Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
Police Begin Clearing Zuccotti Park of Protesters

then these same protesters had a lawyer ask a judge to granted a temporary restraining order ?
An anti-government group used the powers of the government that they object to, to continue their cause.
How uncivilized of them.

Maybe these "anti-gov't" groups go to the gov't courts because the gov't holds a monopoly on so-called justice and they back that monopoly up with the barrel of a gun.


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member

Good one. More and more officers are speaking out against the militarization of the police. Yesterday I heard an interview with a retired NYC Police Captain who came down to NY Occupy to join the protest and one of his concerns was the militarization of law enforcement he's seen with his own eyes.

Andy Alexis-Baker at Jesus Radicals has written a piece "The Myth of the State As Savior and Elections as Confessions of Faith" and he makes a historical case about the ineffectiveness of the electoral process to affect real change. Instead, real change comes about by a certain degree, taking it to the streets with public political action and non-violent non-compliance. I know we've been conditioned to think otherwise but I do think this is one area the Occupy movement should push and that is to abandon the electoral process. Real conservatives and liberals when honest will admit they never get what they vote for in the election process so then why waste the time in the first place? Knowing this and yet still voting especially for either of the 2 parties and expecting a different outcome this time is the definition of stupidity. Geez, at least vote for a 3rd party if for no other reason but to scare the crap out of the 2 parties as they watch the total % of voters decline in their 2 camps.

The initial tea party with Trevor Leach (offshoot of the Campaign for Liberty), before the infamous Santelli rant and the astro-turfing of the April 15, 2009' media circus was not so focused on any specific side of elective politics but was purely issue driven and among those was opposition to the Corp. State getting bailed out by TARP. The initial Occupy movement when it came to the Corp. State getting bailed out was singing from the same sheet of music and there was more overlap between the 2 than most want to realize or admit. But like the early Tea Party, the Occupy movement has been astro-turfed as well. Chris Hedges with whom I would disagree in many areas but with whom I respect has been more and more vocal in the recent couple of years that any relief in the 2 party system will not be found and this very principled man of the left is absolutely correct. Chris is also a very principled man of faith which shapes his worldview and although I don't share his faith or belief I do urge the Occupy movement to consider the words of Chris to abandon the elective process at least in the sense of backing the 2 party system.


golden ticket member
And the pres calls us lazy!!

Well, the solution to the problem is there.....Democrats fail to use it for what it was intended.......

. "Los Angeles is also the home to a 387 acre parcel of land, specifically deeded to the United States in 1888 as a home for disabled veterans, so you’d think there would be an easy solution. But this is not what the land is being used for. As CBS Evening News reported on Tuesday, the land is being rented out to private companies, used for schools’ athletic fields and even turned into a golf course (!):"


Well-Known Member
When the dog begins to turn on it's master.

From Karen Smith

I was there to take down the names of people who were arrested… As I’m standing there, some African-American woman goes up to a police officer and says, ‘I need to get in. My daughter’s there. I want to know if she’s OK.’ And he said, ‘Move on, lady.’ And they kept pushing with their sticks, pushing back. And she was crying. And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he throws her to the ground and starts hitting her in the head,” says Smith. “I walk over, and I say, ‘Look, cuff her if she’s done something, but you don’t need to do that.’ And he said, ‘Lady, do you want to get arrested?’ And I said, ‘Do you see my hat? I’m here as a legal observer.’ He said, ‘You want to get arrested?’ And he pushed me up against the wall.



Für Meno :)
And the pres calls us lazy!!

Well, the solution to the problem is there.....Democrats fail to use it for what it was intended.......

. "Los Angeles is also the home to a 387 acre parcel of land, specifically deeded to the United States in 1888 as a home for disabled veterans, so you’d think there would be an easy solution. But this is not what the land is being used for. As CBS Evening News reported on Tuesday, the land is being rented out to private companies, used for schools’ athletic fields and even turned into a golf course (!):"

I watched that show, must have been an hr long. Was just on last week.
Got to wonder what will happen with more military budget cuts !

And moreluck, has nothing to do with democrats.. just say politicians in general.
Miltitary land is federal government owned afterall.


golden ticket member
I watched that show, must have been an hr long. Was just on last week.
Got to wonder what will happen with more military budget cuts !

And moreluck, has nothing to do with democrats.. just say politicians in general.
Miltitary land is federal government owned afterall.
Basically CA. is Democratic............I call it as I see it................We have the Boxer, Finestein, Jerry Brown idiots!


Well-Known Member
It is quite interesting that article and its title : how middle class white people see law enforcement in a different light. I was there on thursday, at zuccotti park when that kid was beat up by the riot cops. I saw what happened to that kid and they are mostly kids. I was standing with a physics teacher, a pipefitter and an construction guy. I saw the cops charge in after this kid . They grabbed him and threw him. This park is not a real park with grass and trees. It is make of granite with some little trees here and there. I wish I had a video camera. I have heard about police brutality and read about it. On nov 17 I actually saw it happen. As I am watching the cops grab this kid, several cops are just waving their nightsticks indiscrimenantly in the air. They were like wild beasts. As im standing their observing another 50 or so more cops come from behind me and others watching and start pushing and throwing people: "Out of the way....move!" etc We all got thrown around. I yelled back a few words i cant repeat here. Then as they begin to retreat to the barricades I went up to every RIOT cop and pointed my finger at them and shouted SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

I was taken back by this. I come from a cop family. My dad was a cop, etc. When i have been down there i often try to speak to the cops along the march etc and get their take. I let them know that they too are part of the 99% and we are fighting to make their lives better too,etc. A few acknowledged me and agree with the sentiments of the movement. But most do not respond. They just stay silent. Like i said this shocked me.i heard about police abuse and brutality but this was happening right before my eyes. This was no movie or tv show. It was true REALITY tv!!

