Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
How does crapping in a park hold Wall st accountable. OWS cannot be taken seriously because their message lacks conviction. They can disrupt business, burn, loot, take over private property with a sense of entitlement but they then become worse than the purpose they proclaim they're fighting against. Tell me why did the tea party demonstrate without doing this? The teaparty actually affected change in getting people elected. I'm not a teaparty individual but they have my respect for the way the brought about change without all the bull ****. These OWS people in my opinion want something for nothing and are not willing to work hard. America in and of itself allows everyone the opportunity to succeed. So get people off the government food stamps and get them back to work. Besides Obama says there are plenty of jobs out there. :)

"Sense of entitlement"?? Are you kidding me?? They are fighting against any sense of entitlement by the rich and powerful. The tea party only helped elect some reactionary pols!! Big deal , they come and go!! ANd what have they done to fix our real problems?? They too are bought and sold by the same bastards whom they defeated . Did they come into office and immediately say lets clean up the system by outlawing all private money from elections?? Or hold those repsonsible for the crimes of wall st?? No, hell no they actually have become the biggest apologists for corporate capitalism!! They too are now part of the problem of washington. Their 15 minutes is up!!


Well-Known Member
"Gimme gimme" sounds like a conservative talking point one might hear on fox "news". "Wanting" health care for all?? yeah that is so selfish. "Wanting" jobs for everyone is so selfish,etc. Arent willing to "expend the effort"?? These people are expending the effort to expose the fact that our present system doesnt work for everyone. It is rigged. Most out there have gone to college or are presently in college. they have shown the initiative, they compete. But in a rigged system we all are screwed. i think they are brave souls out there. They are fighting the good fight that most people dont have the balls to fight!!


Think you've got things a little scrambled there, guy. Just "wanting" health care isn't a bad thing...but constantly demanding that SOMEONE ELSE pay for it gets to sound a little boorish! By the same token, there's nothing wrong with just "wanting" jobs for everyone...but when people like you never OFFER jobs, but simply insist over and over that OTHER PEOPLE provide them, then THAT TOO begins to sound a little boorish.

Yeah, it's "rigged system" alright. 47% of the country's households pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX AT ALL! Who's paying them then? People like you? Yeah....right! And "yes", a bunch of people have shown "initiative"" and have "gone to college"...but when it comes to showing the type of "initiative" that CREATES businesses that have jobs to OFFER, it seems many of them have been found wanting, and are left crying "gimme, gimme" as well.

Remember JFK's inaugural when he called-out "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country"? Well, just hows does that sort of commentary sit with the "gimme, gimme" crowd? Why does it appear that they've somehow changed it around to "ask what my country can GIVE me"?

Yeah there are some "brave souls" out there. No doubt it takes a lot of "bravery" to essentially yell "gimme, gimme" over and over again, while effectively demanding that OTHERS provide for them what they, THEMSELVES, are either incapable or unwilling of providing. "No", our "present system" doesn't "work" for everyone...but that's primarily because PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR THEMSELVES AND NOT COUNT ON "THE SYSTEM" TO DO THEIR WORK FOR THEM!! Too many people today apparently have the same attitude that you do; i.e. - that "the system" OWES them a living. 'Course, guess we ought to give credit to those who are "expending the effort to expose" that "fact". Gosh knows that's a worthy path to take in life; i.e. - expending "effort" to "expose" the fact that rest of the world isn't voluntarily handing ITS hard-earned wealth over to them. What a "sacred" calling!

Wow, how could we fail to acknowledge the COURAGE and INTEGRITY of such real "HEROES", 'eh? What a TRAVESTY! (and "yes", I'm speaking sarcastically) Not sure if they have "the balls" or not....but those "heroes" sure as the Devil have a history of being cheeky enough to demand over and over again that OTHER PEOPLE supply their needs.

Tell you what, "804"; why don't *YOU* make a point of supplying the "wants" of that crowd, instead of constantly making MORE demands on those who are ALREADY contributing to society a thousands times as much as you'll ever likely even dream of coughing-up? Sound like a plan? Think you've got "the balls" for that? And do you think the REST of the "gimme, gimme" crowd has "the balls" to "expend effort" in THAT direction alongside you?

I'm betting not.


