Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
Good article. I agree in concept with everything he brought up.

The loss of individual liberty after 9-11 has always irked me as non-productive and smacking of a military state.

Another thing he brought up which I think has hurt individual liberty and corrupted the police forces is the seizure of property for the slightest pretense. I know a person whose very nice expensive car was seized after he was caught with one joint in his car. The cops cruise around in his seized car stopping people at ramps to the interstate - I think the state finally stepped in and stopped some of it.

Come to NYC and watch how citizen's rights are violated everyday.


New York police plant drugs on innocent people to meet arrest quotas | The Media Freedom Foundation

brown bomber

brown bomber
let me reiterate.....as I've stated in past posts.....America has gone from the land of opportunity, to the land of guarantees............I choose not to participate


Well-Known Member

Got news for you and this writer: OWS is still in Liberty Plaza!! They are just not allowed to bring in sleeping bags or tents. Some do still sleep there but most go to alternative places to sleep and clean up: churches, union halls, local community offices, their own homes or apts, their schools, etc. This was never about just occupying a parcel of land to sleep on. It is about occupying the nation's consciousness and changing its moral values to one that puts people above profits. Jobs above profits. The air we breath above profits. The food we eat, the water we drink, the workplace above profits.

It is humorous how these conservative writers are always so behind the times. They are always fighting the last war, using old terms such as "hippies" or "commies" to describe the 99%. I guess that is why they are the conservative party. They are a reactionary force which looks to stop progress and change at every moment in history. It was the conservatives of the 1770s that said wait, lets not piss off the brits here. It was the cons of the 1860s that thought that slavery was just fine. It was the cons of the guilded age of the 1880s that considered unions harmful to the huge corporations' profits. It was cons in 1920 who thought women didnt need the right to vote, just yet. It was cons of the 1930s who thought that the new deal would turn us communist -"Prosperity is just around the corner!!" It was cons of the 1950s and 60s who believed giving black people civil rights was too much too soon- remember: "States' rights"?? It was cons who still think denying women control over their own bodies is wrong as well as denying gay people marriage equality, I could go on.


Nine Lives
Got news for you and this writer: OWS is still in Liberty Plaza!! They are just not allowed to bring in sleeping bags or tents. Some do still sleep there but most go to alternative places to sleep and clean up: churches, union halls, local community offices, their own homes or apts, their schools, etc. This was never about just occupying a parcel of land to sleep on. It is about occupying the nation's consciousness and changing its moral values to one that puts people above profits. Jobs above profits. The air we breath above profits. The food we eat, the water we drink, the workplace above profits.

It is humorous how these conservative writers are always so behind the times. They are always fighting the last war, using old terms such as "hippies" or "commies" to describe the 99%. I guess that is why they are the conservative party. They are a reactionary force which looks to stop progress and change at every moment in history. It was the conservatives of the 1770s that said wait, lets not piss off the brits here. It was the cons of the 1860s that thought that slavery was just fine. It was the cons of the guilded age of the 1880s that considered unions harmful to the huge corporations' profits. It was cons in 1920 who thought women didnt need the right to vote, just yet. It was cons of the 1930s who thought that the new deal would turn us communist -"Prosperity is just around the corner!!" It was cons of the 1950s and 60s who believed giving black people civil rights was too much too soon- remember: "States' rights"?? It was cons who still think denying women control over their own bodies is wrong as well as denying gay people marriage equality, I could go on.

While I rarely agree with you 804, I do appreciate the original thought and effort you put into your posts.

I believe you hit nail right on the head when you described "Conservatism" as looking into the past to determine what worked well and repeating those approaches but also looking into the past and seeing what did not work and avoiding repeating those approaches. Of course, it is not an absolute so some new things do slip in past the absolute conservative.

Thomas Jefferson was a liberal in his time because he rejected all previous forms of government and wanted the rule of a broader class of people rather than a Monarchy or Aristocratic rule. I say broader because if you were not a white male landowner, you were not part of his narrow class of a broader class.

Perhaps this is the beginning of a new thread.


My Senior Picture
Got news for you and this writer: OWS is still in Liberty Plaza!! They are just not allowed to bring in sleeping bags or tents. Some do still sleep there but most go to alternative places to sleep and clean up: churches, union halls, local community offices, their own homes or apts, their schools, etc. This was never about just occupying a parcel of land to sleep on. It is about occupying the nation's consciousness and changing its moral values to one that puts people above profits. Jobs above profits. The air we breath above profits. The food we eat, the water we drink, the workplace above profits.

