Whereas, Our retired brethren have demonstrated years of, "on the clock inactivity" as given testimony in this forum; and
Whereas, Said retirees continue to display non-productive inactivity by posting on this forum when they should be doing something else; and
Whereas,All worker, young and old, can look up to slackers of the past as inspiration for the future.
Now Therefore,I Wally, by virtue of the authority vested in me, by me, as self appointed Czar of this thread, here do by proclaim, from this day forward, all retirees will hereby be granted full "on the clock" privileges, now and forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused no official seal.
Whereas, Our retired brethren have demonstrated years of, "on the clock inactivity" as given testimony in this forum; and
Whereas, Said retirees continue to display non-productive inactivity by posting on this forum when they should be doing something else; and
Whereas,All worker, young and old, can look up to slackers of the past as inspiration for the future.
Now Therefore,I Wally, by virtue of the authority vested in me, by me, as self appointed Czar of this thread, here do by proclaim, from this day forward, all retirees will hereby be granted full "on the clock" privileges, now and forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused no official seal.