Well-Known Member
Hello... Please refrain from using derogatory or vulgar language on our forum. I realize that these issues are emotional but this forum is a friendly resource for all upsers and vulgar sexual references distract us from that purpose and undermine the credibility of our community.

Thank you.


I am not sure if you are referring to my post which was in response to two people being rather vulgar with each other. My post was originally in the thread discussing RTW--the vulgar discussion was between crowbar and P.C.

I do not know how your response and my original post was moved to this thread ???


I started this.
Staff member

I am not sure if you are referring to my post which was in response to two people being rather vulgar with each other. My post was originally in the thread discussing RTW--the vulgar discussion was between crowbar and P.C.

I do not know how your response and my original post was moved to this thread ???

Sorry for the confusion.
A member reported posts in this thread because they found the pinky reference to be offensive.:kidseyessmiley2:

I hadn't read this thread before and started deleting the most recent posts that contained the offensive language that had been reported.

After reading through a few pages I realized that the phrase and other potentially offensive stuff was posted way too many times to just delete all of those posts without changing the direction of the discussion. I then decided it would be better to post a friendly reminder about offensive language instead of deleting all of the posts. Your post didn't have much content but had quoted someone else's post that I had already deleted, so I had already deleted it too.

In retrospect I should have just edited out the phrase rather than deleting the posts.

To my knowledge nothing has been moved around though, 5 posts were deleted to remove the finger reference.

I'll restore the posts right now but I am going to edit out the quoted finger phrase... you were definitely not at fault here.

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Well-Known Member

Believe me I am not giving you a hard time --but the vulgar finger comments you are looking for are in the right to work thread. Thank you for your quick response !!


Well-Known Member

Think you've got things a little scrambled there, guy. Just "wanting" health care isn't a bad thing...but constantly demanding that SOMEONE ELSE pay for it gets to sound a little boorish! By the same token, there's nothing wrong with just "wanting" jobs for everyone...but when people like you never OFFER jobs, but simply insist over and over that OTHER PEOPLE provide them, then THAT TOO begins to sound a little boorish.

Yeah, it's "rigged system" alright. 47% of the country's households pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX AT ALL! Who's paying them then? People like you? Yeah....right! And "yes", a bunch of people have shown "initiative"" and have "gone to college"...but when it comes to showing the type of "initiative" that CREATES businesses that have jobs to OFFER, it seems many of them have been found wanting, and are left crying "gimme, gimme" as well.

Remember JFK's inaugural when he called-out "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country"? Well, just hows does that sort of commentary sit with the "gimme, gimme" crowd? Why does it appear that they've somehow changed it around to "ask what my country can GIVE me"?

Yeah there are some "brave souls" out there. No doubt it takes a lot of "bravery" to essentially yell "gimme, gimme" over and over again, while effectively demanding that OTHERS provide for them what they, THEMSELVES, are either incapable or unwilling of providing. "No", our "present system" doesn't "work" for everyone...but that's primarily because PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK FOR THEMSELVES AND NOT COUNT ON "THE SYSTEM" TO DO THEIR WORK FOR THEM!! Too many people today apparently have the same attitude that you do; i.e. - that "the system" OWES them a living. 'Course, guess we ought to give credit to those who are "expending the effort to expose" that "fact". Gosh knows that's a worthy path to take in life; i.e. - expending "effort" to "expose" the fact that rest of the world isn't voluntarily handing ITS hard-earned wealth over to them. What a "sacred" calling!

Wow, how could we fail to acknowledge the COURAGE and INTEGRITY of such real "HEROES", 'eh? What a TRAVESTY! (and "yes", I'm speaking sarcastically) Not sure if they have "the balls" or not....but those "heroes" sure as the Devil have a history of being cheeky enough to demand over and over again that OTHER PEOPLE supply their needs.

Tell you what, "804"; why don't *YOU* make a point of supplying the "wants" of that crowd, instead of constantly making MORE demands on those who are ALREADY contributing to society a thousands times as much as you'll ever likely even dream of coughing-up? Sound like a plan? Think you've got "the balls" for that? And do you think the REST of the "gimme, gimme" crowd has "the balls" to "expend effort" in THAT direction alongside you?

