Official Canada Thread with Current News


Für Meno :)
No, we have had oil for the past 100 years or so, but it's more important to fight wars in the middle east over it.

(reminding you, Canada is the second largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia).


Strength through joy
Now, you totally understand bhos' policies.
We fight the wars that our biggest oil suppliers don't have to.
Why have their nice quiet countries under a threat of suicide bombers and mass murders when the good old USA will do their dirty work for them.


golden ticket member
(CBC) — In an exclusive interview with CBC News, Prime Minister Stephen Harper says the biggest security threat to Canada a decade after 9/11 is Islamic terrorism.
In a wide-ranging interview with CBC chief correspondent Peter Mansbridge that will air in its entirety on The National Thursday night, Harper says Canada is safer than it was on Sept. 11, 2001, when al-Qaeda attacked the U.S., but that “the major threat is still Islamicism.”
“There are other threats out there, but that is the one that I can tell you occupies the security apparatus most regularly in terms of actual terrorist threats,” Harper said.
Harper cautioned that terrorist threats can “come out of the blue” from a different source, such as the recent Norway attacks, where a lone gunman who hated Muslims killed 77 people.
But Harper said terrorism by Islamic radicals is still the top threat, though a “diffuse” one.
“When people think of Islamic terrorism, they think of Afghanistan, or maybe they think of someone in the Middle East, but the truth is that threat exists all over the world,” he said, citing domestic terrorism in Nigeria.
The prime minister said home-grown Islamic radicals in Canada are “also something that we keep an eye on.”

(These are not Moreluck's words)


Strength through joy
[h=1]Canadians with mental illnesses denied U.S. entry[/h] [h=3]Data entered into national police database accessible to American authorities: WikiLeaks[/h]More than a dozen Canadians have told the Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office in Toronto within the past year that they were blocked from entering the United States after their records of mental illness were shared with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The office has also received phone calls from numerous Canadians who have not yet had encounters with U.S. customs officers, but are worried that their own mental health histories may cause security delays while travelling south of the border for business or family trips.
So far, the RCMP hasn’t provided the office with clear answers about how or why police records of non-violent mental health incidents are passed across the border.
Brad Benson from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security says medical records aren't shared between countries. However, "if you have an arrest record, Canada would share that with us," he says.
If a police encounter includes information about mental health, Benson says front-line officers can use it.
"Mental illness is actually under our law as a reason that you may not get admitted," he says. "The issue is always going to be: could someone be a danger to someone [else]?"
According to diplomatic cables released earlier this year by WikiLeaks, any information entered into the national Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database is accessible to American authorities.
Local police officers take notes whenever they apprehend an individual or respond to a 911 call, and some of this information is then entered into the CPIC database, says Stylianos. He says that occasionally this can include non-violent mental health incidents in which police are involved.
RCMP Insp. Denis St. Pierre says information on CPIC not only contains a person's criminal record, but also outstanding warrants, missing persons reports and information about stolen property, along with information regarding persons of interest in ongoing cases. It also can contain individuals' history of mental illness, including suicide attempts.
The database contains anything that could alert authorities to a potential threat to public safety and security, and all CPIC information is available to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, St. Pierre says. There are a few exceptions, including information regarding young offenders, which is not available to American authorities.
“If a person is a danger to themselves and the police are dealing with that person in another jurisdiction … it's valuable information, knowing that perhaps this person may harm themselves," St. Pierre says.

According to an RCMP website, the CPIC database stores 9.6 million records in its investigative databanks.
The RCMP and U.S. law enforcement agencies provide reciprocal direct access to each other’s criminal databases in order to stem the flow of narcotics and criminal dealings into North America, according to the WikiLeaks cable.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Nice judge...could she be a Liberal:

“While many Canadians undoubtedly view abortion as a less than ideal solution to unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancy, they generally understand, accept and sympathize with the onerous demands pregnancy and childbirth exact from mothers, especially mothers without support,” she writes… “Naturally, Canadians are grieved by an infant’s death, especially at the hands of the infant’s mother, but Canadians also grieve for the mother.”


Für Meno :)
We have drop off boxes at our city hospitals, totally out of sight and no cameras... people can put unwanted babies in them.
It hasn't been used much in both Calgary or Edmonton, maybe a total of 3 times, over a period of 10 years or more, in both cities of over 2 Million population combined.

And Lucy, if people are broke and can't pay for raising a child/baby, it's no matter which way you look at it.
Abortion is not the best solution, but so isn't the tax payer, paying for other babies born and raising them for 18 years plus.

So, no one wins.

But, personally, I think the tax payer is better off, paying a few hundred for a 1 time abortion, then paying a thousand every month for the next 18 years, plus the cost of birth, and maybe complications if the woman is a drug abuser.


golden ticket member
We have drop off boxes at our city hospitals, totally out of sight and no cameras... people can put unwanted babies in them.
It hasn't been used much in both Calgary or Edmonton, maybe a total of 3 times, over a period of 10 years or more, in both cities of over 2 Million population combined.

And Lucy, if people are broke and can't pay for raising a child/baby, it's no matter which way you look at it.
Abortion is not the best solution, but so isn't the tax payer, paying for other babies born and raising them for 18 years plus.

So, no one wins.
There are lots of couples out there waiting years for an available baby........anyone who resorts to killing their newborn is selfish when they could give it to a loving couple and not be in any trouble. Of course, with a judge like this, she's in no trouble anyway. She should be sterilized. She apparently is not mentally stable enough to have kids.


Well-Known Member
I consider myself to be pro-choice but I have a problem with those who consider abortion to simply be another choice for birth control.

Klein makes some good points--why "force" someone to have a baby and then have the government pay not only for the birth but everything related to that baby for 18 years?


golden ticket member
I consider myself to be pro-choice but I have a problem with those who consider abortion to simply be another choice for birth control.

Klein makes some good points--why "force" someone to have a baby and then have the government pay not only for the birth but everything related to that baby for 18 years?
Adopted babies have the parents who pay.


Für Meno :)
Adopted babies have the parents who pay.

Your government can force young teens to carry out a pregnancy, but they sure can't force them to give their babies up for adoption, which only a small minority do.
And that's the explaination, why single mommies are the, by far, the largest group of welfare receipients.


golden ticket member
Your government can force young teens to carry out a pregnancy, but they sure can't force them to give their babies up for adoption, which only a small minority do.
And that's the explaination, why single mommies are the, by far, the largest group of welfare receipients.
And, what would the explanation be for the 30 something women who have 3 or 4 kids and keep having more and each one with a different last name??

Lue C Fur

Evil member
We have drop off boxes at our city hospitals, totally out of sight and no cameras... people can put unwanted babies in them.
Yup...just throw the unwanted baby in the box. Thats a real nice way to put it.

But, personally, I think the tax payer is better off, paying a few hundred for a 1 time abortion, then paying a thousand every month for the next 18 years, plus the cost of birth, and maybe complications if the woman is a drug abuser.

So with you line of thinking then...if Obama's mother had aborted him (because she did abandon him) then we would not have this maroon as president.


Für Meno :)
Besides, don't act so innocently, do you really know how many illegal arbortions take place in the US ?
Some developing some serious health concequences or even death.