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Well-Known Member
SS and Medicare are self funded. They are in danger of reductions because their trust funds are depleting. But that has nothing to do with the overspending I'm talking about. $31 trillion in debt yet the administration balks at necessary spending cuts in order to avoid default. Comes up with things like spending half a trillion on student loan debt relief for people with good incomes. Spends who knows how much supporting millions of illegal aliens he let in without vetting. Gives pretty much a blank check to Ukraine. When does it end? Hopefully with the next administration.
Look, when it comes to the problems of this nation, I'm not interested in hearing you TALKING about it. I'm only interested in what you're DOING about it.

Now Mr. Fedex and I continue to pay estimated taxes and will likely do so far later into our lives than we probably should have had to. Now that in and of itself isn't much but it's a hell of a lot more than what you're doing.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You keep talking about overspending. Don't you get it. Your party claims that entitlements are responsible for the overspending. On the basis of your comments it would appear that you favor entitlement reform. Now are you OK with the fact that entitlement reform could result in you receiving far fewer benefits than you were counting? Lower monthly SS benefit with much higher Medicare premiums higher deductibles, copays and maximum out of pocket to the point where there is no SS benefit left.

So don't think for a minute that the strict eligibility reform your party demands will somehow spare you from it's impact.
That’s dog poop


Well-Known Member
Look, when it comes to the problems of this nation, I'm not interested in hearing you TALKING about it. I'm only interested in what you're DOING about it.

Now Mr. Fedex and I continue to pay estimated taxes and will likely do so far later into our lives than we probably should have had to. Now that in and of itself isn't much but it's a hell of a lot more than what you're doing.
I'm leading the good fight against idiots who think throwing money at problems with no accountability is the way to go. That's a hell of lot more than what you're DOING about it.


Well-Known Member
Global warming isn’t real? Please cite your sources.

Never said it wasn't real. But I very strongly suspect the so-called facts on that subject are incomplete and intentionally misrepresented.

Why would I be skeptical about what those people say?

Cuz the same people using Climate Change as a cudgel are the same people who cannot define what a woman is, and are asserting the biological impossibility that men can be women, and women can be men.

Yeah, I know, "trust the science", right?



Well-Known Member
Never said it wasn't real. But I very strongly suspect the so-called facts on that subject are incomplete and intentionally misrepresented.

Why would I be skeptical about what those people say?

Cuz the same people using Climate Change as a cudgel are the same people who cannot define what a woman is, and are asserting the biological impossibility that men can be women, and women can be men.

Yeah, I know, "trust the science", right?

And for some reason those same people insist the way to combat climate change is to bring in a socialist economic system. They wouldn't be using climate change as a means to an end would they?


Well-Known Member
I'm leading the good fight against idiots who think throwing money at problems with no accountability is the way to go. That's a hell of lot more than what you're DOING about it.
And just exactly how are you LEADING that "good" fight. Go to Treasury.gov/Fiscal Data. There you will find how and where the US government spent public dollars in 2022. It will tell you what percentage of the total budget went to each area what agency it went to and how and where each agency spent it budget allocation.

I challenge you to go into that federal budget and show me and everyone else on here just exactly where the over spending you claim occurred along with just exactly where spending occurred that was not mandated by law. Have fun finding the corroborated data that will support your claims. That's if you can pull yourself away from your Fox News tv screen long enough to do it.


Well-Known Member
And just exactly how are you LEADING that "good" fight. Go to Treasury.gov/Fiscal Data. There you will find how and where the US government spent public dollars in 2022. It will tell you what percentage of the total budget went to each area what agency it went to and how and where each agency spent it budget allocation.

I challenge you to go into that federal budget and show me and everyone else on here just exactly where the over spending you claim occurred along with just exactly where spending occurred that was not mandated by law. Have fun finding the corroborated data that will support your claims. That's if you can pull yourself away from your Fox News tv screen long enough to do it.
I'm fighting the good fight by prodding you to make your ridiculous claims. Allows everyone to see what liberalism gets them. All it will take to turn things around is to elect a Republican super majority in both houses and a Republican president to get spending under control. And don't tell me that there's nowhere to cut. A number of Congressmen put out annual reports on waste. You've never heard of pork barrel spending? You've never heard of waste, fraud, and abuse? Cronyism? You haven't heard how much in interest we're now paying to service the debt? Geez man, stop watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.


Well-Known Member
I'm fighting the good fight by prodding you to make your ridiculous claims. Allows everyone to see what liberalism gets you. All it will take to turn things around is to elect a Republican super majority in both houses and a Republican president to get spending under control. And don't tell me that there's nowhere to cut. A number of Congressmen put out annual reports on waste. You've never heard of pork barrel spending? You've never heard of waste, fraud, and abuse? Cronyism? You haven't heard how much in interest we're now paying to service the debt? Geez man, stop watching Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.
When the day comes when I turn on C-SPAN and I see you sitting before the House Appropriations Committee identifying for the record specific line items in the federal budget that are either not mandated by law or have exceeded their budgetary appropriation and cannot be properly explained or justified then and only then will I consider your point of view regarding public spending worth paying attention to.


Well-Known Member
When the day comes when I turn on C-SPAN and I see you sitting before the House Appropriations Committee identifying for the record specific line items in the federal budget that are either not mandated by law or have exceeded their budgetary appropriation and cannot be properly explained or justified then and only then will I consider your point of view regarding public spending worth paying attention to.
Likewise amigo.


Well-Known Member
Never said it wasn't real. But I very strongly suspect the so-called facts on that subject are incomplete and intentionally misrepresented.

Why would I be skeptical about what those people say?

Cuz the same people using Climate Change as a cudgel are the same people who cannot define what a woman is, and are asserting the biological impossibility that men can be women, and women can be men.

Yeah, I know, "trust the science", right?

What’s your scientific background?


Engorged Member
I'm leading the good fight against idiots who think throwing money at problems with no accountability is the way to go. That's a hell of lot more than what you're DOING about it.
Again. Republicans and their Orange God are infallible and never guilty of anything but good intentions.
You're the one who made the original statement. You're not bloviating are you?
Let's see. Who is Annoying Orange and known for bloviation,fornication,obsfucation and prevarication? And who here always has his back? Always.


Engorged Member
What’s your scientific background?
Where I live, the local lakes and rivers regularly iced over each Winter at the turn of the century, and we had significant snow every year. Within 125 years, that has all changed, and we haven't had a lake ice over in the past 45 years. Summers are significantly warmer and longer, and temperature records have been broken in each of the past 3 years for heat. It's an anecdotal experience, but backed up 100% by scientific data/weather records.


Well-Known Member
Again. Republicans and their Orange God are infallible and never guilty of anything but good intentions.

Let's see. Who is Annoying Orange and known for bloviation,fornication,obsfucation and prevarication? And who here always has his back? Always.
And where in any of that did I mention Trump? You make it up as you go. You don't seem to know anything about policy, just attack personally. If that's all you got then yes, what's the point of you discussing anything?


Well-Known Member
Let's see. Who is Annoying Orange and known for bloviation,fornication,obsfucation and prevarication? And who here always has his back? Always.
Franklin Graham has compared him to Jesus Christ on numerous occasions, so at least our friend isn’t that far gone