Oil reaching the Gulf Coast


Well-Known Member
So people on the right around here really have me wondering. First this is a disaster and a calamity all the federal governments fault with Obama the main villain--until Klein says something. After that, well, oh it's just not that big a deal and, well, you know, stuff just happens. ***!

I think possibly the reason you got no reply is because people are dumbfounded that someone would make a statement this foolish.

We've spent years being talked down to by the left in the country that they are the only good stewards of the environment. They fed us bad science to try and prove their points. They've run their mouths telling us all the way we should live our lives and how we should treat the environment. Now a company the government hired to drill for oil on our public land has a spill and what do you guys do? You block help from other countries. You block, stall, and try to slow down the states efforts to protect their shore lines. If this wasn't such a serious issue there are multiple ways that I would make fun of you and that do nothing, lawsuit happy, environment destroying president of ours.

Our president thinks it is more important to shut down oil wells that are not spilling oil and make BP pay their salary instead of putting all of everyones effort into stopping the leak and cleaning up the damage. What a joke you and that president are. Yes Obama is the main villian because in part you guys wanted it that way with Bush and in part because his lack of leadership is obstructing progress. His idea of progress is to activate the national guard to help people file claims. Seriously? How about lets suck the oil up off the top of the ocean and try and keep it from coming to shore instead of blocking foreign vessals and stoping domestic vessals to make sure the have life vests on board.


Für Meno :)
Well that is nobody except you right? I mean you've claimed multiple times that this was the worst environmental disaster ever, the worst man caused environmental disaster ever, and the worst environmental disaster in the US, and the worst man caused environmental disaster in the US.

Now you admit you do not know how much oil is out there or when it will stop. You call me a simpleton yet all you can do is parrot what you hear on TV? Great entertainment here. I guess you've spent some time by now trying to find a way to say any one of those many environmental disasters I gave you wasn't as bad as this and that was the best you could do. That's really all it took to get you to admit you were incorrect? You're not really a good liberal unless you just fabricate some "facts" or "science".

WRONG ! I did not spend anytime on the net, researching big man made disasters.
Maybe you are right, and BBC, CNN, CBC, CTV have it all wrong, and this is nothing serious ?
If so, then the president is doing his job, not taking it serious , right ?

And, you know what ?
I give up debating this.
Even though, the Gulf of Mexico belongs to everyone on the world, with exemption of the 200 mile zone.
It's part of the Atlantic Ocean.

And what does this spill have to do with politics ? Thats where you are screwed up !
Are you telling me the liberals caused this leak ? Or Bush would have had a better plan ? We seen how good he was with Katrina ! The whole entire world still laughs about that one !
This is a different story. If you want to blame someone, then on the republicans... they were in power for 8 years.. they gave permission, and had no tools in place for such a tragedy.

This is a mistake by a corperation, and yes, some slack regulations from the prior governments.
And, I still don't consider myself a liberal, because I voted conservative in Germany and Canada too.
But, will admit, European or Canadian conservatives aren't "Nazi like" yours are.
If this spill happened up north, we wouldn't be blaming liberals or conservatives, but be blamming BP !!

Honestly, seems you republicans want to take advantage of everything bad happening.
I hope they get their wish, and a meteor wipes out 99% of the USA, and blame it on Obama becuse he couldn't prevent it in time.
Thats how you think, don't you ?

No wonder the USA is falling apart. No more unity. Even sacrifice the hotel owners and fishermen in the Gulf, saying they don't deserve money from BP.
Like I said, then why not sacrifice 99% of your country ?
Thats how idiotic you guys sound !


Strength through joy
He has done that, gathered the best scientist in the US and the world together. The leader of the pack (forgot his name), is the nobel prize winner in physics.
This is like trying to get to the moon within 3months.
Nobody, all of humankind wasn't prepared for this.

He said that all in his speech the other day.

His great pick of a leader; thinks all houses should have white roofs to reflect the suns heat.
Funny about what you say, "best scientists " but not one person from the oil industry, all thinkers not a single do-er.
Just how many of these panels will he put together, before you realize that its all a farce.