I'm betting not.
I already addressed the gimme nonsense. The only thing they say "give us" democracy... give us a fair economic system....give us all health care, not just some...give us better opportunities, etc.
As for the old whine: "how come 47% dont pay taxes, blah blah blah". Well again as im sure it has been pointed in numerous threads, those "lucky" bastards who dont pay any federal taxes actually are so lucky that they dont make enough money to pay taxes. Actually they do pay social security taxes, medicare taxes, state taxes, local taxes as well as federal taxes but they get most of them sent back to them. Lets not forget sales taxes, fees, tolls and fares. Their life must be just so wonderful making minimum wage. I bet they are giddy all day as they slave for those wages.

They want a system that works for EVERYONE not just the priveleged few. Obviously you are content to be a lemming. So be it. But lets not knock truly brave individuals who stand up for justice and whats right.

On their "demands" , why is it ok for the rich and powerful who own this government of ours to demand from congress, etc individual tax breaks and contracts, but the 99% of us cannot demand democracy and a fair system that works for everyone?? So now it is wrong to petition our govt and their masters on wall st?? Give me a break!!


Well-Known Member

What makes you think you're NOT being "given" a "fair economic system"? Is its SOCIETY'S obligation to "give" YOU "health care"? Are OTHERS supposed to "give" YOU "opportunities" instead of YOU creating them for YOURSELF?

And "as for that ole whine", I don't see anything "whiny" or particularly "old" about it. Nor am I particularly impressed with your declaration that the 47% who are paying *NO* Federal Income Tax are somehow absolved by "pay[ing] social security taxes, medicare taxes, state taxes, local taxes as well as federal taxes", particularly with your admission that "they get most of them sent back to them". Fact is, the other "taxes" you declare them to be paying are primarily forms of INSURANCE payments - not really taxes at all - and even in THAT area they're not covering their own weight! And quit trying to impress me with how particularly deserving such individuals are; from personal experience, I know that - for the vast majority of them - the way they're living is a matter of CHOICE, and that they're quite happy functioning as parasites on those who do contribute.

Think for a second. Just ONE of those "privileged few" - and they don't have to be all that "privileged" - can pay a thousands dollars in Federal income tax...and be paying for the the TOTAL paid for 47% of the country's citizens COMBINED! And we're not talking about those "privileged" who are granted the "privilege" of paying MILLIONS of dollars per year; without them, this society simply couldn't exist (I have nightmares at night that the really wealthy might just some day pick-up their stakes and go to more friendly tax climes, as so many have already done it Europe. It's not a happy dream!)

Nor are we talking about the truly needy seniors here. Or the handicapped who lack the physical resources to get by on their own. But rather fully functional human beings who are kept from "succeeding" by the simple fact that they DON'T EVEN MAKE AN EFFORT TO TRY TO SUCCEED!

Any way you look at it, almost HALF ( not a tenth, not a fifth, not a third, but close to HALF!!!) of the country is essentially CONTRIBUTING NOTHING! Is it "fair" for the rest of us to have to support them? You say they "slave for those wages". Funny...the way it looks from here, they seem to be FORCING SOCIETY'S CONTRIBUTORS TO SLAVE FOR THEM!

Are these "brave individuals" you're speaking of actually making a contribution THEMSELVES in their advocacy of this segment of almost HALF of the citizenry that are functioning as parasites on society. OR ARE THEY PARASITES AS WELL??? From my limited direct contact with the "occupy" crowd in my area, I found the latter to be true. They AREN'T willing to work to earn their living. They AREN'T willing to go out and take the "minimum wage" jobs that are available; heck, they're not willing to work at far GREATER than "minimum wage" jobs! They don't want to work at all; rather, they want to mostly sit around saying "gimme, gimme", spelled by interludes in which they more stridently (and perhaps violently!) DEMAND "gimme, gimme".

My wife and I volunteer at a local food bank twice a week...a food bank which also offers limited amounts of financial support. Being involved with the interview process on the financial side, I'm constantly amazed at the CHEEK of a surprisingly large number of applicants; families of 5 between the ages of 18 and 45, for example, none of whom will voluntarily work (even when jobs are directly made available to them!), applying for financial assistance, yet somehow finding a way to cover $120/month cable bills, $90/month telephone bills (in a state that offers FREE limited cell phone service!), and even $25/month PET HEALTH INSURANCE BILLS. Or 19 year old women coming in looking forward to producing another baby so they can grab a larger DCFS/"Food Stamp" allottment. And these aren't rare exceptions either; this type of situation tends to be the applicant NORM! "Yes", there are the truly needy people around (although, for the most part, they seem to represent the truly "stupid" as well, in that they seem DESTINED to drive themselves into poverty, no matter how much outside assistance they're given), and I DO have a level of sympathy for them...but such a large segment of those who YOU want to term "truly brave" are simply just bums and flag burners and such. Far too many are just ne'er-do-wells who are more than content for the REST of us to do THEIR work FOR them!

