Poop Head
Judge me.
Rediculous! I want a 90 min lunch!22.4? They have a 90 minute lunch
Rediculous! I want a 90 min lunch!22.4? They have a 90 minute lunch
How is that being selfish? Am I not allowed to want to be somewhere other than work while not getting paid? Life is short. I'll take getting out of work 30 mins earlier any day of the week. Apparently that's some sort of cardinal sin though.That’s a selfish attitude don’t you think? It’s out of your hands. It’s contractual. We all would like to get out earlier (management too for that matter) and if you are doing this then you’re just going to raise awareness to the lunch exceptions and put targets on peoples backs. But hey you got out 30 minutes earlier
Bid it....Rediculous! I want a 90 min lunch!
I take my half hour meal period and my two 10 minute breaks together, between the 3rd and 6th hour, no exceptions.Getting out 30 mins early really dont make that much off a difference bruh. I used to be on that runner gunner type ish, but over the three years I've been a cover I've made it a habbit to always take break at 1200 o clock no matter the route I'm on and i still get my businesses off on time along with my savers and scratch or come close to it. This job is easy you just need to take it one stop at a time and get bread.
On average I am told that I am two hours over allowed and under dispatched, whatever that means?
This job is easy and there is no pressure, if you just divorce yourself from the Company metrics and the notion that you have to be clocked out by 5:30 every day.
Permit the Company to leverage your personal life against your professional life, and they will own you.
hey buggerEver since IE stopped doing physical time studies, the numbers have been skewed.
It's been what.... 15 years since the implementation of EDD, and they still can't
differentiate between different suite #s or apts #s with the same common address.
An hour over, is the new scratch.
There are like (maybe) 4 different types of drivers;
1) Seasoned veterans (regardless of years) that they leave alone.
2) Drivers that are on routes with jacked-up numbers, that still try and appease
the company and can't ever win.
3) Drivers that are absolute Beta's, that the company knows they can abuse them.
4) New drivers.... that make an over the top effort, that will eventually learn.
On average I am told that I am two hours over allowed and under dispatched, whatever that means?
An OJS ride is a good way to set the bar because if you do the job the right way but your numbers don’t make sense then at least you have a baseline to fall back on.
Dude.... don't even go there.
When a management person can run the route, make service, and complete the
job assignment within the company time frame....
Why acknowledge them at all?I can’t speak for management not being able to pull routes scratch. I was able to on most in my last center. If I couldn’t scratch it then as long as it was what I felt was reasonable there wasn’t much to talk about. I mean why would I push a number I can’t demonstrate myself?
Why acknowledge them at all?
WTF happened here?Dude.... don't even go there.
When a management person can run the route, make service, and complete the
job assignment within the company time frame....
How would that contract language read....and how would it mesh with the "9.5 Opt-in List" language and scheduled pickups???Easy answer.
If you want to take your hour lunch than do it.
If you dont want to then dont.
You didn't answer my question???....and that makes no sense.From my understanding, as long as your break doesnt mess with nda your fine.
You can still opt on 9.5 even if you take your full contractual break.
If you dont take your break they are just going to fill the time with something else.
What are we going to do with these guys? Sorry, but lmfao.You didn't answer my question???....and that makes no sense.
What does the contract say? If it says to take your break or lunch at a certain time then you do it. We have to follow the contract as well or else how can we expect management to follow it?From my understanding, as long as your break doesnt mess with nda your fine.
You can still opt on 9.5 even if you take your full contractual break.
If you dont take your break they are just going to fill the time with something else.