(ABC News)- President Barack Obama’s point man charting a new future for the oil-poisoned Gulf Coast will do the job part-time. Some environmentalists said the job demands someone’s full attention.

Just like this guy; it's more important to play golf and make speeches blaming others .


It's not the purpose of the private sector to protect the public. Companies like Goldman Sachs, Massey Energy, WellPoint, and BP will do everything they can to make money. They owe allegiance to their shareholders. Hopefully along the way they also make great products and provide terrific services. If the market is competitive, both consumers and investors gain.

If you believe in a free market then you may also believe that it is in the interest of the corporation to protect their reputation in order to continue to provide their shareholders a return on their investment. Government often creates competitive disadvantages as the fury over the "brown bailout" shows.



Long Time Member
I was only interested in the STUG and Klein exchange here.
BP needs to be hammered!!! I didn't votefor NoBama, but the $20B escrow was smart.

NOW...........CAPTURE THE friend'ING OIL!!!! A-HOLES!!:angry::angry:


Well-Known Member
WRONG ! I did not spend anytime on the net, researching big man made disasters.

Of course we all know you just made it up. It's just good fun watching you try to justify it then when you can't and just blame it on the news.
Maybe you are right, and BBC, CNN, CBC, CTV have it all wrong, and this is nothing serious ? Cnn here just happened to be talking about the many environmental disaster that were worse than this one and there were so many that I couldn't even keep up typing them so fast.
If so, then the president is doing his job, not taking it serious , right ?

And, you know what ?
I give up debating this.
I really doubt that.

Even though, the Gulf of Mexico belongs to everyone on the world, with exemption of the 200 mile zone.
It's part of the Atlantic Ocean.

And what does this spill have to do with politics ? Wait for it......Thats where you are screwed up !
Are you telling me the liberals caused this leak ? Or Bush would have had a better plan ? We seen how good he was with Katrina ! The whole entire world still laughs about that one ! Yep you just brought up politics just a little over one sentence later. I never said someone from a different party would do better or worse just that these guys we have in charge are pathetic, weak leaders.
This is a different story. If you want to blame someone, then on the republicans... they were in power for 8 years.. they gave permission, and had no tools in place for such a tragedy. Hmmm OK except that you just made that up also. It has nothing to do with the fact that this rig started drilling this hole just this last February approved by the dimocrats with a clean up plan wait for it also approved by the dimocrats. I understand you just have to try and find a way to blame Bush even nearly two years after he left the presidency. It's funny you guys don't even realize how idiotic you sound doing this to borrow your phrase.

This is a mistake by a corperation, and yes, some slack regulations from the prior governments.

How do you know this was a mistake? I don't think you even know what happened. You do have a track record. It was only a few days ago you were claiming the worst environmental disaster ever so who know what you'll by claiming caused this in a couple days from now.
And, I still don't consider myself a liberal, because I voted conservative in Germany and Canada too.
But, will admit, European or Canadian conservatives aren't "Nazi like" yours are.Heck I heard the Nazis were from Europe. Wouldn't that by definition make them Nazi like. I don't think you even know how idiotic that sounded to borrow your phrase again.If this spill happened up north, we wouldn't be blaming liberals or conservatives, but be blamming BP !! I'm not sure who really cares but I'll take your word for it and agree that you guys would be doing just like our President and blame, blame, blame instead of controlling and fixing the problem.
Honestly, seems you republicans want to take advantage of everything bad happening.
Pointing out the horrible, weak leadership of our president and your lies is in no way taking advantage of anything as I get no gain from this.

I hope they get their wish, and a meteor wipes out 99% of the USA, and blame it on Obama becuse he couldn't prevent it in time.
Thats how you think, don't you ? Actually I think you are just a typical weak minded liberal drama queen who loves to blame his shortcomings on others. I wouldn't say it but you asked.

