Oil reaching the Gulf Coast


Well-Known Member
AV8: I must be watching all the wrong misleading news channels.
They all refer it as the largest enviromental disaster in US history.

Keep in mind, natural disasters are different.

You called me a simpleton. Really????

You first claimed this was the worst environmental disaster and that I couldn't name one worse. To be fair to you man cannot even compete with nature when it comes to harming the environment. So then I suppose you really want to claim that you meant the worst man caused environmental disaster. This isn't even close. Now you I think are trying to falsely claim that it is the most harm to the environment in the US caused by man. Really?????? The simpleton quip really is cracking me up at this point. I am not even close to a history buff and I gave you a long list and I'm sure if I put any effort into it at all I could easily come up with more.

I will say be careful when you surrender all independent thought to the television.

klein said:
Lets get that plugged first, and then we can await the damages

This is what I was trying to get you to see in the beginning of this thread as this is an ongoing leak. There is no way to know what will happen. It is possible this may all be cleaned up in a couple years. The other extreme is they may never get the leak stopped.


Staff member
So people on the right around here really have me wondering. First this is a disaster and a calamity all the federal governments fault with Obama the main villain--until Klein says something. After that, well, oh it's just not that big a deal and, well, you know, stuff just happens. ***!


Well-Known Member
So people on the right around here really have me wondering. First this is a disaster and a calamity all the federal governments fault with Obama the main villain--until Klein says something. After that, well, oh it's just not that big a deal and, well, you know, stuff just happens. ***!

bbsam.....How do they not realize the mass amounts of :censored2: spewing from their mouths??


While the President has gotten BP to rightfully apologize to the American people for their reckless behavior, their inexcusable response and their insulting approach, Republicans and BC Conservatives here are apologizing to BP. You guys could not have this more backward, and it raises serious questions as to why your on the side of BP and the oil companies instead of that of the American people. The only people Republicans and Tx congressman (R) Joe Barton should be apologizing to are the people of the Gulf who your turning your backs on to defend BP.What you out of touch folks can't comprehend is an entire way of life in jeopardy. This is just not about jobs and handouts ... this is an entire way of life that's in jeopardy. New republican word of the week "Shakedown"....There's no shakedown going on here ... I find it outrageous to suggest.....On Gulf Coast, business owners/workers, these people don't have deep pockets.


Well-Known Member
BP Oil Spill: Against Gov. Jindal's Wishes, Crude-Sucking Barges Stopped by Coast Guard

59 Days Into Oil Crisis, Gulf Coast Governors Say Feds Are Failing Them

Louisiana Governor Couldn't Overrule Coast Guard

Along Gulf Coast, Governors Ask, 'Who's In Charge?'

Fifty-nine days into the crisis, it still can be tough to figure out who is in charge in Louisiana, and the problem appears to be the same in other Gulf Coast states.
In Alabama today, Gov. Bob Riley said that he's had problems with the Coast Guard, too.

I applaud Gov. Jindal for taking the bull by the horns but this is not the only case of people ignoring Washington and stepping up themselves to address the situation. Darian Worden at C4SS wrote an interesting op-ed about individualist actions in the Florida Keys. To some, this is pure, true anarchy (no ruler) at it's best and shows what is possible in a true environment of free market where all approaches to any given problem facing a people are considered and then in a cooperative and yes even collective or mutual manner, they move forward together to solve a problem. If we can do this with the oil spill effects, could we not also do the same with our economic condition, healthcare nightmare and many other ills that face us? If the state created all these nightmares to begin with, should we not consider solutions might actually be found outside the nation state construct?

I wait with tingling excitement for the screams like frightened little girls from the squealing statists here at the horror of a world without some authorterain jack booted thug to tell us non thinking idiots what to do and think! Oh and they come from both sides of the same rotten coin so there you go.

Where would we be without our divine leadership who sits at the right hand of god? Another good reason to be an atheist!


