Well-Known Member
So people on the right around here really have me wondering. First this is a disaster and a calamity all the federal governments fault with Obama the main villain--until Klein says something. After that, well, oh it's just not that big a deal and, well, you know, stuff just happens. ***!
I think possibly the reason you got no reply is because people are dumbfounded that someone would make a statement this foolish.
We've spent years being talked down to by the left in the country that they are the only good stewards of the environment. They fed us bad science to try and prove their points. They've run their mouths telling us all the way we should live our lives and how we should treat the environment. Now a company the government hired to drill for oil on our public land has a spill and what do you guys do? You block help from other countries. You block, stall, and try to slow down the states efforts to protect their shore lines. If this wasn't such a serious issue there are multiple ways that I would make fun of you and that do nothing, lawsuit happy, environment destroying president of ours.
Our president thinks it is more important to shut down oil wells that are not spilling oil and make BP pay their salary instead of putting all of everyones effort into stopping the leak and cleaning up the damage. What a joke you and that president are. Yes Obama is the main villian because in part you guys wanted it that way with Bush and in part because his lack of leadership is obstructing progress. His idea of progress is to activate the national guard to help people file claims. Seriously? How about lets suck the oil up off the top of the ocean and try and keep it from coming to shore instead of blocking foreign vessals and stoping domestic vessals to make sure the have life vests on board.