Other Airlines Must Love This


Well-Known Member
Why do Trumpservatives think misusing big words that they can’t define makes them look smart in a debate? Am I supposed to be impressed by your use of “neomarxist?” Why don’t you define the word right now and explain its application to modern society. That’s right. Because you can’t. It only proves what we already think- that you’re poorly educated and brainwashed by right wing propaganda networks.
You are starting to sound like bacha! Switch it up a bit, it’s more interesting.


Well-Known Member
You are starting to sound like bacha! Switch it up a bit, it’s more interesting.
Sure. Let’s talk about your education and where you get your information-a topic I believe you’ve dodged three times now. Why are you afraid to answer my question?


Inordinately Right
Anything that doesn't leak from Rachel Maddow's face hole, or spew from the trash bin that is NPR, is automatically "far right propaganda" to these left wing cult members.


Well-Known Member
Sure. Let’s talk about your education and where you get your information-a topic I believe you’ve dodged three times now. Why are you afraid to answer my question?
Sir, don't lower yourself or waste your valuable time engaging MAGA's. After having had their Baconators and their daily course of Fox News they immediately undergo their daily transformation whereby they suddenly become scientists, epidemiologists, foreign service officers, prosecuting attorneys, sociologists, historians, criminal psychologists, industrial engineers, trade negotiators and on and on despite the fact that they've never spent a single minute in a classroom in the studt of so much as even one of those disciplines .

And if brought in front of a congressional committee or a court of law, they wouldn't even be seated let alone heard because their common knowledge that came courtesy solely of broadcast media simply lacks the depth and breadth to gain them the recognition and certification as experts they desperately yearn for but for them and for me as well as I near age 70....it's simply too late now.

You on the other hand had the vision and youth to see that the nation has and will continue to change as each new generation steps to the forefront along with the need for you to broaden and expand your intellectual horizon in response to that ongoing change It's not your fault that they too had the opportunity to do the same but out of their own free will and volition chose not to.


Well-Known Member
Sure. Let’s talk about your education and where you get your information-a topic I believe you’ve dodged three times now. Why are you afraid to answer my question?
You've admitted YOUR education hasn't made you any smarter(informed).....so who cares?

MOF, to some........not very good......

MOF your high level of education makes some wonder what in the world is going on at colleges......the only common denominator is far left communist/socialist/liberal Democrat.....anti-American sentiments. This is settled history.

Say, where do YOU get your information? Not CNN, MSNBC......so you say.......what websites do you frequent? I'd bet they are far left wing outlets. You'd probably call them "left leaning"....or some such. Or more likely "centrist". Like the Brookings Institute or a million others.


Well-Known Member
Sir, don't lower yourself or waste your valuable time engaging MAGA's. After having had their Baconators and their daily course of Fox News they immediately undergo their daily transformation whereby they suddenly become scientists, epidemiologists, foreign service officers, prosecuting attorneys, sociologists, historians, criminal psychologists, industrial engineers, trade negotiators and on and on despite the fact that they've never spent a single minute in a classroom in the studt of so much as even one of those disciplines .

And if brought in front of a congressional committee or a court of law, they wouldn't even be seated let alone heard because their common knowledge that came courtesy solely of broadcast media simply lacks the depth and breadth to gain them the recognition and certification as experts they desperately yearn for but for them and for me as well as I near age 70....it's simply too late now.

You on the other hand had the vision and youth to see that the nation has and will continue to change as each new generation steps to the forefront along with the need for you to broaden and expand your intellectual horizon in response to that ongoing change It's not your fault that they too had the opportunity to do the same but out of their own free will and volition chose not to.
My God....ya'll need a room?


Sir, don't lower yourself or waste your valuable time engaging liberals. After having their morning toke and tofu baconator.....

Jeez. The High and Mighty liberal.


Inordinately Right
Sir, don't lower yourself or waste your valuable time engaging MAGA's. After having had their Baconators and their daily course of Fox News they immediately undergo their daily transformation whereby they suddenly become scientists, epidemiologists, foreign service officers, prosecuting attorneys, sociologists, historians, criminal psychologists, industrial engineers, trade negotiators and on and on despite the fact that they've never spent a single minute in a classroom in the studt of so much as even one of those disciplines .

