Other Airlines Must Love This


Well-Known Member
My scientific background is and will always be bigger and better than your scientific background.

Also, I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

But you can believe in climate change and that men can be women if you want to.
Do you bigots ever get tired of crying about the same things day after day after day? How does someone having a crisis of gender identity affect your life in any way whatsoever? Is your white bread, pampered psyche so fragile that the existence of someone different from you in society is that much of a hardship for you to bear? Seriously, go get a pacifier.


Inordinately Right
Do you bigots ever get tired of crying about the same things day after day after day? How does someone having a crisis of gender identity affect your life in any way whatsoever? Is your white bread, pampered psyche so fragile that the existence of someone different from you in society is that much of a hardship for you to bear? Seriously, go get a pacifier.
So much hate in your heart.
Must suck to live like that.
I will pray for you my good friend


Well-Known Member
Where I live, the local lakes and rivers regularly iced over each Winter at the turn of the century, and we had significant snow every year. Within 125 years, that has all changed, and we haven't had a lake ice over in the past 45 years. Summers are significantly warmer and longer, and temperature records have been broken in each of the past 3 years for heat. It's an anecdotal experience, but backed up 100% by scientific data/weather records.
Yeah, it’s undeniable. The Pacific Northwest averages upper 70s in the summer months but in 2021 had multiple days in a row where the high was 115+. That’s forty degrees above average. The pavement was breaking apart from the heat. But no, it’s not real. It’s just something made up to take rights from “hard werkin taxpayers.”


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it’s undeniable. The Pacific Northwest averages upper 70s in the summer months but in 2021 had multiple days in a row where the high was 115+. That’s forty degrees above average. The pavement was breaking apart from the heat. But no, it’s not real. It’s just something made up to take rights from “hard werkin taxpayers.”
I’m sure that’s never happened before in the last billion of years. You guys are so dramatic and always looking for a crisis to keep you living in fear.


Well-Known Member
Where I live, the local lakes and rivers regularly iced over each Winter at the turn of the century, and we had significant snow every year. Within 125 years, that has all changed, and we haven't had a lake ice over in the past 45 years. Summers are significantly warmer and longer, and temperature records have been broken in each of the past 3 years for heat. It's an anecdotal experience, but backed up 100% by scientific data/weather records.
Here in the Mid Atlantic region, last winter we had zero snow. And only 2 or 3 days of traditional winter temperatures. In addition we are clearly headed for a third consecutive dry summer. Problem with that is that portions of the Upper Great Plains are becoming so dry that they are not expected to be ag commodity production areas for much longer. As a result the Mid Atlantic region is being looked to for making up for the lost production in that area but I don' see how. Fortunately for me there's a year round flowing spring where I can get garden water but you have to get there early before the tankers so from as far as 30 miles away start lining up. The neighbors are all asking if I'll have extra for them this summer. I told them that if they're willing to cook with raw agricultural produce which requires a lot more work I'll plant extra that they can have free of charge. Trouble is these clear dry low humidity nights are creating late spring frosts and things like onion sets and seed potatoes are getting hard to find.

No question the nation in many different ways is changing and evolving.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Do you bigots ever get tired of crying about the same things day after day after day? How does someone having a crisis of gender identity affect your life in any way whatsoever? Is your white bread, pampered psyche so fragile that the existence of someone different from you in society is that much of a hardship for you to bear? Seriously, go get a pacifier.
Yes, if we all just acquiesced to the demands of every mentally ill group that comes along as they strive to dismantle a functioning society by reshaping our children into their warped self-image.

We still wouldn't get along, because their agenda isn't acceptance, it's control of the narrative.


Engorged Member
I’m sure that’s never happened before in the last billion of years. You guys are so dramatic and always looking for a crisis to keep you living in fear.
The issue is the compressed time frame, which happens to coincide with the Industrial Revolution and the widespread use of fossil fuels. Core ice from the Arctic (much like rings in a tree) confirms this, which is explained away by "climate cycles" and the usual nonsense spouted by deniers. Others are "liberal scientists", "falsified data". It goes on and on. Much like smoking was denied for years as a carcinogen. Rush Limbaugh, who died of lung cancer, steadfastly maintained that there was no proof smoking caused cancer. Perfect example of the denier mindset.


Well-Known Member
Yes, if we all just acquiesced to the demands of every mentally ill group that comes along as they strive to dismantle a functioning society by reshaping our children into their warped self-image.

We still wouldn't get along, because their agenda isn't acceptance, it's control of the narrative.
What "narrative?" What are you even talking about?


Well-Known Member
I’m sure that’s never happened before in the last billion of years. You guys are so dramatic and always looking for a crisis to keep you living in fear.
That's funny coming from people who arm themselves to the teeth in preparation for...some imaginary war that doesn't exist outside of your Fox News bubble.


Well-Known Member
How does someone having a crisis of gender identity affect your life in any way whatsoever?

