
Strength through joy

  • The Press Secretary was forced to defend and clean up her boss's remarks on the Omicron COVID variant
  • President Biden said on Wednesday night that the new Omicron variant caught the government by surprise
  • Psaki said that nobody 'knew there would be the number of different variants, nobody knew exactly how transmissible they would be' when asked about Biden conceding the federal response wasn't good enough
  • It was revealed hours later that the Biden administration was presented with a plan to avoid today's scenario
  • An administration official said the plan was rejected at the time because it was too big for available resources


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

  • The Press Secretary was forced to defend and clean up her boss's remarks on the Omicron COVID variant
  • President Biden said on Wednesday night that the new Omicron variant caught the government by surprise
  • Psaki said that nobody 'knew there would be the number of different variants, nobody knew exactly how transmissible they would be' when asked about Biden conceding the federal response wasn't good enough
  • It was revealed hours later that the Biden administration was presented with a plan to avoid today's scenario
  • An administration official said the plan was rejected at the time because it was too big for available resources
Not enough trannys involved


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.

  • The Press Secretary was forced to defend and clean up her boss's remarks on the Omicron COVID variant
  • President Biden said on Wednesday night that the new Omicron variant caught the government by surprise
  • Psaki said that nobody 'knew there would be the number of different variants, nobody knew exactly how transmissible they would be' when asked about Biden conceding the federal response wasn't good enough
  • It was revealed hours later that the Biden administration was presented with a plan to avoid today's scenario
  • An administration official said the plan was rejected at the time because it was too big for available resources
I bet fauci knew there would be variants. The delta variant wasn't a mutation that happened in the pandemic. It was a variant that was also released.


From the propaganda:

"A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all."

And whose fault is that, really?
Theirs, by default.
Underground money is huge.
They are the ones that illegally do not pay their taxes, while they are living in America illegally.
Same game with different rules.
American workers working "off shore" in Indonesia are tax exempt from income tax in America on their $500,00.00 + salaries.
Know the game before you sit down and play it.
America is getting played, by those that deal the cards.