Well-Known Member
I am being sympathetic by what I said. Klein, how many people moved from that area after Katrina hit? Many, many people moved and went on with their lives. Humans are capable of moving on and working hard to achieve the life the used to have or want to have. If you just pay them off because of their "losses", you'll be doing nothing but creating a much bigger welfare society. If you got cancer from smoking those cigarette's on a daily basis, I guess your tobacco maker would be to blame and you'd sue them into oblivion. You have officially become a member of the "COMPENSATE ME" generation. I'm guessing that's why you still don't have a job.
Steve, if I may add to your Katrina point.
A friend of mine lives in Houston, Texas. As we know, many of those affected by Katrina moved there. This person said, Houston's have bent over backwards to accommodate these people and they've been rewarded with a higher crime rate and a proliferation of street gangs. A perfect example of an entitlement society. Instead of making a better life and using the resources made available by the city and Federal assistance, they continue to act irresponsible while stretching out for a handout.


One third of the shrimp worldwide is farm raised. 2/3 is caught in the ocean.
And the other 1/2 live to see another day.:wink2:

Ok, so you understand it better :
Lets say USAirways flight 101, forgot to fuel up, and they crash landed right on top of your UPS center, you're working at.
Your out of work tomorrow.
And lets say it will take 6 months for UPS to rebuild it, and in the meantime fedex delivers all those packages.
UPS ofcourse would get compensated by insurance and USAirways, but what would you expect and what would you do ?

And thats not even a fair comparison, because you have absolutely nothing invested in UPS.
These fishermen own million dollar boats (that they have higher payments on them to make , then they could ever earn as a garbage man). Same goes for the multimillion dollar hotel owners.
That still wouldn't stop me from WORKING! You're certainly entitled to your opinion, just as you are entitled to your welfare, I just disagree with you. If you are able bodied enough to work on a shrimp boat, you're able bodied enough to work at some other job that isn't affected by the ongoing crisis. If you were living above your means and are panicking about where the money is going to come from to pay for all the toys you bought, and you think the govt's welfare system should pay for them, YOU ARE WRONG! Go get "another" job!

Steve, if I may add to your Katrina point.
A friend of mine lives in Houston, Texas. As we know, many of those affected by Katrina moved there. This person said, Houston's have bent over backwards to accommodate these people and they've been rewarded with a higher crime rate and a proliferation of street gangs. A perfect example of an entitlement society. Instead of making a better life and using the resources made available by the city and Federal assistance, they continue to act irresponsible while stretching out for a handout.
It's funny how many people move to pristine neighborhoods to get away from places that are worse off, yet bring the attitudes and mindset that make the prior neighborhood what it was.


Für Meno :)
ok, Steve, in your world BP has to pay nothing, or any other company that may explode homes, or over pollute, that people can't breath.
That's simply the risk everyone should take being alive, that anyone can destroy your way of living overnite, and get scott free away with it.

These people are not on welfare in the Gulf. If you consider damages paid to them as welfare, that is your thinking.

I don't care. I'm not American. They can starve, lose their homes, boats, etc, until they find a job in this labor market of 10% unemployment.
Let BP continue making 17 Billion profit , which they done in the first 3 months of this year, and get away with taking peoples livelyhoods away.


Well-Known Member
I applaud Gov. Jindal for taking the bull by the horns but this is not the only case of people ignoring Washington and stepping up themselves to address the situation. Darian Worden at C4SS wrote an interesting op-ed about individualist actions in the Florida Keys. To some, this is pure, true anarchy (no ruler) at it's best and shows what is possible in a true environment of free market where all approaches to any given problem facing a people are considered and then in a cooperative and yes even collective or mutual manner, they move forward together to solve a problem. If we can do this with the oil spill effects, could we not also do the same with our economic condition, healthcare nightmare and many other ills that face us? If the state created all these nightmares to begin with, should we not consider solutions might actually be found outside the nation state construct?

I wait with tingling excitement for the screams like frightened little girls from the squealing statists here at the horror of a world without some authorterain jack booted thug to tell us non thinking idiots what to do and think! Oh and they come from both sides of the same rotten coin so there you go.

Where would we be without our divine leadership who sits at the right hand of god? Another good reason to be an atheist!