None whatsoever. They are mentally ill, didn't ask to be so, and can't help themselves.

The problem lies in that politicians have seized upon the delusions of the mentally ill, and are attempting to challenge and rewrite fundamental scientific facts.

They are also attempting to redefine the definitions of words, and demanding that the rest of society participate in this delusion.

Some of us are old enough to remember reading in school being warned of the coming Ice Age. Then that somehow turned into Global Warming, and then to Climate Change. I am genuinely interested in what the next made-up crisis will be called.

On a planet of constant change and evolution we cannot control the climate. Men cannot be women. The Emperor Has No Clothes.

I am more than happy for others to eat a cricket burger in order to change the weather. They can also cheer on male athletes while they smash women's records.

I would plead to them to leave me out of it. But they won't. Because they're bullies.
How does someone having a crisis of gender identity affect your life in any way whatsoever?

I would ask of you: how does someone having a different opinion than you affect your life in any way whatsoever?


Well-Known Member
That's funny coming from people who arm themselves to the teeth in preparation for...some imaginary war that doesn't exist outside of your Fox News bubble.

I think that the ordinary people who were physically assaulted, had their businesses looted, and their homes destroyed during the "mostly peaceful protests" would disagree that we are in an "imaginary war."


Engorged Member
Yes, if we all just acquiesced to the demands of every mentally ill group that comes along as they strive to dismantle a functioning society by reshaping our children into their warped self-image.

We still wouldn't get along, because their agenda isn't acceptance, it's control of the narrative.
Amazing. You just described the Conservative movement perfectly. A flawless self-own.
My scientific background is and will always be bigger and better than your scientific background.

Also, I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

But you can believe in climate change and that men can be women if you want to.
Big polluters are experts at utilizing the "Merchants of Doubt" playbook. They fully know the Climate Change is real, but want to protect their product or service. Fringe scientists, company-paid shills, and outright cranks (the 3%) are ether hired or utilized as contrasting "evidence" against the 97% of scientists who know and have proven it's real. Many of the 3% aren't even scientists, but as long as their false data supports The Narrative, it's all good.
Clean Coal, Eco-Friendly Aircraft, and Green Power typify sloganeering and pretend campaigns to be environmentally responsible, Trucking companies buy a handful of electric trucks, airlines fly a couple of flights on alternative biofuels, and railroads use a small number of hybrid locomotives etc. This makes it seem like they're tracking toward full-scale implementation of alternative fuels, which is false. It's mostly PR, with some effort directed at possibly finding an economical alternative. And it's always about the money because none of these mini-efforts pencil out profit wise.
The one company that seems to actually be walking its talk is Amazon. I see a lot of the new Rivian electric delivery vans and quite a few CNG city tractors in actual use, not just in ad campaigns.
Railing against the majority opinion(s) seems to be fertile ground for conservatives, who will seize on anything to protect Big Businesses, streamline or end regulations, and generally uphold unfettered economic activity, even if its really bad for the environment. It's what you do.
Profits are great, but not of they kill the planet (and us) in the process. Carry on with the denial and rely on the crank scientists who have a degree in theology or philosophy rather than the Environmental Sciences PhD from Cal/Berkeley who has 40 years of reliable data. He/she cannot possibly be correct because they are probably a liberal and hate America and Exxon.
Remember, protect The Narrative.


Well-Known Member
None whatsoever. They are mentally ill, didn't ask to be so, and can't help themselves.

The problem lies in that politicians have seized upon the delusions of the mentally ill, and are attempting to challenge and rewrite fundamental scientific facts.

They are also attempting to redefine the definitions of words, and demanding that the rest of society participate in this delusion.

Some of us are old enough to remember reading in school being warned of the coming Ice Age. Then that somehow turned into Global Warming, and then to Climate Change. I am genuinely interested in what the next made-up crisis will be called.

On a planet of constant change and evolution we cannot control the climate. Men cannot be women. The Emperor Has No Clothes.

I am more than happy for others to eat a cricket burger in order to change the weather. They can also cheer on male athletes while they smash women's records.

I would plead to them to leave me out of it. But they won't. Because they're bullies.

I would ask of you: how does someone having a different opinion than you affect your life in any way whatsoever?
It doesn’t. That’s why you’re going on mute because you have nothing of substance to say other than bigotry and made-up grievances.


Well-Known Member
It doesn’t. That’s why you’re going on mute because you have nothing of substance to say other than bigotry and made-up grievances.

Before you do that, I think that we should pause and reflect why we are all here to begin with.

We are all past and present FedEx-ers.

None of us are sooo stupid or gullible that we were fooled by Fat Freddy.

With that much in common, we can all have some measure of respect for one another.


Well-Known Member
Before you do that, I think that we should pause and reflect why we are all here to begin with.

We are all past and present FedEx-ers.

None of us are sooo stupid or gullible that we were fooled by Fat Freddy.

With that much in common, we can all have some measure of respect for one another.
You make a very good point. I apologize for being a jerk.