As a pretty high seniority driver in my feeder department, I usually got to pick most any week I wanted. I tried to include weeks that had a holiday in them (Memorial Day, Labor Day, July 4th, etc) because of the extra day's pay. Had a low seniority guy approach me last year and ask me to swap my July 4th week with him for the week afterward. His daughter played in a national softball tourney every July 4th, and that week was gone when he picked. I didn't have anything planned, so I agreed to swap with him. We negotiated. I agreed he had to bring me back a t-shirt from Colorado, and come thru with some deer sausage. (he's a big hunter). Deal was done. I didn't feel obligated to ask the 75 drivers between us if it was ok. If they wanted that week off, they could have asked me. As long as management knew about it and they could adjust the cover board accordingly, they didn't care either. Now that I think about it, he *never* did pony up that deer sausage!