Keep preaching the same lies!!
Hi Liam isn't it time to drop another audio?
You can't find a person besides yourself that believes 804 is better now! They all retired.
I heard the same things in 2012 when Tim and co were up for re-election. The sky was falling. But the members trusted Tim to negotiate a strong and fair contract not D or B or A or E.
And now the Funds are in good shape, a new local grievance panel is in place and we are winning 2/3s of them, 150 new FT jobs are being created and those retirees are enjoying their higher pensions. The same higher pension that both Old Guard slates (lead by b and d) said wasn't possible.
Are things perfect. No, but then again they werent ubder Ron either. DO the membership want to go backwards?? Absolutely not!! That is why Members United will prevail again.