Off the clock questions.


Well-Known Member
A couple of us always showed up early to change (we were old school and refused to wear anything other than the shirt off the clock). We'd get our boards, punch in and sit in the locker room yakking and bitching until the PCM.

Once or twice over the years, a supe would walk in to talk to one of us. Didn't turn out very well for the supe.
I always laugh inside when they try to walk into the break room before start time and talk like they are just one of the guys!

no more than 9

"Livin' the Dream"
Im on 9.5 and over the last month my start time has been changed twice. I now start 20 min later than I used to. I have talk to my BA and he says they can do that if they want.

What's been bothering me is my ORS and center manager will stop me as I'm walking and begin to ask me questions about my numbers and other things. My question is can I refuse to talk to them until I am on the clock?

I'm usually at work about 15 - 20 min early because of dropping the kids off at school. I know some answers will be don't show up till your start time so I wanted to let that be known first.
Don't enter the building until a few minutes before your start time, problem solved.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Unless you bid a route with a later start time and it was posted as such, this is blatant harassment. They cannot single you out and adjust your start time because you are exercising your 9.5 rights.

They tried this twice. Both drivers were told they weren't allowed to start or speak with other drivers. Started an hr after us. Lasted about a month. Everyone around those routes were way over dispatched. To make up the work pulled off from the other 2. They both punched out after 8 pm still


Well-Known Member
Unless you bid a route with a later start time and it was posted as such, this is blatant harassment. They cannot single you out and adjust your start time because you are exercising your 9.5 rights.
He is exactly right. File for harassment/retaliation based on being on the 9/5 list

They tried this crap in my center, the ba ended it very fast.

Actually Had an :censored2: sup who tried telling guys who got 8hr request to start at 1030am and have an air driver do their air for them.


Well-Known Member
Seems pretty obvious to be retaliation to me which is not allowed in the contract. Especially if you are the only one whos start time has been pushed back.


My Senior Picture
After finally resolving my first nine 9.5 grievances to the tune of $1,300, my start time was promptly pushed back at least 30 minutes later than every other driver in my center and I received a 3 day OJS ride.

In response, I promptly filed a harassment grievance, claiming retaliation, and continued to show up at the usual time about 20 minutes prior to my old start time of 8:50.
When the supes tried to speak to me, not only did I not answer them, I pretended that they were invisible until my new start time, unless I saw them doing bargaining unit work.
I got a clip board and began documenting these observations, as you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a supervisor working during the preload in my building.

Without exception, I promptly grieved every supervisor working scenario that I witnessed, which encompassed every minute of the 30 minute delay, plus some most days.

After about a week and a half of this, the Company "said uncle" and my start time was returned to it's original time and the grievances were paid at double time.

In addition, if some of your air stops are being dispatched to an air driver, I would grieve that also.
Art 40 gives the Company the right to use air drivers "when the regular driver cannot make service due to time commitments".
Any good BA could make the case that these stops could be, and had been delivered in the past by you, if the company hadn't engaged in this pattern of retaliation and harassment for you having opted in on the 9.5 list.

Good luck and remember, as long as your willing to accept that this is not a "9 to 5 job", and your game is tight, you can always have the last word with the Company.

Ed O'Ryan

After finally resolving my first nine 9.5 grievances to the tune of $1,300, my start time was promptly pushed back at least 30 minutes later than every other driver in my center and I received a 3 day OJS ride.

In response, I promptly filed a harassment grievance, claiming retaliation, and continued to show up at the usual time about 20 minutes prior to my old start time of 8:50.
When the supes tried to speak to me, not only did I not answer them, I pretended that they were invisible until my new start time, unless I saw them doing bargaining unit work.
I got a clip board and began documenting these observations, as you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a supervisor working during the preload in my building.

Without exception, I promptly grieved every supervisor working scenario that I witnessed, which encompassed every minute of the 30 minute delay, plus some most days.

After about a week and a half of this, the Company "said uncle" and my start time was returned to it's original time and the grievances were paid at double time.

In addition, if some of your air stops are being dispatched to an air driver, I would grieve that also.
Art 40 gives the Company the right to use air drivers "when the regular driver cannot make service due to time commitments".
Any good BA could make the case that these stops could be, and had been delivered in the past by you, if the company hadn't engaged in this pattern of retaliation and harassment for you having opted in on the 9.5 list.

Good luck and remember, as long as your willing to accept that this is not a "9 to 5 job", and your game is tight, you can always have the last word with the Company.

Very well said. I'm glad I read this.


Got the T-Shirt
After finally resolving my first nine 9.5 grievances to the tune of $1,300, my start time was promptly pushed back at least 30 minutes later than every other driver in my center and I received a 3 day OJS ride.

In response, I promptly filed a harassment grievance, claiming retaliation, and continued to show up at the usual time about 20 minutes prior to my old start time of 8:50.
When the supes tried to speak to me, not only did I not answer them, I pretended that they were invisible until my new start time, unless I saw them doing bargaining unit work.
I got a clip board and began documenting these observations, as you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a supervisor working during the preload in my building.

Without exception, I promptly grieved every supervisor working scenario that I witnessed, which encompassed every minute of the 30 minute delay, plus some most days.

After about a week and a half of this, the Company "said uncle" and my start time was returned to it's original time and the grievances were paid at double time.

In addition, if some of your air stops are being dispatched to an air driver, I would grieve that also.
Art 40 gives the Company the right to use air drivers "when the regular driver cannot make service due to time commitments".
Any good BA could make the case that these stops could be, and had been delivered in the past by you, if the company hadn't engaged in this pattern of retaliation and harassment for you having opted in on the 9.5 list.

Good luck and remember, as long as your willing to accept that this is not a "9 to 5 job", and your game is tight, you can always have the last word with the Company.

Drivers who have any sort of trepidation about signing the 9.5 list....

Should print out this post, carry a copy with them, and read it over and over.



My Senior Picture
And, I don't think (for 1 minute)

That you have the verbal acuity.... to hang with me.


Say when...

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livin the dream

Well-Known Member
all of our 9.5 drivers start 30 minutes later than most others. I get that the sups are trying to piss them off, but it's only making their route run slower because of less wiggle rooms for air and other commits