I maintain that we, as a society, can't function much longer if we continue trying to carry such a large amount of dead weight along with us. Now I'm not calling for genocide or any other off-the-wall crap, nor do I have all the answers; I only know that, at some time or another, we as a society SIMPLY HAVE TO SAY "ENOUGH"! We have to let these "truly brave" folks sink or swim on their own. Because the way "the system" - and it's a WELFARE system - is configured now, we seem, by our very generosity, to actually be BREEDING generation after generation of welfare dependents. It's NOT "education". It's NOT a matter of "equity distribution". It's a case of people BEING EXPECTED TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES!

Again, don't give me this "99%" crap. Or talk of the exploitive "1%". Rather, talk about the FORTY-SEVEN PERCENT who aren't contributing a damn thing to our society...and who are living off the labor fruits of OTHERS. Sorry, but I don't foresee a "system that works for everyone" until EVERYONE IN THE SYSTEM IS WILLING TO WORK THEMSELVES! And right now, that's not happening.

Again, I'm just getting tired of all the "gimme, gimme".


Well-Known Member
Ok the poor and working poor are "parasites" and the rich are not privileged and overtaxed!! LOL I already once explained how they contribute but that is not good enough for you. And vultures like romney only pay 13-14 % in taxes, so people like you and me have to make up the difference. No thanks. "Gimme" a break!!


Well-Known Member

I'm not a big Romney fan...but when speak of him as a "vulture" when he's "only pay[ing] 13-14% in taxes" - which consists of MILLIONS of dollars! - then you've kinda' got my attention. Tell me, are YOU paying millions in taxes each year? And would you care to explain why someone like Romney, regardless of rate, should pay remarkably MORE each year than someone such as yourself? Is he using significantly MORE of the country's governmental resources that you do, for example? His car take up more space on the highways? His kids use more public education resources than others? Does he utilize remarkably more of the other public social services available, such as police and fire protection than you? In fact, do you believe that the taxes HE pays aren't covering his "own hook"? And, without knowing your financial status, are you willing to tell me that he doesn't pay HUNDREDS - if not THOUSANDS - of times as much in taxes each year than you? Assuming the answer (a good assumption, I might add!) let's say that I question YOU calling HIM a "vulture". In fact, if direct comparisons were made, I expect that, if anyone's the relative "vulture", it would be YOU. YOU, I suspect, are feeding like a "vulture" on those like HIM!

Now, let's talk about those who you say "contribute". Just how much are they "contributing"? What are THEIR contributions toward education? Toward police and fire protection? For the highways they drive on? Think the ENTIRE BUNCH OF 'EM - say the 130 MILLION or so of 'em! - in terms of their net Federal "contribution", in TOTAL are "contributing" as much as that one "vulture" Romney? Yeah...right! Fact is, with THEIR "contribution" they're not even beginning to cover their OWN hook; they have to be SUBSIDIZED to exist. That's simply not the type of "contribution" this country can continue to sustain itself on. SOMEHOW, these people have to be motivated to CARRY THEIR OWN WEIGHT! Have any ideas? Or at least any ideas that don't include "gimme, gimme"?

Bear in my mind that we're not talking about the needy elderly, or the handicapped here... but rather quite fit individuals who COULD, if they so choose, "occupy" a position at Wal-Mart, or McDonald's, or even at UPS. Instead, they sit their dead asses on public property (property which, while "public", THEY have never "contributed" to making available), stinking up the place, with occasional outbursts leading to things like the flag burning episode. Now, if that type of people are NOT parasites, then I don't know what your definition of "parasite" is. Seems to me their existence is DEPENDENT on how much they can exploit the good will of others. Sound enough definition for me!