No wonder the USA is falling apart. No more unity. Even sacrifice the hotel owners and fishermen in the Gulf, saying they don't deserve money from BP.
Like I said, then why not sacrifice 99% of your country ? Well I know you are not good at math but 99% of the country does not live on the gulf. Second they've hired all the fishing boats that are willing to work on controlling the spill. Even if they didn't they have boats. Boats are mobile. They have the ability to move from one place to another in the water. Most of the earth is covered in water. If there are no fish there I would first suggest that they go where the fish are. The world has not run completely out of fish because of an oil spill. Thats how idiotic you guys sound ! I'm guessing you've never read any of your posts if you're talking about how idiotic someone sounds.


Für Meno :)
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Our president thinks it is more important to shut down oil wells that are not spilling oil and make BP pay their salary instead of putting all of everyones effort into stopping the leak and cleaning up the damage. How about lets suck the oil up off the top of the ocean and try and keep it from coming to shore instead of blocking foreign vessals and stoping domestic vessals to make sure the have life vests on board.
Great points av8tor.

I read that, too, weeks ago, and posted it here on this thread
Well hooray for you! I'm so glad you were the first one to report this.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
WRONG ! I did not spend anytime on the net, researching big man made disasters.
Maybe you are right, and BBC, CNN, CBC, CTV have it all wrong, and this is nothing serious ?
If so, then the president is doing his job, not taking it serious , right ?

And, you know what ?
I give up debating this.

And what does this spill have to do with politics ? Thats where you are screwed up !
Are you telling me the liberals caused this leak ? Or Bush would have had a better plan ? We seen how good he was with Katrina ! The whole entire world still laughs about that one !
This is a different story. If you want to blame someone, then on the republicans... they were in power for 8 years.. they gave permission, and had no tools in place for such a tragedy.

This is a mistake by a corperation, and yes, some slack regulations from the prior governments.
And, I still don't consider myself a liberal, because I voted conservative in Germany and Canada too.
But, will admit, European or Canadian conservatives aren't "Nazi like" yours are.
If this spill happened up north, we wouldn't be blaming liberals or conservatives, but be blamming BP !!

Honestly, seems you republicans want to take advantage of everything bad happening.
I hope they get their wish, and a meteor wipes out 99% of the USA, and blame it on Obama becuse he couldn't prevent it in time.
Thats how you think, don't you ?

No wonder the USA is falling apart. No more unity. Even sacrifice the hotel owners and fishermen in the Gulf, saying they don't deserve money from BP.
Like I said, then why not sacrifice 99% of your country ?
Thats how idiotic you guys sound !
Toronto G20 protest hints at more to come

TORONTO (Reuters) - Kicking off protests that will draw thousands to Toronto during two top-level summits next week, oil-smeared demonstrators urged Canada on Thursday to stop subsidizing fossil fuels and act against world poverty.

Fears of violence prompted a U.S. State Department recommendation that Americans avoid downtown Toronto next week because the large-scale demonstrations around the June 26-27 summit of the G20 rich and emerging nations could turn nasty.

All that rage...Now I get it!:wink2:


Für Meno :)
Trust me, the US travel advisory warning made top news here.
Showing how silly Americans think of Canada.

We got a good laugh out of it, anyways. I'm sure DS did , too. He lives in that neck of the woods.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, you issued a travel alert to South Africa for the Fifa games, too.
I guess they want you to keep the US dollars at home.


Trust me, the US travel advisory warning made top news here.
Showing how silly Americans think of Canada.

We got a good laugh out of it, anyways. I'm sure DS did , too. He lives in that neck of the woods.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, you issued a travel alert to South Africa for the Fifa games, too.
I guess they want you to keep the US dollars at home.
Trust you? Why? Silly Americans? All of us? WE, had a good laugh? Who's we, Klein? You and the voices in your head?