This occured at about 130-2:00 in the afternoon. I bothered me all day. I couldnt get it out of my head. These THUGS pushing through the crowd, throwing bodies, using nightsticks. What a disgrace. This is a nonviolent movement. But I guess the cops didnt get the memo!! I was watching them from the barricades. Some were not just standing there . Some were pointing fingers and having words with a few protestors. They were heated up and furious. They couldnt wait for something to give them a reason to come into the park and crack heads!! THUGS!! Not all of them. But the ones that did come in certainly were.

Regardless, we left the park and started marching up town to Union Sq park where we met up with a huge contingent of NYU students. The cops lined the streets and we marched on the sidewalks. All was fine until about 5pm when we were moving down broadway to Foly park where the huge union rally was. It was at that point as we were heading down Broadway on the sidewalk that I saw a young girl straddling the curb . She was actually in the ...GULP... street. Oh no not that. Well, a white shirted cop with a gold cluster on his shirt told the girl to "GET ON THE SIDEWALK" SHe kept walking next to the street. He said it again:"GET ON THE SIDEWALK!!"" SHe kept wallking. This friend@#$ing THUG pushes this little 22 yr old girl with all his might and she goes FLYING THROUGH THE AIR ONTO THE SIDEWALK!! I ran up to help the girl and the THUG'S BUDDIES came running over to take her away. I swear I came this close to clocking that friend#@%ing cop myself. I wish i at least had a video camera with me. Like I said my dad was a cop and I always had respect for what they do, etc. THAT ALL ENDED THAT DAY!!


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me?? They "want everything"?? Do you not hear what they are saying?? Then listen:they say the 1% have taken our homes through an illegal foreclosure process, they have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity and continue to give incredible bonuses;they have created inequality not seen since the 1920s, they have poisoned our foods, air and water with their factories, they have stripped employees of their right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions; they have held students hostage with tens of thousands of $$ of debt for college; they have outsourced our laboir to other countries, they have influenced our courts to say that corporations are people; they have bought and sold our pols;etc

This isnt about THEM. It is about all of US!! These kids are not selfish idiots playing video games or watching some moronic reality tv show. They see a rotten future ahead a real reality and are taking a stand to prevent that from occurring. Over the years I have spoken about "the kids today" as lazy because they seem clueless to what is going on around them. You know them : the "whatever" generation!! But I think this latest generation is on to something here. Ive been down there in OWS NYC several times. I watch them and talk with them as well as at times offer some advice. They are bright and aware and SELFLESS. Sharing food, umbrellas, etc. They understand that another world is possible. And they will stay out there until that day happens!!


Für Meno :)
And never mind what the old generation left behind for these young folks !
$550.000 debt for every household for somehow to repay !

Who benefited from that ????

These young people could only be as lucky as the old generation and start off with low government debt, like many of yourselves have !

Don't you feel some sympathy for them, that nothing will be left for them, besides a whole s..t load of national debt to re-pay ?
No more SS, no more medicare as it is today, etc.

They are paying tuitions fees never heard of before !
And they are the lazy ones and the takers ?


golden ticket member
And never mind what the old generation left behind for these young folks !
$550.000 debt for every household for somehow to repay !

Who benefited from that ????

These young people could only be as lucky as the old generation and start off with low government debt, like many of yourselves have !

Don't you feel some sympathy for them, that nothing will be left for them, besides a whole s..t load of national debt to re-pay ?
No more SS, no more medicare as it is today, etc.

They are paying tuitions fees never heard of before !
And they are the lazy ones and the takers ?
These people will get nowhere until they go to work....but they don't want to work. What is low gov't debt? I never had any gov't debt!!
In what world can you spend 2 months of your life camped outside? Neverneverland!! I"I won't grow up" !!!

I wish all the parents rented out the basements....that would teach these guys!


Für Meno :)
These people will get nowhere until they go to work....but they don't want to work. What is low gov't debt? I never had any gov't debt!!
In what world can you spend 2 months of your life camped outside? Neverneverland!! I"I won't grow up" !!!

I wish all the parents rented out the basements....that would teach these guys!

You know what ? Why don't you try to put up a fake hot dog selling job on Craigslaist ? Trust me , you'll get over 100 responses.
You can only hire 1 - and then you can write the others back they are lazy !


Well-Known Member
These people will get nowhere until they go to work....but they don't want to work. What is low gov't debt? I never had any gov't debt!!
In what world can you spend 2 months of your life camped outside? Neverneverland!! I"I won't grow up" !!!

I wish all the parents rented out the basements....that would teach these guys!

These people do have jobs. Some have full time jobs, some part time jobs. Some are in school. Some are graduates looking for work. Some have quit school or their jobs- they have totally committed themselves to the movement. Some are unemployed too. Listen to what they are saying instead of how they look or are dressed; this group has courage; they have a moral compass of right and wrong; it is about making this a better world for all. But of course you "wish all their parents rented out their basements" ; what kind of person are you?? Are you management or do you work for a living??


golden ticket member
These people do have jobs. Some have full time jobs, some part time jobs. Some are in school. Some are graduates looking for work. Some have quit school or their jobs- they have totally committed themselves to the movement. Some are unemployed too. Listen to what they are saying instead of how they look or are dressed; this group has courage; they have a moral compass of right and wrong; it is about making this a better world for all. But of course you "wish all their parents rented out their basements" ; what kind of person are you?? Are you management or do you work for a living??

They have no focus. Would you have a job if you walked away from it for 2 months???