But, again, perhaps NON-vultures such as yourself are willing to support them. Go right ahead; be our guest. But PLEASE don't join in their cacophony of "gimme, gimme". And PLEASE don't call those who make your existence possible "vultures"; I think you know as well as I that, without the presence of such "vultures" in our society, guys like you would have a very hard time of it. After all, do you think unions - and union members - could even exist without such "vultures" to employ them? I mean are guys like YOU going to provide this nation's jobs?

Real good chance of that, isn't there?


Well-Known Member

My coming from an individual with as much "integrity" as yourself, isn't THAT a credible statement. What is it...yet another case of "shooting from the hip"? [smile]


Staff member
Let's try this from another angle, Pobre. What if UPS decided not to give drivers the free medical insurance anymore? There would be an uproar from everyone around here, liberal and conservative. "It's not free," they would say in unison, "it's part of a negotiated compensation." And they would be right. What the occupy folks are doing is negotiating with a political and economic system that has denegrated the middle class to the enrichment of the 1%. I do not see how any union member could possibly see their cause as any kind of whiny "gimme" movement when put in the proper perspective.


Well-Known Member

OK, I'll concede that; the question then arises as to "if they're NEGOTIATING, then what are they negotiating WITH?" In other words, what do they (the "occupiers") have to offer? I'd contend that acts of intimidation and violence, or threats of economic destruction aren't elements of "negotiation", but rather of intimidation and extortion.

So again...what does the "occupy" class have to OFFER that would make "the other side" want to NEGOTIATE with them to obtain it? What would the "other side" want from them? I think it goes without saying what "the other side" has to offer; i.e. - that which has been the object of so much "gimme, gimme" yelling....wages, benefits, social standing, etc., etc. . But what about the "occupiers"?

To put it in a more "local" frame, consider this (and this is for illustrative purposes only...I'm not saying that it could or would happen). Say UPS perhaps *DID* decide to "not give drivers the free medical insurance anymore"....and had a set of OTHER drivers standing on the sidelines, just waiting to be brought into play.. Say that they were reasonably skilled and willing to work for UPS WITHOUT being the beneficiaries of such insurance as well. Now that's not as an outlandish a possibility at many might think. Witness what happened to the NWA mechanics (a group much more highly skilled in a technical sense than UPS drivers) a few years back. Or what's happening to the Electro-Motive employees up in Ontario literally TODAY, as they're seeing "their" plant shuttered and their jobs being shipped-off to (of all places!) Muncie, Indiana. I'd submit that, in such situations, the basis of "negotiation" is changed. Then those who wish to "negotiate" have to consider what they have to "negotiate" with...and adjust their demands accordingly. On that basis, what can the "occupy" crowd demand?

As I see it, there's no moral obligation to pretend-"negotiate" with those who don't have (or no longer have) anything one particularly wants. Oh, you may do it out of sense of Christian charity or what-not (and I'm far from against that!)....but it's not a "negotiation" in any realistic sense of the word.


Staff member
What do they have to negotiate with? I would start with what they've given up already to the 1% and gotten the shaft for it. Go all the way back to Clinton's signing of NAFTA. Or Reagan's beginning of deregulation of businesses small and large. Yes, businesses did great. They did wonderfully. What did workers get in return. Fired, displaced, wage reductions, and an explanation that they were "not economically viable in the company going forward". Screwed, in shorthand. Thirty years of it with companies making more and more and workers having their wages stagnate and decline.

Fast forward to 2008 and an economy (not just banks) deemed too big to fail. Bail-outs and prop-ups abound for the people who are corporations with speech (as Citizens United has taught us) and the rest, the work-a-day stiff is left wondering what happened. The worker is not without blame. We let this happen. We voted in the politicians that live off the blood of campaign money. As long as "we got ours" we signed on to the two-tiered pay structures, remained silent when benefits were trimmed and pensions slashed.

But there comes a point when the populace has to find a voice, has to be recognized and has to make it clear to politicians whom exactly they work for. That is not to condone violence or disgusting personal displays. But as a whole, it is a movement that has something to say and won't be silenced. Actually, it's a movement late to the party. Obama has been about exactly this ideal from the beginning. This is the transformational movement I believe he was looking for.


Well-Known Member

Again, WHAT do they have to "negotiate" WITH? What do they HAVE that the other side might WANT?

You do see, don't you, that you didn't mention EVEN A SINGLE ITEM which the "occupy" crowd HAS that the other side might WANT! What you're saying they might have "had" isn't going to cut it; you can't trade that which you don't have NOW. So again...what do they "negotiate" with?

