Oil reaching the Gulf Coast


Strength through joy
Does taking some $$ now restrict anyone from suing later ?

A 20 minute meeting results in a $20B payment, I wonder if he could have gotten a larger amount had he stayed with them for a whole hour ?


Für Meno :)
But BP was already paying claims. What now? How efficient will the government be? How much money will the government eat up in red tape? How many attornies will the government have involved in this process?

Simpleton is right. Why don't you go ask the fishermen and hotels down there, what they seen from BP sofar ?
1 single check in 55 days ! Don't know when and if the next one is comming.
They are damm happy, someone other then BP is handing it out now, and actually BP is also happy, because they don't have the means to act to every claim in a timely matter.

Not being the worst enviromental disaster ? Are you joking ?
It's only effecting 4 states (sofar), tens of thousands of workers, tourist dollars, most of the US seafood industry.
And , it's hasn't really even started yet !
That oil could reach Europe, the Carolinas, and for all I know, even Canada.

You give me a bigger one !
Yes, the amount of human life isn't effected, but tons of wildlife, tourist industry, and many thousands of workers and fishermen.
The cleanup will still be going on in 10+ years....
And the Gulf will never be same, for hundreds of years to come.


Strength through joy
I wonder if some one from Cuba will file a claim ?
After all they would be really putting their lives in harms way because of all the extra ships in the gulf { collision with their homemade rafts } .


golden ticket member
"Simpleton is right. Why don't you go ask the fishermen and hotels down there, what they seen from BP sofar ?
1 single check in 55 days ! "

God only knows where you get your 'facts' !! :dissapointed: 20,000 claims is a lot more than just 1.

"BP spokesman David Nicholas told the Los Angeles Times [1] that “more than 20,000 of the 42,000 claims submitted have been paid” – suggesting that about half of claimants have not received a check."


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
God only knows where you get your 'facts' !! :dissapointed: 20,000 claims is a lot more than just 1.

"BP spokesman David Nicholas told the Los Angeles Times [1] that “more than 20,000 of the 42,000 claims submitted have been paid” – suggesting that about half of claimants have not received a check."

Since when have facts mattered, look at Obama? You know what they say....Birds of a feather flock up together!!:happy-very:


Für Meno :)
I meant 1 check per claim..... You lose your weekly pay this Friday.... wait 55 days, get 1 check...... and don't know when and how much the next one will be.

Get it now ???????

They had these people interviewed on CNN.
They don't know how to live currently.
The uncertainty about getting paid, and when, and if....
1 check... good.... but when is the next one ?

Pretty hard to live like that, if you ask me !


So let me get this right, since I think I may not be understanding whay's happening. I work, doing a certain job and some sort of calamity strikes, so now I can collect money for not having that job anymore? So when there's a tornado, the victims are covered? Earthquake, covered? Wow, I'm so glad that everyone is so well taken care of in this country. I was under the impression that if calamity affects you and you lose your job, you move on to a different job, or the same job in a different area. Now, when things go wrong, all I have to do is sit back and wait for my calamity relief check. What a "social" country we are living in, nowadays.


Für Meno :)
So let me get this right, since I think I may not be understanding whay's happening. I work, doing a certain job and some sort of calamity strikes, so now I can collect money for not having that job anymore? So when there's a tornado, the victims are covered? Earthquake, covered? Wow, I'm so glad that everyone is so well taken care of in this country. I was under the impression that if calamity affects you and you lose your job, you move on to a different job, or the same job in a different area. Now, when things go wrong, all I have to do is sit back and wait for my calamity relief check. What a "social" country we are living in, nowadays.

It's always been that way ! Everywhere. Except for "acts of God" such as tornedos, etc.

But, if you owned a pizza shop, and lets say a BP Oil Tanker runs right into it, destoys your buliding.
No, you don't have to take the loss, and spend your own money to rebuild.
And yes, you'll get lost wages paid.

I admit it would be a BP insurance claim, but lets say BP has no insurance - you still go after them.

I find it however amazing that you have little sympathy for all those people in the Gulf region, that can no longer make a living.
No, they can't just sell their homes, move their family and try it somewhere else.