It is humorous how these conservative writers are always so behind the times. They are always fighting the last war, using old terms such as "hippies" or "commies" to describe the 99%. I guess that is why they are the conservative party. They are a reactionary force which looks to stop progress and change at every moment in history. It was the conservatives of the 1770s that said wait, lets not piss off the brits here. It was the cons of the 1860s that thought that slavery was just fine. It was the cons of the guilded age of the 1880s that considered unions harmful to the huge corporations' profits. It was cons in 1920 who thought women didnt need the right to vote, just yet. It was cons of the 1930s who thought that the new deal would turn us communist -"Prosperity is just around the corner!!" It was cons of the 1950s and 60s who believed giving black people civil rights was too much too soon- remember: "States' rights"?? It was cons who still think denying women control over their own bodies is wrong as well as denying gay people marriage equality, I could go on.

They still think all of those things, they just haven't found a way to reverse them yet.
They are a minority that is being exposed for what they are, and for the coup they have perpetrated on the formally silent majority.


Nine Lives

I think the quote from Steve Biko (from the same article) is more telling:
"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." — Steve Biko

I resist any marketing attempt to sway my mind from buying only what I need and at the price it deserves.


Well-Known Member

The most important question IMO is the very last one asked in the video piece!


golden ticket member
I got to the ACLU part of the tape and that was that. I put anything the ACLU says right up there with PETA. They can both go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

If you don't disperse when the police tell you to, you are wrong!!


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
I got to the ACLU part of the tape and that was that. I put anything the ACLU says right up there with PETA. They can both go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

If you don't disperse when the police tell you to, you are wrong!!

Being "wrong" or illegal or disobedient is one thing. The government using excessive force is another. MLK and the civil rights marchers were breaking the "law" at the time by marching, etc but Bull Conner and his band of thugs used high powered water hoses and dogs to stop those "law breakers".

So you dont like the ACLU. Typical. Could it be the word American?? Maybe it is the words Civil Liberties?? Or maybe its that awful word Union!! No, I think your problem is with our Bill of Rights!!


golden ticket member
Being "wrong" or illegal or disobedient is one thing. The government using excessive force is another. MLK and the civil rights marchers were breaking the "law" at the time by marching, etc but Bull Conner and his band of thugs used high powered water hoses and dogs to stop those "law breakers".

So you dont like the ACLU. Typical. Could it be the word American?? Maybe it is the words Civil Liberties?? Or maybe its that awful word Union!! No, I think your problem is with our Bill of Rights!!
It has a lot to do with gathering around a squeaky wheel and ignoring the rights of a huge percentage of citizens...........for instance, with the Merry Christmas nonsense.....and the no nativity because we might offend some heathen. I'm sick of that stuff. It's CHRISTmas for CHRIST"S sake !!!!!! If you don't want to celebrate the national holiday of Christmas, then stay in your cave and eat toasted cheese sandwiches.
I shouldn't have to give up my rights for you to have yours !!


Strength through joy
[h=1]Outrage!… After Demanding Refund From City, Richmond Tea Party Gets Letter – “You’re Being Audited”[/h]http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...nd-mortgage-crisis-will-not-seek-re-election/ The City of Richmond charged the local tea party $10,000 to hold three rallies at the Kanawha Plaza … But, the #Occupy squatters were allowed to set up a tent city on the plaza for free.

Right Side News reported:
Two weeks after the Richmond Tea Party delivered an invoice to Richmond Mayor Dwight Jones for costs incurred for previous rallies; we received a letter from the City of Richmond formally stating that the city is auditing our Tea Party. Coincidence? This audit is an obvious attempt to intimidate and harass us for standing up against the unfair treatment and discrimination against our Tea Party.
As reported on the front page of the Richmond Times Dispatch, the Richmond Tea Party delivered an invoice for charges incurred in our previous three Tax Day rallies at Kanawha Plaza because Mayor Jones chose to allow Occupy Richmond protesters to convene in the same park for two weeks.
The Mayor not only allowed the Occupiers to break the law, but he visited them in the city-owned park. “Jones said that as a ‘child of civil rights’ and protests, he had allowed the group to remain in the park but understands his mayoral responsibility to uphold laws of the city,” reported the Richmond Times Dispatch.
Apparently his mayoral duties included preferential treatment for a group he sympathizes with ideologically at the expense of the taxpayers.
The blog Virginia Right reported that the city provided services such as portable toilets, trash pickup etc. The incomplete invoices obtained from the city totaled $7,000. This was only a portion of the actual costs to taxpayers because the costs of police, helicopter and incarcerations were not included. Also not accounted for was the 24-hour police protection of the Mayor’s home after the Occupiers moved their camp next door to the Mayor’s house. The Richmond Tea Party, conversely, paid for all services for our rallies, including the police, portable toilets, park fees and permits, amounting to approximately $8,500.
In the audit letter signed by Cynthia Carr, Field Auditor for the City of Richmond, it states that our Tea Party is delinquent in filing of Admissions, Lodging, and Meals Taxes with the city and as such our group has been targeted for a comprehensive audit.