It's funny how you come on here (the BC) and claim to have all of this vast knowledge, by posting stuff you get from the internet, newspaper or watch on TV. Then you come on here and make statements like trusting YOU, though YOU never really have a thought of YOUR own. You call us silly Americans, why? Is it because many of us here on the BC (notice I didn't say all or WE?) are American, and many of us just don't agree with you? Do I have to agree with you in order not to be labeled, silly?

Then you come out with the comment that WE had a good laugh and include DS in that statement. Am I to assume that you and DS are best buddies who are sitting back laughing at us "SILLY" Americans? Or that there's actually a Klein following that applaud your every move? Mr., you need to get a grip! We're posting our different views on a website. No need to take it so personally when someone disagrees with you.

Here's a pretty picture for you. I'm sure you'll find something wrong with that, too.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
We sent in an idea, and got a response. They said our idea would not work but it is somewhat a comfort that they are listening to little people like me

Thank you for your submission to the Alternative Response Technology (ART)
process for the Deepwater Horizon MC252 incident. Your submission has been
reviewed for its technical merits.

It has been determined that your idea falls into one of the following ART
categories: Already Considered/Planned, Not Feasible, or Not Possible, and
therefore will not be advanced for further evaluation. To date, we have
received over 80,000 submissions with each submission receiving individual
consideration and priority based on merit and need.

BP and Horizon Deepwater Unified Command appreciate your contribution and
interest in responding to this incident.

Thank you very much,
Horizon Response Team


Well-Known Member
It's not the purpose of the private sector to protect the public. Companies like Goldman Sachs, Massey Energy, WellPoint, and BP will do everything they can to make money. They owe allegiance to their shareholders. Hopefully along the way they also make great products and provide terrific services. If the market is competitive, both consumers and investors gain.
The purpose of government is to protect and enhance the well-being of Americans. Its job is to protect the public from corporate excesses -- enacting laws that bar certain actions that may hurt or endanger the public, and fully enforcing those laws.
We get into trouble when the two sets of responsibilities are confused -- when big business and Wall Street spend vast amounts of money trying to influence government, and when government officials (including the officials of regulatory agencies) pull their punches because they're aiming for lucrative jobs in the private sector.
The real challenge of our time has nothing to do with whether one trusts Big Business and Wall Street more or less than Big Government. The challenge is to keep the two apart, each focused on what they're supposed to be doing.

Anyway, about Jindal.....Few elected officials have clean hands here, least of all an anti-regulatory lawmaker who proposed planting Deepwater Horizons coast to coast.

Watching Big Brother

BTW: When the Coast Guard shutdown Jindal's oil cleaners, on whose behalf and benefit were they acting in shutting them down? What about the local Alabama Volunteer Fire Chief who was threatened with jail? Again, whose interests are being served here? The little guy or BP?

It appears more and more that the current adminstration is serving Big Corp. interests and in your case as a voter and support of said adminstration, what does that make you? I told your red state buddies if they looked in a mirror they'd see Obama but in your case I think it'll be Bush. Not that there's any real difference between the 2.

What irony!

Or maybe it's just typical!

But I thought the gov't was to protect the little guy!


Long Time Member
I will never buy BP gasoline again!

Even if it is on sale.

They have botched this whole thing!!!

The Govm't. seems inept to actually take control..


Für Meno :)
Sounds pretty familiar tooner :

Dear Klein,

Thank you for your submission to the Alternative Response Technology (ART) process for the Deepwater Horizon MC252 incident. Your submission has been reviewed for its technical merits.

It has been determined that your idea falls into one of the following ART categories: Already Considered/Planned, Not Feasible, or Not Possible, and therefore will not be advanced for further evaluation. To date, we have received over 80,000 submissions with each submission receiving individual consideration and priority based on merit and need.

BP and Horizon Deepwater Unified Command appreciate your contribution and interest in responding to this incident.

Thank you very much,
Horizon Response Team


Staff member
I will never buy BP gasoline again!

You would only be hurting the independent gas station owner.

I see in the news all the vandalism that is being done to BP gas stations. Doesn't harm BP at all, but it sure hurts our neighbors who own these places.