It's not only their livelyhood taken away from them, but basically their neighborhood, community, and their whole way of living.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Actually it appears to be a stupid idea to me and my guess is that since BP agreed so easily it must be a beneficial deal to them. I'd much rather see them spend that money on stopping the leak and cleaning up the mess over some welfare program. 5 Billion dollars a year for four years honestly does not sound like much if they never stop the leak. One positive thing appears to be coming out of this as the government is rumored to announce in the next couple of days that they are going to once again allow shallow watter drilling.
I agree AV but when we say things its talking points, when they say it, its an ephifany. Blah blah, blah.


Well-Known Member
It's always been that way ! Everywhere. Except for "acts of God" such as tornedos, etc.

But, if you owned a pizza shop, and lets say a BP Oil Tanker runs right into it, destoys your buliding.
No, you don't have to take the loss, and spend your own money to rebuild.
And yes, you'll get lost wages paid.

I admit it would be a BP insurance claim, but lets say BP has no insurance - you still go after them.

I find it however amazing that you have little sympathy for all those people in the Gulf region, that can no longer make a living.
No, they can't just sell their homes, move their family and try it somewhere else.

It's not only their livelyhood taken away from them, but basically their neighborhood, community, and their whole way of living.

Everyone in the world is affected by the oil leak- indirectly or directly. Should we all file claims?
Everything that happens, good or bad, is an act of God; what should that matter?
I agree with Steve- Everyone wants compensation for everything- where is the line?


It's always been that way ! Everywhere. Except for "acts of God" such as tornedos, etc.

But, if you owned a pizza shop, and lets say a BP Oil Tanker runs right into it, destoys your buliding.
No, you don't have to take the loss, and spend your own money to rebuild.
And yes, you'll get lost wages paid.

I admit it would be a BP insurance claim, but lets say BP has no insurance - you still go after them.

I find it however amazing that you have little sympathy for all those people in the Gulf region, that can no longer make a living.
No, they can't just sell their homes, move their family and try it somewhere else.

It's not only their livelyhood taken away from them, but basically their neighborhood, community, and their whole way of living.
I am being sympathetic by what I said. Klein, how many people moved from that area after Katrina hit? Many, many people moved and went on with their lives. Humans are capable of moving on and working hard to achieve the life the used to have or want to have. If you just pay them off because of their "losses", you'll be doing nothing but creating a much bigger welfare society. If you got cancer from smoking those cigarette's on a daily basis, I guess your tobacco maker would be to blame and you'd sue them into oblivion. You have officially become a member of the "COMPENSATE ME" generation. I'm guessing that's why you still don't have a job.


Well-Known Member
Not being the worst enviromental disaster ? Are you joking ?
It's only effecting 4 states (sofar), tens of thousands of workers, tourist dollars, most of the US seafood industry.
And , it's hasn't really even started yet !
You give me a bigger one !

Are you serious? Were you drunk when you asked this? This is not even the largest oil spill ever. The Aral sea was drained by man that seem much worse than a little oil. Chernobyl gave thousands of people cancer and is still not habitable. Saddam released much, much more oil than this into the Persian Gulf. The coal ash disaster in TN is still worse than this and that was just a couple years ago. There was an earthquake in 1201 that killed over a million people just to keep it real for you.The Bhopal chemical release was also much worse. Everytime a volcano erupts it does greater damage to the environment than this will. Three mile island, Love canal, over farming in the great plains in the early 1900's, the pacific garbage patch, asbestos,or just the WR grace plant disaster,and Picher OK lead contamination.


Für Meno :)
I am being sympathetic by what I said. Klein, how many people moved from that area after Katrina hit? Many, many people moved and went on with their lives. Humans are capable of moving on and working hard to achieve the life the used to have or want to have. If you just pay them off because of their "losses", you'll be doing nothing but creating a much bigger welfare society. If you got cancer from smoking those cigarette's on a daily basis, I guess your tobacco maker would be to blame and you'd sue them into oblivion. You have officially become a member of the "COMPENSATE ME" generation. I'm guessing that's why you still don't have a job.

ok, 75% of american seafood comes from the region.
The Shrimp season has just began.
All that has been taken away because of negligence of BP.
These fishermen have boat and house payments.

How you compare smoking cigarettes to catching fish for a living.... it's your conclusion.

I guess your right. Let BP keep their money, for their mistake, and putting thousands out of work.
And let the fishermen lose boats, homes, etc.