So the populace "finds its voice"; what good is that going to do when it comes to convincing those who have the jobs to make those jobs available to them? If they don't have ANYTHING to OFFER - in terms of cost-effectiveness, efficiency, price, etc. - then what incentive are there for capitalists to "negotiate" offering those jobs to them? Why wouldn't they go someplace where the potential work force DID have something to offer?

You see, ultimately politicians alone can't provide REAL jobs. Nor can they, over the long term, FORCE entrepreneurs and capitalists to provide them. In fact, if politicians advance TOO far along that path, they quickly find THEIR funding (and jobs!) in jeopardy. You simply can't coerce initiative and capital to do your bidding like they're a flock of sheep; things just don't work that way. And attempts to coerce them - and Lord knows there have been many throughout history - have INVARIABLY ultimately failed. Witness the Directorate/Council of 500 of the French Revolution. Or the Communist Revolution in Russia. Or the regimes of North Korea and Cuba. Or even Venezuela today. The people can "find their voice" all they want...but if they don't have something to OFFER in terms of the economy, then their "voice" is just so much meaningless noise.

As I see it, that's what the "occupy" movement has primarily been; to paraphrase Shakespeare (I think; my quotations get mixed-up sometimes!) they are "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". I can't help but think that turn of a phrase pretty much sums the "occupy" crowd's situation up.
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Staff member
Recently, Apple made it clear that they did not feel that it is their duty to solve the world's economic crisis. It's not "fair" to ask corporations to do such things. Fine. Who then does Apple turn to when intellectual property rights are infringed upon? Suddenly "fair" has a whole new meaning.

I thought I had made it clear, but I will try again. OWS and in general the growing populist sentiment in the country has one thing to offer corporations: their very existence. Corporations are man made entities and as such can be regulated as governments so determine. By tax code or regulation they can be driven to be responsible to the populace. You mention historic failures. What about it's successes? Chrysler had no chance but that the U.S. government bet on it with huge tax incentives and loans to Fiat. The auto industry as a whole is alive and doing quite well in job creation because of government intervention. Even Ford has acknowledged that without the bailouts, it's parts manufactures would have forced it into perilous existence. Or what about banks? In the face of financial melt-down, only the government could save banks from their own misguided low-risk/high reward schemes. There is no reason the government should bail it out with tax-payer money at 0% interest so that they can loan it to the U.S. government in the form of bonds at 2% interest. It's ludicrous. But we don't have to take it. Maybe it's time to burn the house to the ground. Maybe we need to decide that if we're not going to prosper together, we'll let the whole thing fall. They say that if Europe goes into an economic collapse, America may well follow. What about the converse? Imagine what happens if America pulls the plug. It's an uphill battle. Corporations are free to attempt to "buy" elections and they regularly play both sides of the aisle. Ultimately, we do make to rules and the growing inequality only fuels the OWS movement.

It's funny you should reference both "Sound and Fury" and the French Revolution. Can you imagine the motivation behind Marien Antoinette as she famously intoned, "Let them eat cake"? Indeed the rabble in the street must have seemed to her to be "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." History is full of systems tilting power and wealth too far into the hands of the few, of the 1%. It doesn't often end well, but we're America, damnit. We are better than that.


Well-Known Member

Speaking of American...you're claiming that "MAYBE IT'S TIME TO BURN THE HOUSE DOWN"?!?!? Wow!

Well get to that in a bit. But, before that, I thought I made it clear that, in terms of what they (the "occupiers") have to "offer", their "very existence" is essentially nothing. Also recall that I made a clear distinction between POSITIVE "negotiating" and NEGATIVE "intimidation" and "threatening" via violence.

Take your statement of....

"I thought I had made it clear, but I will try again. OWS and in general the growing populist sentiment in the country has one thing to offer corporations: their very existence. Corporations are man made entities and as such can be regulated as governments so determine"

To a certain extent, that is true...but only to a certain - and very LIMITED - extent! How do you "control" a corporation if, in the process of "controlling", you drive it "out of your arms"? Remember the panic that resulted when it was bandied about that Halliburton was moving its CORPORATE (not "Operational", which proved to be the case) headquarters overseas? Or the presumed MicroSoft threat of moving its place of incorporation to Canada? Or when Boeing moved its headquarters to Chicago? And production to RTW South Carolina? What about Cat today, which just closed its Electro-Motive facility in union-bound bound Ontario and is moving production to newly "RTW" Indiana? Again, how are you going to "regulate" - as in corral - human initiative? What type of border is tight enough to contain capital flight?