It's not the purpose of the private sector to protect the public. Companies like Goldman Sachs, Massey Energy, WellPoint, and BP will do everything they can to make money. They owe allegiance to their shareholders. Hopefully along the way they also make great products and provide terrific services. If the market is competitive, both consumers and investors gain.
The purpose of government is to protect and enhance the well-being of Americans. Its job is to protect the public from corporate excesses -- enacting laws that bar certain actions that may hurt or endanger the public, and fully enforcing those laws.
We get into trouble when the two sets of responsibilities are confused -- when big business and Wall Street spend vast amounts of money trying to influence government, and when government officials (including the officials of regulatory agencies) pull their punches because they're aiming for lucrative jobs in the private sector.
The real challenge of our time has nothing to do with whether one trusts Big Business and Wall Street more or less than Big Government. The challenge is to keep the two apart, each focused on what they're supposed to be doing.

Anyway, about Jindal.....Few elected officials have clean hands here, least of all an anti-regulatory lawmaker who proposed planting Deepwater Horizons coast to coast.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Ya know what Lucy? Klein's got ya this time.(Really??? Im still waiting...)And when you fight him on it you just look like a dumb-a**. (Actually you and Klein are so predictiable...like two peas in a pod.)Go ahead and say it just this once. You were on the wrong side this time.(Really...still waiting...)[/QUOTE]

You know, AV has you pegged...everything you spew is ripped straight from the dems handbook...your very entertaining...just like Klein.:wink2:



Für Meno :)
Ya know what Lucy? Klein's got ya this time.(Really??? Im still waiting...)And when you fight him on it you just look like a dumb-a**. (Actually you and Klein are so predictiable...like two peas in a pod.)Go ahead and say it just this once. You were on the wrong side this time.(Really...still waiting...)

You know, AV has you pegged...everything you spew is ripped straight from the dems handbook...your very entertaining...just like Klein.:wink2:

Well, your handbook is pretty simple, ain't it ?
Anything Obama does, you need to dislike it.
Just like the $20 Billion and $100 Million he got from BP, to give to those effected by the oil spill.

So full of hate, you wanna give it all back to BP !

As far as AV8 goes, he must have a crystal ball or something. According to him, this spill is not nearly as much as Saddam ran into the ocean.
Nobody else really knows how much is spilling into the Gulf currently or when it will ever stop !

Can't you think outside your "hatebox" just for once ?


ok, Steve, in your world BP has to pay nothing, or any other company that may explode homes, or over pollute, that people can't breath.
That's simply the risk everyone should take being alive, that anyone can destroy your way of living overnite, and get scott free away with it.

These people are not on welfare in the Gulf. If you consider damages paid to them as welfare, that is your thinking.

I don't care. I'm not American. They can starve, lose their homes, boats, etc, until they find a job in this labor market of 10% unemployment.
Let BP continue making 17 Billion profit , which they done in the first 3 months of this year, and get away with taking peoples livelyhoods away.
Okay, now that you see the point, we can increase the dialog. I never said BP shouldn't be fined or held accountable for its lapses. I'm just saying that BP doesn't owe the whole world. What good is money going to do these people if they stay living in the same place? Don't you think BP should be able to take every avenue to contain and clean up this mess, First?

Let's pretend for a moment that I am walking back from a paint store and as I walk by your precious automobile I spill a couple of gallons of paint on it by mistake. Would you let me at least attempt to clean up the mess, or would you jump right on the phone, calling a lawyer? Our President has the ability to use everything at disposal to "assist" BP in getting this mess taken care of, yet all he does is stand idly by, giving speeches and trying to appease the public with words. There are great minds out there that if contacted and allowed, would be of great service at this moment in time. Why don't they call upon these great minds?

A person in charge would do good to know their limitations. Our President is not going to clean up this mess single handedly, though it would look great for him if he did. It's time (been time) to take some action and not just give speeches or stand around on the beach for photo ops.


Für Meno :)
Okay, now that you see the point, we can increase the dialogue. I never said BP shouldn't be fined or held accountable for its lapses. I'm just saying that BP doesn't owe the whole world. What good is money going to do these people if they stay living in the same place? Don't you think BP should be able to take every avenue to contain and clean up this mess, First?

