Well-Known Member
Get a job, work your way up until you are at a level worthy of your degree, but don't expect a living wage without working which is what the demonstrators want.

Typical conservative response. However, I did not hear any one out there demand a living wage without working.


golden ticket member
Typical conservative response. However, I did not hear any one out there demand a living wage without working.
It's on their manifesto of 13 demands and I posted it in another demonstration thread already....probably at Current events.
They also want the minimum wage to be $20..........all their demands are ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the teachers should be held more accountable instead of worrying about getting tenure........how about getting paid for results?

Hey welcome to the fight. That is what the OWS people are saying: Why did we bail out the bankers and not the foreclosed ?? Why did we bail out Wall St while millions are out of work?? Why bail out the bankers and then allow them to give themselves incredible bonuses?? Results??????? Accountability?????


Well-Known Member
It's on their manifesto of 13 demands and I posted it in another demonstration thread already....probably at Current events.
They also want the minimum wage to be $20..........all their demands are ridiculous.

Again, that socalled manifesto was written up by one person. The OWS movement has not published any manifesto as of yet. You want to know what they want, go to the Occupy wall Street live stream and listen to the people yourself. Stop listening to the corporate media's spin on this movement. Every network is condescending in its coverage and distorts and seems to seek out the most interesting dressed people there.

Ridiculous demands?? Fairness and justice for the 99% of us?? Please


A Package Center Manager
Steve Jobs was filthy rich. Should his money have been taken away and redistributed? Did he do something wrong?

I don't have a problem with wealth, but I have a problem with our corrupt government system. More than that I have a problem with both management and teamsters complaining about the corruption while still giving money to the government through UPSPAC and the union. The government can't pad wallets if they don't get it in the first place. How about starting the revolution by cutting the flow of cash you all hate so much. No need to storm Wall St., we can protest from where we are and accomplish more. Protesters with jobs - a novel idea!


A Package Center Manager
Why did we bail out the bankers and not the foreclosed ?? Why did we bail out Wall St while millions are out of work?? Why bail out the bankers and then allow them to give themselves incredible bonuses?? Results??????? Accountability?????

Because no one will do anything about it.


golden ticket member
Steve Jobs was filthy rich. Should his money have been taken away and redistributed? Did he do something wrong?

I don't have a problem with wealth, but I have a problem with our corrupt government system. More than that I have a problem with both management and teamsters complaining about the corruption while still giving money to the government through UPSPAC and the union. The government can't pad wallets if they don't get it in the first place. How about starting the revolution by cutting the flow of cash you all hate so much. No need to storm Wall St., we can protest from where we are and accomplish more. Protesters with jobs - a novel idea!
Cutting the flow of cash........like not paying dues?


Well-Known Member
Funny whenever people start to rock the boat and disturb the status quo, the ol conservative reactionaries speak of "kool aid". We do pay taxes for a public education but you dont see any results?? Hmmm. Thats funny because he have become the "greatest" country thanks to our public education system. And our greatest minds drove to public libraries on public roads and bridges. Some of us using public

transportation. Some might have been injured on the way and was taken to a public hospital by a public server (cop/firefighter). I could go on. Stop bashing the public sector !!


I will type as slowly as I can so that maybe you can read and understand. You stated that public education is free. I pointed out to you that it is paid for from our tax money--therefore not free . Too tough to understand. Also since I pay for it I have every right to voice my comments concerning the poor results.