And if brought in front of a congressional committee or a court of law, they wouldn't even be seated let alone heard because their common knowledge that came courtesy solely of broadcast media simply lacks the depth and breadth to gain them the recognition and certification as experts they desperately yearn for but for them and for me as well as I near age 70....it's simply too late now.

You on the other hand had the vision and youth to see that the nation has and will continue to change as each new generation steps to the forefront along with the need for you to broaden and expand your intellectual horizon in response to that ongoing change It's not your fault that they too had the opportunity to do the same but out of their own free will and volition chose not to.
blah blah blah

same rambling garbage as always

zero substance, abundance of insults and whining


Well-Known Member
Sir, don't lower yourself or waste your valuable time engaging MAGA's. After having had their Baconators and their daily course of Fox News they immediately undergo their daily transformation whereby they suddenly become scientists, epidemiologists, foreign service officers, prosecuting attorneys, sociologists, historians, criminal psychologists, industrial engineers, trade negotiators and on and on despite the fact that they've never spent a single minute in a classroom in the studt of so much as even one of those disciplines .

And if brought in front of a congressional committee or a court of law, they wouldn't even be seated let alone heard because their common knowledge that came courtesy solely of broadcast media simply lacks the depth and breadth to gain them the recognition and certification as experts they desperately yearn for but for them and for me as well as I near age 70....it's simply too late now.

You on the other hand had the vision and youth to see that the nation has and will continue to change as each new generation steps to the forefront along with the need for you to broaden and expand your intellectual horizon in response to that ongoing change It's not your fault that they too had the opportunity to do the same but out of their own free will and volition chose not to.
Very well said. This forum could be a case study on the Dunning-Kruger Effect. These people laugh at me for saying that I defer to more qualified people when dealing with extremely intricate and complex concepts like climatology and/or medicine. Instead, they watch YouTube or Rumble videos about the aforementioned topics and decide that they themselves are actually the experts and the people who spent a decade studying their fields are simply the brainwashed ones. They’re the ones who REALLY understand Covid despite the fact that it would take infectious disease experts DECADES to learn about a novel virus. They’re the ones who REALLY know what’s “going on in our schools” despite the fact that I work in one and they haven’t set foot in one for 40 years. How do they know? Well, they won’t reveal that because they know they’re basing their info off of whatever far right website they were browsing. At least Fred’s Myth had the balls to admit he uses Daily Wire as a source instead of declining to answer and pretending to still wield expertise. They know too little to even understand the scope of how little they know. Orwellian for sure.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Very well said. This forum could be a case study on the Dunning-Kruger Effect. These people laugh at me for saying that I defer to more qualified people when dealing with extremely intricate and complex concepts like climatology and/or medicine. Instead, they watch YouTube or Rumble videos about the aforementioned topics and decide that they themselves are actually the experts and the people who spent a decade studying their fields are simply the brainwashed ones. They’re the ones who REALLY understand Covid despite the fact that it would take infectious disease experts DECADES to learn about a novel virus. They’re the ones who REALLY know what’s “going on in our schools” despite the fact that I work in one and they haven’t set foot in one for 40 years. How do they know? Well, they won’t reveal that because they know they’re basing their info off of whatever far right website they were browsing. At least Fred’s Myth had the balls to admit he uses Daily Wire as a source instead of declining to answer and pretending to still wield expertise. They know too little to even understand the scope of how little they know. Orwellian for sure.
You have officially crossed over into MFE/bacha-land.

Hope all your shots are up to date. Prayers!


Well-Known Member
Sir, don't lower yourself or waste your valuable time engaging MAGA's. After having had their Baconators and their daily course of Fox News they immediately undergo their daily transformation whereby they suddenly become scientists, epidemiologists, foreign service officers, prosecuting attorneys, sociologists, historians, criminal psychologists, industrial engineers, trade negotiators and on and on despite the fact that they've never spent a single minute in a classroom in the studt of so much as even one of those disciplines .

