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Well-Known Member
Tell you what? Please name one country we’re socialism was a success.
Sure. Canada, all of Scandinavia, New Zealand. Need any more? What’s your source of information, and what is your education? Are you going to decline to answer for a fourth time? Why are you so scared?


Well-Known Member
Sure. Canada, all of Scandinavia, New Zealand. Need any more? What’s your source of information, and what is your education? Are you going to decline to answer for a fourth time? Why are you so scared?
What would you call China, North Korea?


Well-Known Member
One of the best illustrations of Conservative "science" is the theory that states the speed of light is actually variable, not constant. It is always advanced by creationist "scientists", many of whom have no scientific degree whatsoever. This conveniently explains away the fact that the stars we see at night are not actually millions or hundreds of millions of light years old, but actually less than 6.000 years old, as in the Young Earth Creationist Theory.
Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary by REAL astrophysicists, the variable speed of light theory persists because it suits the needs of those who desperately want us to think our planet is "young". Yep, dinosaurs are either fake or became extinct a few thousand years ago, The Grand Canyon was cut by Noah's Flood etc. Think Ken Ham's creationist museum where children had pet dinos.
To your point, all it takes is someone on YouTube who claims to be qualified, giving them the "answers" they want to hear, even if there is zero basis in fact to support what they're claiming.
It's shocking how gullible and desperate people can get when they need to "prove" something.
There are as few people you describe as there are transgender......not worth talking about.

You badly underestimate your enemy.......


Well-Known Member
Communists, not Socialist Lite. China combines capitalism and Communism.
No such thing. It's all owned by the State. Oh, they make money........you will say......but the State decides who gets rich. At the point of a gun or concentration camp(these are your Gods).....Sound good?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
LOL @ “intellectual honesty.” You posted from a site famous for lies and misinformation. Anytime you ask a Trumpservative where they get their information, it always ends up being from some long-ago discredited website/paper with zero journalistic standards.
And we end up with progressives who blather on and on about the source rather whatever it is that the other poster is talking about.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
“Far left” means anything that isn’t outright fascism. Biden would be considered right wing in any European country, but the Trumpservatives on here truly believe he’s a communist without a scintilla of evidence. They can’t even define the word when asked. It just goes to show you how a Fox News education teaches you nothing on civics and plenty on propaganda.
No, most people just recognize that he's a senile old frail idiot who, if he were of a different political stripe, would be having his mental and physical fitness to hold office questioned daily by major media outlets.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Bringing in jobs that pay less than 15 an hour they are still going without. Why give billion dollar companies tax breaks to pay 11 an hour?
Where are all these $15 an hour jobs in the Nashville area that got brought in via tax breaks???

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I know what it means. I want you to define it for me, but you can’t, and that’s why you’re dodging the question.
I like how you don't really answer questions, but like to ask them and complain when they aren't answered. Bravo.


Well-Known Member
No, most people just recognize that he's a senile old frail idiot who, if he were of a different political stripe, would be having his mental and physical fitness to hold office questioned daily by major media outlets.
And your boy lost to him by 7 million votes 🤣🤣🤣. Seriously, how do you lose to Joe Biden in a general election? Some messiah you all got there.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Instead, they watch YouTube or Rumble videos about the aforementioned topics and decide that they themselves are actually the experts and the people who spent a decade studying their fields are simply the brainwashed ones.
Sometimes we point out when the people who spent a decade in their field are wrong and you take offense.

You don't have to be a scientist to realize that when someone says something will happen in 10 years, but it doesn't, that the prediction is wrong.

They’re the ones who REALLY understand Covid despite the fact that it would take infectious disease experts DECADES to learn about a novel virus.
They're the ones who said that the experts don't really know about it because it's new. Thanks for confirming that they were right!

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
One of the best illustrations of Conservative "science" is the theory that states the speed of light is actually variable, not constant. It is always advanced by creationist "scientists", many of whom have no scientific degree whatsoever. This conveniently explains away the fact that the stars we see at night are not actually millions or hundreds of millions of light years old, but actually less than 6.000 years old, as in the Young Earth Creationist Theory.
Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary by REAL astrophysicists, the variable speed of light theory persists because it suits the needs of those who desperately want us to think our planet is "young". Yep, dinosaurs are either fake or became extinct a few thousand years ago, The Grand Canyon was cut by Noah's Flood etc. Think Ken Ham's creationist museum where children had pet dinos.
To your point, all it takes is someone on YouTube who claims to be qualified, giving them the "answers" they want to hear, even if there is zero basis in fact to support what they're claiming.
It's shocking how gullible and desperate people can get when they need to "prove" something.

Here's MF with his this is what conservatives believe about the speed of light. Meanwhile, the conservative who supposedly believe this are wondering what the hell he's babbling about because none of have ever heard of it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
And your boy lost to him by 7 million votes 🤣🤣🤣. Seriously, how do you lose to Joe Biden in a general election? Some messiah you all got there.
Wow. I was talking about Biden's obvious physical and mental issues and how he gets a pass because he's a Democrat, and you are TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP.

"What about this? What about that?"