As for your claim about the "auto industry is doing quite well"....h..m.m.m. Just HOW is it doing "quite well"? On the backs of the SECURED lenders whose LEGITIMATE claims were denied as the government expropriated what was THEIR property and gave it the entity - the UWA - that caused the crisis in the first place? And are those in the industry who were NOT given subsidies "doing [quite as] well" as they would if they were NOT facing subsidized competitors who, by virtue of that subsidy, do NOT have to be as efficient, who do NOT have to be as cost-effective?

Meaning that "yeah", robbers can "do quite well"...as long as we as a society (1) continue to let them rob us, and (2) there's value left in society to rob. Think such a situation like that can continue to exist forever?

Also, I get a kick out of your "their own misguided" comment regarding banks...as if governmental meddling in the creation of entities like Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac, or the FORCING of lenders to grant mortgages to those which the banks, from the get-go, did not want to lend money to was their "own" misguidance. That type of "own misguided" what you're talking about?

A for "Marie", I'm not sure what her "motivation" has to do with anything. As the [foreign] wife of the King of France, of what real significance is her "motivation" in any case? Do you think the "motivation" of Michelle Obama, for instance, is all that significant in terms of OUR economic system? As for "sound and fury", you DO realize what the immediate results of the period of the French Revolution I'm speaking of, aren't you? I.e. - the destruction of much of the country's economic means of existence, the loss of thousands upon thousands of innocent lives, and ultimately to a tryannical government that set a large part of the world on fire, with equal consequent destruction. Seems to me that if that ISN'T "sound and fury" which, in terms of something POSITIVE, "signified nothing", then I don't know what is. After all, Marie didn't tell the Third Estate that they COULDN'T "eat cake", rather she implied with her famous "let them eat cake" comment that it was up to them to PROVIDE FOR THEMSELVES, and to QUIT demanding that OTHERS provide FOR them.

Now, if guys like you want to "burn the house to the ground", then you'll have to understand that you'll be dealt with - and deservedly so - as ARSONISTS should be dealt with! No doubt it's one Hell of a lot easier for clowns like you to threaten, and even actually perform, the act of DESTROYING something of value. What's seems impossible for guys like you is actually CONSTRUCTING something of a positive nature for society. But don't think that the rest of us - those of us who ARE capable of making a positive contribution, and who HAVE "constructed" the edifices that society is based upon - are going to stand idly by while would-be thugs and parasites (apparently like you!) try to burn those edifices down.

You want a violent revolution (i.e. - your "Maybe it's time to burn the house down"), then be advised that there are ample counter-revolutionaries available; America is that type of country. And they (the "counters') are NOT going to be gentle with those who try to "burn their house down". Of course, and correspondingly, if you want to be a part of the ANSWER instead of the PROBLEM, be advised that there are many, many who would go along with you as well.

Personally, I will say that any individual who tells me so directly that, in terms of America, "Maybe it's time to burn the house to the ground" I can't help but think of as real SCUM. I have to ask; did you get a kick out the Twin Towers falling, did ya'? The Oklahoma City tragedy really get your jollies going. Believe Pearl Harbor was a nice bonfire? Truthfully, is there any sort of life on this earth LOWER than a piece of filth who suggest that it's time to DESTROY the country that nurtured him? Like "Farley", you "are what you are", I guess.

God help you, 'cause I'm sure he knows that I probably wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
A corporate economy, a corporate society, a corporate state were not always part of the American ethos. Jefferson viewed the new representative government as curbing the excesses of "the monied interests. The pre-Civil War period reflected an established belief in the merits of a decentralized economy based on farmers and small businessmen, which culminated in the Homestead Act under President Lincoln's Administration. There was suspicion widespread during the first half of the nineteenth century about letting "legal fictions" called corporations, with limited liability to their investors, engage in production without legal constraints. Advocate Daniel Webster could thunder in court about a corporation having "no soul." Legislatures were very restrictive in their chartering of corporations.

Corporate Power In America Ralph Nader Reader