Let's pretend for a moment that I am walking back from a paint store and as I walk by your precious automobile I spill a couple of gallons of paint on it by mistake. Would you let me at least attempt to clean up the mess, or would you jump right on the phone, calling a lawyer? Our President has the ability to use everything at disposal to "assist" BP in getting this mess taken care of, yet all he does is stand idley by, giving speeches and trying to appease the public with words. There are great minds out there that if contacted and allowed, would be of great service at this moment in time. Why don't they call upon these great minds?

A person in charge would do good to know their limitations. Our President is not going to clean up this mess single handedly, though it would look great for him if he did. It's time (been time) to take some action and not just give speeches or stand around on the beach for photo ops.

He has done that, gathered the best scientist in the US and the world together. The leader of the pack (forgot his name), is the nobel prize winner in physics.
This is like trying to get to the moon within 3months.
Nobody, all of humankind wasn't prepared for this.

He said that all in his speech the other day.


He has done that, gathered the best scientist in the US and the world together. The leader of the pack (forgot his name), is the nobel prize winner in physics.
This is like trying to get to the moon within 3months.
Nobody, all of humankind wasn't prepared for this.

He said that all in his speech the other day.
I must have been living my life that day. Like I said, these minds need to do something, not just hold meetings and stand and watch. I could stand and watch all by myself wondering what to do, but then again, what am I but a lowly truck driver?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Well, your handbook is pretty simple, ain't it ?
When i comes to predicting what Klein says and Dems...yup.:wink2:
Anything Obama does, you need to dislike it.
What is there to like????
Just like the $20 Billion and $100 Million he got from BP, to give to those effected by the oil spill.
Thats from Obama...he did that? I think BP putting up the money is a great idea and they should pay...including Transocean and Haliburtin if they are all found to be a fault. What if our goverment is to blame...will they pay...or should i say us taxpayers?

So full of hate, you wanna give it all back to BP !
Really Klein...you spew so much garbaqe...please keep it up...its very entertaining.

As far as AV8 goes, he must have a crystal ball or something. According to him, this spill is not nearly as much as Saddam ran into the ocean.
Dont forget all the oil wells he set on fire too...Al Gore should have a field day with Global warming...
Nobody else really knows how much is spilling into the Gulf currently or when it will ever stop !
Nobody knows...:surprised:
Can't you think outside your "hatebox" just for once ?
Cant you get a job for once and stop typing when your all "Likored" up? By the way...whats a "Hatebox"?:funny:


Staff member
So people on the right around here really have me wondering. First this is a disaster and a calamity all the federal governments fault with Obama the main villain--until Klein says something. After that, well, oh it's just not that big a deal and, well, you know, stuff just happens. ***!
I really expected someone from the right to refute this statement. Nothing. Hmmm. Maybe too much evidence here on BC for them to deny their own words.:surprised: How fitting.


I really expected someone from the right to refute this statement. Nothing. Hmmm. Maybe too much evidence here on BC for them to deny their own words.:surprised: How fitting.
Who's on the right?

As for what Upstate said about BP having to pay up, I agree, but to an extent. Lives will be affected by this mess and already are being affected. There is NO recovery in site for some of those people and they will need to move on to other areas, maybe doing the same thing, or something different altogether. I would not agree with people receiving their "handout" and then just staying put to wait for more.


Well-Known Member
klein;744276 Nobody else really knows how much is spilling into the Gulf currently or when it will ever stop ! Can't you think outside your "hatebox" just for once ?[/QUOTE said:
Well that is nobody except you right? I mean you've claimed multiple times that this was the worst environmental disaster ever, the worst man caused environmental disaster ever, and the worst environmental disaster in the US, and the worst man caused environmental disaster in the US.

Now you admit you do not know how much oil is out there or when it will stop. You call me a simpleton yet all you can do is parrot what you hear on TV? Great entertainment here. I guess you've spent some time by now trying to find a way to say any one of those many environmental disasters I gave you wasn't as bad as this and that was the best you could do. That's really all it took to get you to admit you were incorrect? You're not really a good liberal unless you just fabricate some "facts" or "science".