Like Jangles said, we all may not agree on everything but we all voice our opinions on here and we agree to disagree. Some people are just miserable in life. Shame really but those are the people who crack me up with a good laugh and you really cant do anything with them because that's just their inner make up. Ive got him on ignore and haven't seen anything hes posted at all lmfao. Good looking out though G, don't let him get to you, your better than that amigo and the bigger person. We'll keep on trucking with jokes and shiznitt though, cause we don't give a

lmfao. 1 person aint going to stop the comedy train. Some people on here you actually look forward to talking with everyday and then there are those ones who are total peckerheads about everything who you could care less what they say or think because their world is full of misery and hate.