And if brought in front of a congressional committee or a court of law, they wouldn't even be seated let alone heard because their common knowledge that came courtesy solely of broadcast media simply lacks the depth and breadth to gain them the recognition and certification as experts they desperately yearn for but for them and for me as well as I near age 70....it's simply too late now.

You on the other hand had the vision and youth to see that the nation has and will continue to change as each new generation steps to the forefront along with the need for you to broaden and expand your intellectual horizon in response to that ongoing change It's not your fault that they too had the opportunity to do the same but out of their own free will and volition chose not to.
I’ll admit you are way smarter than everyone on this forum. I’ve learned so much from you and ab381! It’s amazing that y’all stoop so low to try and educate us about climate, politics, etc.. I just have one issue with you, what’s wrong with a baconator? It’s a delicious burger!


Well-Known Member
I’ll admit you are way smarter than everyone on this forum. I’ve learned so much from you and ab381! It’s amazing that y’all stoop so low to try and educate us about climate, politics, etc.. I just have one issue with you, what’s wrong with a baconator? It’s a delicious burger!
Still won’t tell me, huh?


Well-Known Member
Very well said. This forum could be a case study on the Dunning-Kruger Effect. These people laugh at me for saying that I defer to more qualified people when dealing with extremely intricate and complex concepts like climatology and/or medicine. Instead, they watch YouTube or Rumble videos about the aforementioned topics and decide that they themselves are actually the experts and the people who spent a decade studying their fields are simply the brainwashed ones. They’re the ones who REALLY understand Covid despite the fact that it would take infectious disease experts DECADES to learn about a novel virus. They’re the ones who REALLY know what’s “going on in our schools” despite the fact that I work in one and they haven’t set foot in one for 40 years. How do they know? Well, they won’t reveal that because they know they’re basing their info off of whatever far right website they were browsing. At least Fred’s Myth had the balls to admit he uses Daily Wire as a source instead of declining to answer and pretending to still wield expertise. They know too little to even understand the scope of how little they know. Orwellian for sure.
I substitute teach. Have four Associates. In class just last week.
Tell me what I don't know.


Inordinately Right
Tell you what? Please name one country we’re socialism was a success.


Engorged Member
Very well said. This forum could be a case study on the Dunning-Kruger Effect. These people laugh at me for saying that I defer to more qualified people when dealing with extremely intricate and complex concepts like climatology and/or medicine. Instead, they watch YouTube or Rumble videos about the aforementioned topics and decide that they themselves are actually the experts and the people who spent a decade studying their fields are simply the brainwashed ones. They’re the ones who REALLY understand Covid despite the fact that it would take infectious disease experts DECADES to learn about a novel virus. They’re the ones who REALLY know what’s “going on in our schools” despite the fact that I work in one and they haven’t set foot in one for 40 years. How do they know? Well, they won’t reveal that because the etc.

y know they’re basing their info off of whatever far right website they were browsing. At least Fred’s Myth had the balls to admit he uses Daily Wire as a source instead of declining to answer and pretending to still wield expertise. They know too little to even understand the scope of how little they know. Orwellian for sure.
One of the best illustrations of Conservative "science" is the theory that states the speed of light is actually variable, not constant. It is always advanced by creationist "scientists", many of whom have no scientific degree whatsoever. This conveniently explains away the fact that the stars we see at night are not actually millions or hundreds of millions of light years old, but actually less than 6.000 years old, as in the Young Earth Creationist Theory.
Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary by REAL astrophysicists, the variable speed of light theory persists because it suits the needs of those who desperately want us to think our planet is "young". Yep, dinosaurs are either fake or became extinct a few thousand years ago, The Grand Canyon was cut by Noah's Flood etc. Think Ken Ham's creationist museum where children had pet dinos.
To your point, all it takes is someone on YouTube who claims to be qualified, giving them the "answers" they want to hear, even if there is zero basis in fact to support what they're claiming.
It's shocking how gullible and desperate people can get when they need to "prove" something.