CWA, SEIU ,UAW,, Transport Workers Union, United Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO are a few of the unions joining the Occupy Wall Street hang out.
I thought was suppose to be in the business of re-electing Obama, yet they are protesting the country that Obama governs (so to speak)
Move On is not a union. It advocates for progressive causes. Remember it was the Wall St lobbyists with the complicity of Republicans as well as Democrats in congress that caused this great recession by undoing our regulatory system in place since the Great Depression!! But these Wall St criminals escaped any accountablity for the excesses of their greed!! A matter of fact they got their lackeys in congress to bail them out while their victims were abandoned!!
Tell me what is wrong with the youth of today waking up and demanding that power and greed can no longer go unchecked!! We elected Obama to do it and he couldnt or wouldnt. We elected a Republican Congress to do it and they couldnt or wouldnt. When the entire government isnt responsive to the will of the people well then it is time to take to the streets brothers and sisters. As the Declaration of Independence states: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Govermment..."