If Keywest gets affected, that's all that Island strives on... boating, fishing, and tourisum.
Let that become a ghost town, too.

Your soo right, if someone takes your way of living and work away from you - move on, don't complain.

AV8: I must be watching all the wrong misleading news channels.
They all refer it as the largest enviromental disaster in US history.

Keep in mind, natural disasters are different.
And as far as I know, that spill is still guzzling at 60.000 barrels per day.
Lets get that plugged first, and then we can await the damages (as they are already showing up on shores, but much more to come yet).
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ok, 75% of american seafood comes from the region.
The Shrimp season has just began.
All that has been taken away because of negligence of BP.
These fishermen have boat and house payments.

How you compare smoking cigarettes to catching fish for a living.... it's your conclusion.

I guess your right. Let BP keep their money, for their mistake, and putting thousands out of work.
And let the fishermen lose boats, homes, etc.

If Keywest gets affected, that's all that Island strives on... boating, fishing, and tourisum.
Let that become a ghost town, too.

Your soo right, if someone takes your way of living and work away from you - move on, don't complain.

AV8: I must be watching all the wrong misleading news channels.
They all refer it as the largest enviromental disaster in US history.

Keep in mind, natural disasters are different.
And as far as I know, that spill is still guzzling at 60.000 barrels per day.
Lets get that plugged first, and then we can await the damages (as they are already showing up on shores, but much more to come yet).
Negligence! Fault! You're starting to sound like an attorney. Klein, crap happens, and people need to DO what they need to DO to put food on the table and have shelter. If that means fishermen becoming Garbagemen then make the adjustment. If, God forbid, I was to be fired or unable to work at UPS after tomorrow, I would have to make the adjustment, and I would. I'm not saying I wouldn't be upset, I'm just saying that as a working person I will do what ever it takes to keep working and not look for the "easy" way payday. If this was a natural disaster, who would you want to sue? The ghost towns would still be ghost towns. There has always been the possibility of something like this occurring, so why the panic when it occurrs? What ever, you'll come back with something else, as arm chair quarterbacks living 3000 miles away from the area usually do.

Oh, btw, as far as the differing media outlet's spin on this disaster, don't you think you should turn off the TV and go out for fresh air once in awhile?


Für Meno :)
Negligence! Fault! You're starting to sound like an attorney. Klein, crap happens, and people need to DO what they need to DO to put food on the table and have shelter. If that means fishermen becoming Garbagemen then make the adjustment. If, God forbid, I was to be fired or unable to work at UPS after tomorrow, I would have to make the adjustment, and I would. I'm not saying I wouldn't be upset, I'm just saying that as a working person I will do what ever it takes to keep working and not look for the "easy" way payday. If this was a natural disaster, who would you want to sue? The ghost towns would still be ghost towns. There has always been the possibility of something like this occurring, so why the panic when it occurrs? What ever, you'll come back with something else, as arm chair quarterbacks living 3000 miles away from the area usually do.

Oh, btw, as far as the differing media outlet's spin on this disaster, don't you think you should turn off the TV and go out for fresh air once in awhile?

Ok, so you understand it better :
Lets say USAirways flight 101, forgot to fuel up, and they crash landed right on top of your UPS center, you're working at.
Your out of work tomorrow.
And lets say it will take 6 months for UPS to rebuild it, and in the meantime fedex delivers all those packages.
UPS ofcourse would get compensated by insurance and USAirways, but what would you expect and what would you do ?

And thats not even a fair comparison, because you have absolutely nothing invested in UPS.
These fishermen own million dollar boats (that they have higher payments on them to make , then they could ever earn as a garbage man). Same goes for the multimillion dollar hotel owners.


Strength through joy
BP Oil Spill: Against Gov. Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard

59 Days Into Oil Crisis, Gulf Coast Governors Say Feds Are Failing Them

Louisiana Governor Couldn't Overrule Coast Guard

Along Gulf Coast, Governors Ask, 'Who's In Charge?'

Fifty-nine days into the crisis, it still can be tough to figure out who is in charge in Louisiana, and the problem appears to be the same in other Gulf Coast states.
In Alabama today, Gov. Bob Riley said that he's had problems with the Coast Guard, too.